The Beginning Of It All

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"Skye! Stop that!" I giggled, trying to escape her tickles. I looked up at her with pleading eyes. My sides were hurting at this point. I needed a break. "Fine! Only because you look like you're running out of air, and I don't need my gorgeous girlfriend dying on me." She winked after the last part, causing me to blush. I brushed the strands of lilac hair out of my face while trying to catch my breath. "You are pure evil Skye" I joked. "Oh right, and you, my dear Penelope- are an angel then, I suppose?" She said while lifting an eyebrow at me. "Most definitely not," I laughed. I wasn't an angel, but I also didn't go looking to cause any trouble either. "I'm going to go get a shower before we head out to dinner!" I continued and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before running upstairs to my room. Once I get to my room, I shut the door behind me and take off my sneakers. Skye and I had been training before we came back to the pack house and she brutally attacked me with tickles. So, needless to say, I am super sweaty and need a good shower. As I headed towards my in-suite bathroom, I took a moment to admire the small renovations that my dad had just done for me. We painted my walls a dark rose-pink, changed my bed from a full size to a king with a new black and white comforter with roses, and added a memory board. These small changes made me feel less childish and more 'I'm an adult alpha now' I suppose. 'Hey dad?' I mind linked him to see if he was busy. 'Hi Honey, is everything alright?' He asked, the concern in his voice was evident. Probably because I don't usually mind link - I prefer to text. 'Yeah! I'm alright. I just wanted to thank you again for my room. I really love it.' I hope he could hear the smile in my voice. I really was in love with my room. 'No problem honey. After all, the future leader of this pack should have everything she wants s***h needs. You've got a big future ahead of you, sweetpea." Although his voice was filled with pride, I couldn't help but stress a little bit. My mom and dad never had any other children, so there was no male heir to the alpha position, just me. I've been trained to become the next alpha ever since my parents realized they couldn't produce any more children. Unlike other people, my parents were unbelievably supportive of me becoming the alpha of the RedPaw pack, and fought for me every step of the way. I ignored the thoughts in my head,walked into my large attached bathroom and got undressed. I examined my body for any bruises I may have received from training today, but luckily they were already healing thanks to my wolf Celeste. Thank goodness for that, because sometimes dad gets a little too protective of me. I stepped into my walk-in rain shower and turned the hot water on. As I let the hot water run over my body, I could feel the muscles relaxing and my stress melting away. Fortunately, that was a good trait I was blessed with, the ability to de-stress very easily. I put my shampoo in and began to lather. I let my mind wander and thought about something the elders had told me. "You cannot lead our pack without a male as your mate. And it's no secret to anyone that Skye is not your mate - not that we would've allowed two females to lead anyway. So, maybe it's time to consider a chosen mate." I sighed, knowing they were right, Skye and I are not mates. However, for the last two years they'd been dating, much to the elders' dismay. Everyone knew she was bisexual and nobody else seemed to care besides the stupid elders. They didn't believe that two females were strong enough to lead a pack (which I think is total bullshit and have voiced my opinion to them many times). I shook my head now, finished with my shower, and reached out to grab my warm, fluffy white towel. Another perk installed recently, the towel warmer. I dried myself off enjoying the warmth on my skin. Once I was dry, I made my way into my walk-in closet and debated on what to wear. After going back and forth about a million times, I decided that I was going to wear the new black lacy lingerie that I bought last week. I also slipped on some thigh highs and a garter belt with rhinestones on it. I'm determined to drive Skye crazy tonight. I smirked to myself as I slid on my tight-fitting dark green dress. I only went down my legs far enough to hide my garter belt. It hugged my rather large butt very nicely and even made my smaller breasts look rather good. I pulled my hair up into a quick but cute bun, leaving just a few pieces down to frame my face. I glanced up at the clock and saw that it was already 5:50. "Oh shoot! She'll be here in 10!" I panicked and picked up the pace. I didn't realize that I had taken so long getting ready. I threw on some black sparkly heels and quickly clasped my diamond necklace. I headed down the stairs - guess I wasn't going to be wearing makeup like I had planned to. Oh well, I guess lipgloss would have to do. As I reached the bottom of the steps, I heard the knocks on our front door - my wolf Teegan smelled her before I even opened the door. I twisted the knob and was greeted with Skye's big smile. "Hi beautiful", I smiled back as she came inside. She blushed lightly and said "Hi gorgeous - ready for dinner?" "Yes please! Im starving!" I replied dramatically while grabbing my stomach. She stared at me and I stared back for a long minute, before we both busted out laughing from trying to keep a straight face. "Alright then, we'd better get to feeding you ma'am." She said while leading me outside. To my surprise, there was a limo waiting for us out there. My jaw dropped slightly. I didn't know we were going to be that fancy tonight. "Did you do this?" I questioned her quietly. The surprise was written all over my face. "Maybe..." she trailed off telling me that it was definitely her doing. I shook my head and laughed, opening the door for her to get in. "Who knew my love could be so fancy?" I teased, sticking my tongue out slightly. "I did, and I figured it was time that you did too." She smiled and held my hand, pulling me into the limo beside her. We chatted for a little bit about trivial things, but the ride fell into a weird silence. I started to get curious so I looked over at Skye and she seemed to be deep in thought looking out the window. I decided that if something was bothering her she would tell me, so I turned my attention to the beautiful city lights passing us by. Grand Rock City really was one of the most gorgeous places to be at night. I started to let the excitement take over, as one day soon, I would be ruling over this city. "I can't believe that my parents really managed to build a whole city just for werewolves". I spoke my thoughts out loud. "Yeah, me either. It's absolutely fascinating, and I give props to them for their hard work." I let out a soft sigh in response. "I'm sure you'll do great things as our alpha as well, Penelope." She said, never once looking away from the window. "I hope so..I've never felt as confident as I think I should be." Skye didn't respond to my worries with words, instead she grabbed my hand lightly and brought it to her lips. "You will get more confident over time, don't pressure yourself". She said planting a light kiss on my hand. The gesture made me smile, but I couldn't help but to get lost in my own thoughts. Before I knew it we were arriving at Del Sol. The restaurant was lively and had a rather long line outside, as per usual. Werewolves from all of our allied packs were allowed in the city, and this just seemed to be their favorite place to go. I'd say 9 out of 10 times you would need a reservation just to get in. Luckily, when we walked up to the hostess stand, Slye gave them her name and they led us straight to a secluded table in the back of the restaurant. We sat down, and I immediately felt the urge to talk with Skye. Something was up, and I needed to know what was going on.

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