Chapter 8:

1125 Words
Wedding day continued Mira's pov .... If I wasn’t being forced into marrying my bully, I would’ve dared to say that I looked good. I thought to myself as I stared into the mirror. The off shoulder white dress helped my shoulders appear more elegant than bony and the way it pulled in at my navel, then flowed downwards, stopping just shy of my knee gave a semblance of shape as opposed to my straight bland figure. The matching silver set sat pretty on my ears, neck and wrist, making the off white color of my dress pop. Zoe had done my make up silently, we still weren't speaking. I wasn't upset but knowing Zoe she probably just didn't know how to handle the situation. I could almost sense that she didn't expect mother and father to go to this length. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to say something but didn't know how, so I spoke first. "It's okay Zoe, spit it out" I said with a sigh, watching through the mirror, she was nervous as hell. I watched her as she arranged and rearranged things that didn't need to be touched in the first place. All at once she stopped fussing around and rushed towards me, her words coming out in a jumbled mess. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry i didn't mean to cause you further distress over your situation. Although, I still don't understand it, I don't know how they could ..." Her voice wavered with unshed tears. "Woah, woah" I said while holding on to her shoulder, to comfort her. "Take deep breaths, INHALE. EXHALE" "Now try again" "I'm so sorry Mira, I shouldn't have acted that way, it was inconsiderate of me." "It's okay Zoe." "It's really not." She insisted "Zo, we can't do anything about that now, can we?" I said, trying to make a lighthearted joke but Zoe just scowls. "I didn't think they were being serious." She said in a deflated tone. I shrugged my shoulders at that. "But there must be something we can do about it." she said, obviously thinking out loud. "Like what?" I asked absentmindedly, picking away at a thread. "You can say you have epilepsy or some deadly disease, that ought to stop them, right?" I did a double take and blinked at her, maye she was just pulling my legs I thought. But then she appeared to be serious, I just cracked, I laughed really hard. The kind that has you bent over, holding on to your stomach, so it's content doesn't come out? "You're really truly hilarious" I say once I've managed to calm myself. "It was a genuine suggestion, I just wanted to help." She says bewildered. "That's what makes it funny Zoe." I said still chuckling. "It's alright, it's fine, now let's go get me married." Zoe took my outstretched hands, after sparing me a glance. The pity was evident in her eyes. "Don't" I say in a serious tone. "Don't whatt?" "Feel pity for me, I'll be fine" I say the words with conviction but I was dying inside. I didn't know that I'll be fine, I didn't even believe it but it was my fate and I have to find a way to make my peace with it. The truth is there is nothing zoe can do for me, except try to make me comfortable and look presentable, and for that I am glad. "Hurry up! We're running really behind schedule." Mother screamed at the top of her voice, making me quicken my pace, dragging Zoe along as I hurried up my steps. "Good job Zoe, you've made her look somewhat presentable." father praised, once we were in his presence. "That's not funny Dad, Mira looks good all the time." Zoe quickly came to my defense. Father just looked at her like she'd grown an extra pair of head while I lightly tapped on the hand dangling limply from my arm, as if to say it's okay. I appreciated her concern but I was used to the comments already, moreover I didn't want her to ruin her relationship with them on my behalf. Besides this coming from her is way too late for anything to come out of it. We all filed into the town cars the Harvey's have provided for us today. Zoe and I shared one car, and she left me alone with my thoughts as we rode in silence to the Harvey's estate home. We arrived at my captors mansion in no time. The house is massive and beautiful, it has been used severally for home magazines. But It wasn't until we were directed to the garden where the ceremony was meant to take place that I noticed my hands were clammy with sweat. I guess I can call it pre-wedding jitters. The beautiful state of the garden made me momentarily forget about my predicament. The flowers were well pruned and I could see personal favourites like evening primrose and lilies. Rose petals graced the makeshift aisle and the pulpit was decorated with daisies. I heard Zoe suck in a breath behind me and I chuckled pitifully. What was the use of all this, it wasn't necessary at all. I know at the very least, Jeremy can now bully me all day and all night long. Because of the arrangement, the marriage being contracted and all. It was just my family, the Harveys and a priest in attendance. My in-laws looked gorgeous as ever, already seated by the left side of the pew while my family and I made our way towards the right wing. James left his place, swaggering towards us. I could see father straighten his spine and mother pretend to be looking for something in her purse. "You're late Durant, but I'll cut you some slack today. I'm in a good mood, the bride looks positively better." He remarked. "Thank you sir" father stuttered and James gave him an amused look, before patting him heavily on the back and said "You should lighten up, sometimes". "Let us begun, can we have the couple stride forward and some music thank you" James ordered. That was my cue to go stand at the beginning of the aisle. I stood there waiting for a out two minutes before Jeremy who seemed to be counting his steps, finally emerged from the house. When he finally stopped to stand beside me, he nonchalantly offered his arm and I put my trembling ones in it. He dragged me to the podium, where the priest was waiting. The ceremony began at last, but it wasn't until I said, the words I do, that reality came crashing down. I just said yes to my bully.
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