Chapter- 3

970 Words
Lily had already prepared a list of to dos to increase her work productivity. Household chores done, lunch preparation done, paintings one is still left, surprise party…? She had almost forgotten about it. She would be throwing a small party to celebrate zio’s first day in school. Thanking her lucky stars she got to work on it. She went to attic and then smiled when she saw the neatly labeled boxes. She patted my back for doing this arduous and irritating job of sorting out decorations past week. During the whole time she was grumbling and complaining but now she was giddy with joy when she got to reap the benefit from it. Maneuvering through the boxes she picked up white colored box labeled with her son’s messy hand writing; His favorite decoration, fairy lights. She quickly brought down the box and started arranging the lights. Sending invitation messages was the last task on her list and once done with it she took a shower locked her home and went out. She had her camera along with some other necessities. Since zio she never dared to venture out without preparations. Her carry bag would contain some protein bars, a miniature first aid kit and a bottle of water. She had learned her lessons the hard way. She grimaced when she remembered what made her carry these items. Zio was three and they were returning from park. She was walking on the pavement with hands firmly gripping stroller bars. Occasionally she would look around to make sure that everything was fine. She had just turned her head sideways when she felt someone ram in her back. The impact was hard and they both fell on the concrete path. Her hands had let of the stroller and she watched it slide away. In a panicked state she ran and was almost in time to save the stroller from hitting the wall. Everything had happened suddenly and she was still in a shocked state. When she had relaxed enough she took notice of her injuries. She had deep cut in her left leg and it was bleeding heavily. She was anemic and knew what would happen if she lost too much blood. She was starting to feel dizzy from the blood loss. She called her friend and told her to come quickly. By the time her friend arrived her make shift bandage of handkerchief was soaked with blood and was about to collapse. Her baby was very perceptive and hence sensed her worry. He never made a ruckus but kept looking at her with reassuring eyes. His presence has made her determined to not give up. It was sheer force of her will that kept her from losing consciousness until her friend arrived. After that incident she had made a mini first aid kit and took it with her where ever she went. She shook these thoughts away when she arrived at her destination. It was a two story house that belonged to her best friend Alexa. She was a fashion designer and her companion of hard times. She had met her when she was looking for job. They both had applied for the same position. They started as competitors and became friends by the time the result was declared. Neither of them got the job but they found a friend in each other. They celebrated their rejection and friendship bloomed when they shared their story. Alexa was struggling with new ideas for her upcoming show and she was searching for new job apart from being a part time teacher. When Alexa told her about her problem of not being able to sketch new designs she had jumped with joy at the timely arrived opportunity. She drew sketches for Alexa based on her ideas and imagination. They formed a great pair. Her show was hit and she was glad for the incoming money. Since then they had partnered up from time to time and came up with dazzling ideas. Now she was here coz her friend needed her. From past few weeks Alexa was behaving very strange. She would not pick up her calls and her explanation for not doing so were lame. They were so stupid even zio could come up with more interesting and believing excuses. When asked she won’t talk and always skirted around the issue. Lily had given her three days ultimatum to make peace but she did not. Now time was up and she was determined to get the bottom of the problem. She could not watch her wasting away, especially not if she could help it. She took out the spare keys from her purse and went in. if she had rung her bell it would have alerted her. She won’t do the same mistake twice. Being sneaky was the key to find out what the hell was wrong with her friend. She made way from the messy hall to her friend’s room. The drawing room was in disarray. Along the way she found some beer bottles lying on the stairs. When she reached the corridor to her bedroom she was shocked to see broken pieces of glass. Was there a robbery? The thought chilled her to bone and she hastened her steps. She reached her bedroom and found that the door was slightly opened. She peeked in and found that her friend was sleeping inside. It lessened her worry a bit although she found it odd, as her friend never oversleeps. The condition of her room was same as that of downstairs, even worse. Lily stopped at the foot of bed and was shocked to see the state of her sleeping friend. Her face became white and she let out a shriek in fright.
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