The New World

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a few days after the birth of her daughter Leona left the city with her mother, Doctor Barte and her assistant, they arrived in a city called Solitude, they settled in a big house , Leona raised her daughter with her mother helps and her friends. Fifteen years passed and little Lili had grown up well, Doctor Barte introduced her to science and music, Laura with daughter did her best to raise Lile like any other child on earth , even sometimes she missed her life before motherhood . one day everyone was sleeping when they were attacked by creatures of the abyss, their skin looked like burnt flesh and their eyes were black they entered their house and began to kill everyone, Lili was awakened by her mother what is that noise?, shhh said Leona follow me, she opened Lili's wardrobe but at the same time creatures from the abyss entered the room and a second Lili and her mother found themselves in the living room with lifeless bodies of her grandmother and the henchmen Barte, a woman entered the room she was dressed elegantly, She walked and with a movement of her hand made the bodies disappear to free her way, tell me who is the child goddess between you two ?, Leona was tall thin, her beautiful black skin sublimated her beautiful face with her negroid features and her long frizzy hair fell over her shoulders, Lili has beautiful black skin with yellow undertone, her curly hair was falling on her shoulder,she has the same height than her mother,it's very difficult tok one whom was the child ,it's been thirty days to look for this new born in your world, she should already be your size said the woman looking at her, she turned around and looked at her men and said killed everyone and she disappeared before their they link their eyes,they brought out weapons and shot them, Lili put her on her eyes so as not to see her death she was shaking from scared, she took her eyes out of her eyes and there.gazing lost, she turned and looked at her mother's lifeless body, Lili sat down on the floor, and tears began to flow, her throat tightened she couldn't utter a word, a light appeared and she saw a shape then she fell unconscious on the floor. when she opened her eyes Lili found herself in a room, she looked around her and did not recognize anything, she stood up and looked at the four large opening which acted as window covered with thin curtains we could see through the landscape she approached and opened one of them, in front of her was a magnificent landscape, she saw elephants five meters tall, walking in a forest covered with gigantic greenery, all the forest animals seemed enormous, birds of different color and shape, from tiger to lion, it's administration opened eyes, and the door opened behind her, welcome to Lambaya, Lili turned around and in front of her was a young lady of dark skin with negroid features, her hair was braided, four braid that fell to her shoulders, and that was decorated with Corrie's different colors, she was dressed in a skirt that fell to her knees with two large slits on the sides we could see the shorts she had below through the slits in her skirt, above she had a bustier that revealed her shoulders and neck she wore a necklace which her hands and ankle were adorned with a gold bracelet, my name is Akeva, or am I Akeva? , to Lambaya answered Akeva, where is my family my mother and my grandmother or are they then at the same moment she remembered the scene, then she remembered and sighed then it was not a dream, I'm afraid not Flame, my name is Lili she said, as you want our light, over here, Lili began to follow the young woman she noticed the red of her loincloth and the embroidery of solda with the lance, the murder of this palace was immense that one could get lost there, they crossed large alleys and on the blackberries there were drawings of a warrior, then they arrived in front of a wall which contained the drawings of three thrones the largest above, the middle one in the middle and the smallest thrones down and around it nature, Lili stopped to look at him, Akeva realized that it was stopped and retraced his steps, who are he, all high on the great throne in the universe it is Ndzambe, on the second throne in the sky it is there. goddess Jerusalem and on earth she is the goddess Isis she is no longer known by the name of the goddess phoenix, may our light follow me we are expected, expected by whom? Lili asked, and Akeva did not answer, then they arrived in front of a huge door, with a wave of the hand Akeva opened the big doors and they found themselves in a huge garden with all kinds of huge animals, then Akeva stopped moving forward, and a man dressed in white boubou appeared before their eyes, I'm taking you She turned and looked at the girl, I'm taking you Lili oh, great Inanga. I'm sorry for your loss, your grandmother was an admirable woman, Lili bowed her head, you don't have to be sad, they were ready to lose their lives for you. that was it's creatures that attacked us he turned around and looked at the fish in the stream, these are creatures of the deep, they are either the direction of Samael, who is this Samael? , the one who wants to harm you, but why am I not dead? , he asked her to approach him, and to look at the stream of water, I see huge fish, no look at that, he passed his hand on the court of water and Lili could review the murder scene of her family, and how she was taken to Lambaya by Akeva. Lili was surprised, how I did to kill them I had no gun on me, you don't need them, you just thought and it was done, said Inanga. But how could I do it? , only you can find out but for the moment you will have to learn who you are. Enough talk I'll show you around the temple of nature, they left the garden and took a large corridor and found themselves in the worship room. it is here that we address the goddess Jerusalem and Ndzambe, one day we are addressing Ndzambe and another day we are addressing Jerusalem.the interior of the temple was gold up to the wall and the drawings and writings on the walls were end of a black anchor, all the creation story of mankind and anchored in the ornate walls. administration was a huge hall that could accommodate billions of people there had men and women kneeling face down, the men wore trousers and a boubou up to their front thigh, the women wore the same outfit as Akeva with hair plaited each with different plaits a row of men and women dressed in red, another ranged in green, another in orange, in front of them were two thrones the first was surrounded by a great flame that rose to the sky, Lili raised her head and saw the galaxies, and the planets while she are, there is no ceiling said she to Inanga, it is as you see and next to one little throne that shone like a star, but all look at my air of worshiping the throne of fire said Lili, and how do you know if they are all face down, he looked at Lili and smiled, of course our goddess cannot match the greatness of Ndzambe, and our goddess is none other than one of wife of Ndzambe, that is why he at his holy throne next to the throne of our goddess, then they left the room and continued their visit to Lambaya and the territory of the goddess Jerusalem, moreover each of the wife of Ndzambe reigns over a territory, and Ndzambe hears their prayer Asked Lili, of course he hears them sometimes Ndzambe thanks us for his presence in our beautiful world. They continued the dense beautiful temple visit, in one of the corridors as he walked Inanga and Lili, a beautiful woman with ebony skin approaching them she wore a long dress gold which showed her beautiful body shape , from behind her was about twenty young woman dressed in loincloth on the waist and another attached to their chest and behind her had tied them in knots, Inanga seeing her stopped, once that she came near them he lowered his, and young lady say, oh my dear Inanga it's always a pleasure to see you, all the pleasure and for me goddess Fatima, she smiled and looked at Lili oh, I see my dear, you are fighting against this barrier, that she barrier? asked Lili, the one on your mind, but I'm sure that soon you will remember everything, that we visited this goddess Fatima, I'm here to see my sister, then Inanga lowered her head again, Lili looked at him and asked him, must I do it too, goddess Fatima passed looked at Lili out of the corner of her right eye and began to smile, when she was far enough away from them Inanga straightened up and replied, no you don't need to. he opened the main door of the temple with a movement of his hand and they found themselves outside, the flowers and the trees were shining with a thousand fire, all the colors were more intense than on earth, the animals were all gigantic, then she saw a huge bird coming towards them direction then he approached and his size was reduced, he went down and landed on Inanga's arm, Lili observed all the colors that there were on his feathers, he is handsome, said Lili, really you find me beau replied the bird, you speak cried Lili, of course I speak he said in a tone arrogant, what happens to you bang your head on the throne from the very top, not a word more Ngozo cried Inanga, he turned around showing his back to Lili, go for a walk elsewhere, with pleasure there have some people that I don't want to see Ngozo replied and he took off, I am sorry Lili, but sometimes he doesn't know how to hold his tongue.a few days after the birth of her daughter Leona left the city with her mother Doctor Barte and her assistant, they arrived in a city called solitude, they settled in a big house so Leona raised her daughter with the help of her mother and her friends. Fifteen years passed and little Lili had grown up well, Doctor en Barte introduced her to science and music, Laura was her teacher in a good way. one day then if they were all asleep they were attacked by creatures of the abyss, their skin looked like burnt flesh and their eyes were black they entered their house and began to kill everyone, Lili was awakened by Leona mom what is that noise, shhh said she,follow me, she opened Lili's wardrobe but at the same time creatures from the abyss entered the room and a second Lili and her mother found themselves in the living room the lifeless bodies of her grandmother and the henchmen Barte, a woman entered the room they were dressed elegantly, She walked and with a movement of her hand made the bodies disappear to free her way, tell me who is the child goddess of you two, Leona was tall thin her beautiful black skin sublimated are beautiful face with her negroid features and her long frizzy hair fell over her shoulders, Lili when she has golden black skin, the piercing gaze of the frizzy wavy hair which on her back her face was sublimated by negroid features, Lili and Leona were the same height, it was difficult to know who was the child between the two. it's been thirty days to look for this new born in your world, she should already be your size said the woman looking at her, she turned around and looked at her men and said killed everyone and she disappeared before their eyes they brought out weapons and shot them, Lili put her on her eyes so as not to see her death she was shaking from scared, she took her eyes out of her eyes and there.gazing lost, she turned and looked at her mother's lifeless body, Lili sat down on the floor, and tears began to flow, her throat tightened she couldn't utter a word, a light appeared and she saw a shape then she fell unconscious on the floor. when she opened her eyes Lili found herself in a room, she looked around her and did not recognize anything, she stood up and looked at the four large opening which acted as window covered with thin curtains we could see through the landscape she approached and opened one of them, in front of her was a magnificent landscape, she saw elephants five meters tall, walking in a forest covered with gigantic greenery, all the forest animals seemed enormous, birds of different color and shape, from tiger to lion, it's administration opened eyes, and the door opened behind her, welcome to Lambaya, Lili turned around and in front of her was a young lady of dark skin with negroid features, her hair was braided, four braid that fell to her shoulders, and that was decorated with Corries Different colors, she was dressed in a skirt that fell to her knees with two large slits on the sides we could see the shorts she had below through the slits in her skirt, above she had a bustier that revealed her shoulders and neck she wore a necklace which her hands and ankle were adorned with a gold bracelet, my name is Akeva, or am I Akeva? , to Lambaya answered Akeva, where is my family my mother and my grandmother or are they then at the same moment she remembered the scene, then she remembered and sighed then it was not a dream, I'm afraid not Flame, my name is Lili she said, as you want our light, over here, Lili began to follow the young woman she noticed the red of her loincloth and the embroidery of solda with the lance, the murder of this palace was immense that one could get lost there, they crossed large alleys and on the blackberries there were drawings of a warrior, then they arrived in front of a wall which contained the drawings of three thrones the largest above, the middle one in the middle and the smallest thrones down and around it nature, Lili stopped to look at him, Akeva realized that it was stopped and retraced his steps, who are he, all high on the great throne in the universe it is Ndzambe, on the second throne in the sky it is there. goddess Jerusalem and on earth she is the goddess Isis she is no longer known by the name of the goddess phoenix, may our light follow me we are expected, expected by whom? Lili asked, and Akeva did not answer, then they arrived in front of a huge door, with a wave of the hand Akeva opened the big doors and they found themselves in a huge garden with all kinds of huge animals, then Akeva stopped moving forward, and a man dressed in white boubou appeared before their eyes, I'm taking you She turned and looked at the girl, I'm taking you Lili oh, great Inanga. I'm sorry for your loss, your grandmother was an admirable woman, Lili bowed her head, you don't have to be sad, they were ready to lose their lives for you. that was it's creatures that attacked us he turned around and looked at the fish in the stream, these are creatures of the deep, they are either the direction of Samael, who is this Samael? , the one who wants to harm you, but why am I not dead? , he asked her to approach him, and to look at the stream of water, I see huge fish, no look at that, he passed his hand on the court of water and Lili could review the murder scene of her family, and how she was taken to Lambaya by Akeva. Lili was surprised, how I did to kill them I had no gun on me, you don't need them, you just thought and it was done, said Inanga. But how could I do it? , only you can find out but for the moment you will have to learn who you are. Enough talk I'll show you around the temple of nature, they left the garden and took a large corridor and found themselves in the worship room. it is here that we address the goddess Jerusalem and Ndzambe, one day we are addressing Ndzambe and another day we are addressing Jerusalem.the interior of the temple was gold up to the wall and the drawings and writings on the walls were end of a black anchor, all the creation story of mankind and anchored in the ornate walls. administration was a huge hall that could accommodate billions of people there had men and women kneeling face down, the men wore trousers and a boubou up to their front thigh, the women wore the same outfit as Akeva with hair plaited each with different plaits a row of men and women dressed in red, another ranged in green, another in orange, in front of them were two thrones the first was surrounded by a great flame that rose to the sky, Lili raised her head and saw the galaxies, and the planets while she are, there is no ceiling said she to Inanga, it is as you see and next to one little throne that shone like a star, but all look at my air of worshiping the throne of fire said Lili, and how do you know if they are all face down, he looked at Lili and smiled, of course our goddess cannot match the greatness of Ndzambe, and our goddess is none other than one of wife of Ndzambe, that is why he at his holy throne next to the throne of our goddess, then they left the room and continued their visit to Lambaya and the territory of the goddess Jerusalem, moreover each of the wife of Ndzambe reigns over a territory, and Ndzambe hears their prayer Asked Lili, of course he hears them sometimes Ndzambe thanks us for his presence in our beautiful world. They continued the dense beautiful temple visit, in one of the corridors as he walked Inanga and Lili, a beautiful woman with ebony skin approaching them she wore a long dress gold which showed its sublime form, from behind her was about twenty young woman dressed in loincloth on the waist and another attached to their chest and behind her had tied them in knots, Inanga seeing her stopped, once that she came near them he lowered his, and young lady say, oh my dear Inanga it's always a pleasure to see you, all the pleasure and for me goddess Fatima, she smiled and looked at Lili oh, I see my dear, you are fighting against this barrier, that she barrier? asked Lili, the one on your mind, but I'm sure that soon you will remember everything, that we visited this goddess Fatima, I'm here to see my sister, then Inanga lowered her head again, Lili looked at him and asked him, must I do it too, goddess Fatima passed looked at Lili out of the corner of her right eye and began to smile, when she was far enough away from them Inanga straightened up and replied, no you don't need to. he opened the main door of the temple with a movement of his hand and they found themselves outside, the flowers and the trees were shining with a thousand fire, all the colors were more intense than on earth, the animals were all gigantic, then she saw a huge bird coming towards them direction then he approached and his size was reduced, he went down and landed on Inanga's arm, Lili observed all the colors that there were on his feathers, he is handsome, said Lili, really you find me beau replied the bird, you speak cried Lili, of course I speak he said in a tone arrogant, what happens to you bang your head on the throne from the very top, not a word more Ngozo cried Inanga, he turned around showing his back to Lili, go for a walk elsewhere, with pleasure there have some people that I don't want to see Ngozo replied and he took off, I am sorry Lili, but sometimes he doesn't know how to hold his tongue.
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