SPO4 Iswantus, Sharpshooter (2)

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I ask the inspector... “I'm especially curious as to why that fugitive's seemingly invincible.” “I knew you would say that, sir. The reason why he has that reputation is that he likes to boast that he's behind seven proxy-barriers, which any expert on magical defenses will say is total balderdash. “But one day, when my entire precinct's retinue of officers finally accosted him while we were on an on-duty break outside of town, we all engaged in a showdown with him. “No matter how much we attacked him, there were always several invisible barriers surrounding him. Or maybe just one. Whatever the case maybe, the way he puts up his barrier or barriers is so quick that our reaction time could not keep up with it. “We've tried everything. Light attacks, heavy attacks, barrage of arrows, barrage of spells, perfectly-timed strikes... we just couldn't put a dent on the barriers. “With his notorious reputation, he got away with so many crimes big and small. The other day, two of my men tried to arrest him for the crime of stealing a little child's lollipop, but his wily tactics like diverting them into a road full of animal dung and taking advantage of 'mob mentality' made him got away... for how many times only the Most High knows.” So, that criminal's really skilled... and he has the cojones and guts to match. And thus, I reply to the inspector... “Hmm... the way he amps up his invincibility game is of great interest to me.” “Why do you say that?” “As one of the old pre-kingdom stories says, something invincible can't really be all that invincible. It must have what is called the Achilles heel, or a minor yet glaring weakness for those not well-versed in old mythology.” “I see. I've heard of that term, but we at the precinct haven't thought of that strategy.” “Then we should do it. And before you ask, I'm taking up on this quest.” “Great! Thanks. And perfect timing, too; for your client has just arrived here.” As the guild mistress confirms the quest via a special magical link that connects to this town's adventurer's guild, which is just two blocks away... My client, SPO4 Christian Iswantus, enters the scene alongside his buddy, who has some bandages on his face. “Sir, good day.” He and his buddy do a firm salute to their direct superior. “Good day to you two, Iswantus and Mangacop. By the way, the adventurer you are hiring is now here. Please introduce yourselves to him.” “Affirmative, sir.” Like every other constabulary officer in the kingdom, my client wears a standard-issue blue and khaki outfit, with the insignia bearing his rank attached to both of the outfit's shoulder pads. Knowing that each officer has a preferred method of fighting, they are given their own weapon of choice when they join the constabulary force. In my client's case, he has a longbow that he carries on his back with a strap. He also has a quiver of arrows attached to his belt on his off-hand side. His buddy, meanwhile, carries a crossbow on his right shoulder via a ready-made sling, with his own quiver of bolts attached to his belt on his off-hand side. I give my usual courtesy to them, which is offering and receiving a firm handshake, after showing them my adventurer's identification badge to confirm my identity. “Nice to meet you, Sir Walter Deschantes. I am SPO4 Christian Iswantus of the Royal Constabulary, currently stationed here in Fiaco.” “And I'm SPO3 Dexter Mangacop. If you are guessing why I'm bandaged up like this, it's because I was the victim of that man who took advantage of mob mentality to get away with his shenanigans.” I ask them... “Is he the same guy who boasts of his invincibility?” “Yes.” The inspector then instructs... “Alright then, everyone. May everyone be seated. Find a spot where you can find yourselves comfortable.” Inspector Mills brings out a scroll that displays the profile of our common target. “Everyone, especially Sir Deschantes, here is the profile of Esteban Abada Guy, the criminal we are pursuing. He also goes by the aliases Throwawee Akht and Angma Tanda'ah. “I'm sure I've explained how he keeps up his invincibility, and Iswantus and Mangacop also have prior knowledge of it. “Now for his profile, as compiled by HQ. “He is born on the 14th of Godmonth, 990 CE. Place of birth unknown, as even his own family disowns him. He used to be a painter, until something changed him to become a criminal of many sorts that he is known as today. “He has standing arrest warrants for the following crimes: Death threats against persons he vehemently dislikes; familicide; slander; rape-murder; and, most recently, stealing candy from a child.” I ask the inspector... “I'm quite curious on the specifics of some of those crimes he committed.” “Oh, you're quite the inquisitive one, eh? Well, for one, he once threatened someone to drink bleach alongside the medication that guy he threatened takes regularly – which, as everyone should know, is poisonous and deadly. Another crime he committed is that he slit the wrists and throats of the entire family of a man he randomly hated. And the worst of all, he raped and then killed a woman who was just looking for a one-night stand with a single, uncommitted man – just because he called her a desperate whore.” He's an unhinged man, alright. Unhinged may be too kind of a word to describe him, really. “So the mission should be clear: Hunt him down. And if he resists, he needs to be dealt with, considering those barriers. If you can come up with strategies to deactivate those barriers, especially you, Sir Deschantes, it will prove useful to us in the future. There is no specific time frame for this mission, by the way; so you can take your time as long as he is still at large. That is all. Dismissed.” “Sir!” The two officers stand up, giving another salute to their superior before leaving the precinct. I follow them as per quest protocol. As the three of us walk casually within town, SPO3 Mangacop, the officer who was the victim of mob mentality, asks me... “From the looks of you, Mr. Walter, you seem to be a veteran adventurer. How sure are you that you can shatter those barriers of our target?” “I'm confident in my skills; but at the same time, I have to adopt new tactics. You may never know... he may have another ace up his sleeve.” “I think you're right. Unpredictability can make or break an operation, that's all.” SPO4 Iswantus then cuts in. “And before I forget, Sir Walter, I mentioned in the quest brief that you will also ally with the Tactical Strikers Team I lead.” Ah, I still remember that. The Tactical Strikers are the most elite of the kingdom's constabulary officers in terms of combat skills, for they have been trained to deal with high-risk operations such as hostage takings. One team is assigned per town, and these teams can coordinate with other law enforcers, and especially authorized professional adventurers, to deal with each unique high-risk assignment. I feel that with my own experience, these Strikers can learn at least a thing or two from me in dealing with dangerous situations. “They should be waiting at the nearby pasta and noodle restaurant. Feeling hungry yet?” “Not quite, but I would like to maintain my energy levels, thank you very much.” And eventually, here we are. At the front of The Long Life Pasta and Noodle Restaurant. SPO4 Iswantus explains... “This is the same hole-in-the-wall restaurant where I last spotted him not too long ago. I saw him stealing a lollipop from a child when I told him that he should've dined at that restaurant instead to ward off his hunger.” That's a vile crime, alright. Next to murder and rape. “So, my friends, shall we go in?” “Why not?” And thus, we enter the restaurant.
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