Chapter 5:

1637 Words
Jeremy's pov ... I stormed out of the building, my rage getting the best of me. Nonsense! Complete and utter rubbish! My father has surely gone mad. Actually, they all have. There is no way in hell that I was going to marry that pig, that good for nothing ugly looking swine. What manner of degradation is this? How am I going to put up with the boys at school if father actually continues with this joke of a plan? Its absolutely impossible. I have to do something about it. “Jeremy! Jeremy!!” I heard my mum’s voice and the click-clack of her heels but kept going. I wasn’t in the mood for her. Suddenly, slim fingers wrapped around my wrist and jerked me backwards, causing me to almost lose my balance. I tried to yank my arm away from my mother’s but she just tightened her grip around my wrist instead, while panting, she held up her free hand as if to say “give me a minute”. “Where’d do you think you're rushing off to?” she quizzed after what seemed like an eternity and released my wrist from her grasp as well. “Nowhere, Anywhere." I shrugged out an answer. “I’m going far away from whatever malady that seems to have been let loose in the air” She just sighed. “Come on Jeremy, let’s go home.” “NO.” I say sternly. If she thinks I am just going to let this one slide then she’s got a surprise coming. There’s no way in hell I’m letting Dad ruin my life like this. No. Freaking. Way. “Jeremy” she repeated, but this time, it was in a warning tone. “You go, I’m not going back there” I repeated, keeping my stance “Come with me this instance” “I said I wouldn’t” I insisted. “As your mother, I demand that you follow me this instance!” “As my mother, you should’ve done something when Dad came up with that ridiculous plan but you barely lifted a finger because it has nothing to do with Birkin bags and miu miu..." I didn’t see it coming. The slap that is. I held my hand to my face, unable to believe that my mother just hit me. “Look” She started in a sober tone. “I know that your father is being ridiculous and I’m not just going to sit back and let my son get married off to some ragtag debtor family.” “I have a plan but that plan won’t work unless you join me. “Do you trust me?” she asked. But my anger and despair was so high, that I was unable to speak. I just nodded my head to indicate that I did trust her. “Then let’s go home” she said and this time around I didn’t object. I followed meekly behind her and we got to the building in time to see that good for nothing family leaving as well. “Jeremy” my father called with a scowl. “what stunt do you think you’re trying to pull?” he questioned, walking towards me. “Nothing Dad, I just won’t seat back and watch you ruin my life." I said with a shake of my head. I can't believe he still has the gall to question my actions. “Ruin your life? Don’t be dramatic son.” “Marriage is a thing of bliss, I mean look at your mother and I” he said gesturing between them. “We’re doing just fine and I’m sure you will too once you get married.” He sounded so sure of himself that it was almost amusing. "What is the meaning of that dad, I'm freaking seventeen years old. Do you really think that marriage is what I need right now?” I asked in bewilderment. “Of course” he said, without skipping a beat, like what he is suggesting is the new normal. “I’m a business man, I always make great investments." "That family is a liability at best and I don’t know why you can’t see that.” mom said, sternly. “Oh, come on! Not you too” he said, throwing his hands up in the air like we were just being difficult for nothing. “Yes, me too. “For Godsake James what has gotten into you” “what do you think about a vacation in Bora Bora?” Dad suddenly asked. “What?” mum’s eyebrows squeezed in confusion. “A vacation” Dad repeated. “If I let you go on a vacation, would you keep quiet like you always do and just let me be?” “JAMES!” my mother shrieked. “You really think a vacation is what I want?” “You think I’d jeopardize my son’s future for a stupid vacation?” she was shouting at the top of her voice now and I just stood there, watching the exchange. If I wasn't so angry, I'd be amused. “He’s my son too and I happen to know what’s best for him.” father stated “NO YOU DON’T!! If you remotely cared about him, then you wouldn’t just sell him off, like he's some expired goods." Mother accused. “I’m not selling him off. All I did was get him a wife” Dad said, his voice dropping to a low whisper. “What's the difference?” mom scoffed. Dad was getting worked up, I could tell by the way he kept clenching and unclenching his fists and the muscle ticking in his jaw. “Get in the car let’s go home.” “I’m not leaving with you.” she folded her arms and turned away from him. “Get in the freaking car Jane, right now!” Father snapped, mum didn’t need further prodding. She did as she was told and I simply followed suit. Throughout the drive, mum kept huffing and puffing and I’m certain she was getting on Dad’s nerves but he simply let her be. The car was quiet but inside my head was not. I was plagued with different scenarios where I actually had to marry that thing. Trust my mind to play tricks on me when I needed it the least. I tried to calm down, reassuring myself that mum had a plan. Once home, I started to get out of the car when mom said “Why?”. “What are you on about now” Dad said, reluctantly giving her his attention. “Why do you think this is the best course of action for our son?” she asked and crossed her arms. Has this woman gone nuts? Did she catch the mad disease too? What part of I don’t want to get married to that thing does she not understand. So this is her grand plan?? “No” Dad said refusing to give her his reason. Honestly, even I wanted hear his reason. I know he's got at least one reason why. But of course he wouldn't tell anyone without playing hard ball first. “What makes you think I would-” He began to say, when mom cut him off. “Alright then, prepare for a divorce.” she and then made to get out of the car. My dad immediately put on the central lock. “what did you just say?” “You heard me James, I’ll file for a divorce” “You will do no such thing.” “Try me.” “What has gotten into you?” he asked her “The same thing that has taken control of you” she replied and he chuckled. "Fine I'll tell you why. Our son's habit of f*cking everything in a skirt is why. His laid back approach to his life as a wealthy hier is why." Then he turned to me and said. "If you think you'll just inherit money and not work a day in your life, then you're in for a shocker. This marriage is a test, I want to see that you can be responsible. Before I consider handing over my business and money to you." "But I'm only seventeen!!" I protested. " Yes that's why you effectively pursued Norrie Leclerc, threatened her with dismissal, until she slept with you. What the heck is wrong with you Do you not have any form of control over your p*nnis, the woman is a good eight years older than your own mother. Seventeen years olds, don't do stuff like that!!" Father bellowed. I was speechless and frozen to the spot. Of course, I could try denying it but I know my father. He would never have uttered a word about that to me, if he wasn't convinced and doesn't have evidence. "Jeremy, tell you father his accusations are false. Right now!!" Mother demanded. But I found that my tongue was stuck in my throat, I couldn't speak. I couldn't look her in the eyes as well. "Jeremy, how could you?" Mother questioned in a broken voice. "James, please find some other punishment for him, he's a teenager, he made a mistake." She pleaded on my behalf. "No, Jane, this isn't a one off. I just had no evidence until now. My decision is final. There would be no going back, you will marry, work and school all at the same time." Father reiterated. "James, that's a very harsh punishment." Mother tried again to appeal to him. I stared at my father, like he is an alien. Like I have never seen, him before. But the reality is I have never seen this side of him, before.
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