A prince?!

1405 Words
Let me guess, you thought I met one of the bastards I was tracking? Well sorry to burst your bubble but it's not one of them. It was a hunk of a guy that bumped into me. A rude one at that. I just looked at him in disbelief because he's not even going to help me up after bumping into me. Though I can also be blamed for not looking at the way that I am going in. But still, he should've at least asked if I am okay or not. But he didn't do that, no. He just stared at me like I'm a part of a freak show. I slowly stood up, dusted my butt, and went past him. He didn't want to apologize, fine. Two can play at that game. I sighed internally. I know I'm being petty but he made me fall on my bum with several bags hanging on my arms. I hope none of them got broken. As I said, I went past him but the knucklehead didn't like what I was doing so he grabbed my upper arm and made me stop right there. I looked dead-straight at him and asked, "What do you want? I have somewhere I have to be right now." A bit bitchy but what will I say? The bags are heavy and he is delaying me from going back home. He opened his mouth and said, "You won't apologize?" I was so shocked that my jaws dropped to the floor. Kidding aside, my jaws did drop down because he had the audacity to imply that I should've apologized to him for the bump earlier. I started to laugh at his face and he got confused. "Why should I apologize when you could've easily avoided me. Do you not see the numerous bags on each of my arms? They are freaking heavy and you holding me up is not helping. So can you let me go so I could be on my way now and out of your hair? I promise you won't see me again." I gave him a bright smile that most men would instantly give in to or would help me with my bags. He just had to be a different sort of guy. He gripped me harder instead of letting me go. I really can't believe it. Chivalry is dead in this age. "That pretty smile won't work on me. Apologize right now." He firmly said while adding pressure to my arm. This will definitely bruise. "Why the hell am I going to apologize if you even won't do it yourself? Do you want my apology? Fine, but you apologize first because you could've easily avoided me in the first place." I replied with the same intense firmness to my voice. We were staring intensely at each other. I noticed he has eyes the color of warm hazel. Don't ask me how I knew, I just do. He didn't reply and it was starting to get awkward when someone stepped in between me and the pretty boy. "What is it this time?" He removed the hands grasping my arm and I was right. It bruised. Nothing time won't heal, especially not a stranger to me but it doesn't go with my clothes. The guy who stopped the shenanigans the pretty boy is causing saw the bruise forming on my arm. He let go of the pretty boy and went to check on my arm. "Are you alright, miss? Does that hurt?" He asked me. Sweet but so stupid. I scoffed at his question and said, "Were you expecting a bruise to not hurt, sir? Because I didn't expect it to hurt like this. I'm alright since I'm still breathing but kindly tame your beast of a friend. Also, tell him that if he wants my apology, he should give one first." My voice dripped with venom. I looked both of them in the eye before strutting away from them. I was about five steps away when a pretty boy asks a question. "What's your name?" I stopped and looked at him with a dead face and said, "Guinevere. Guinevere Snow." He raised his eyebrow and smirked. "Your name doesn't suit you." He said. "And your arrogance doesn't suit your appearance. Asshole." I replied. Both of the men were shocked and I left them there with their eyes wide open. "You're highness? Why are you standing outside when you have an appointment inside the salon?" Did I hear it right? Whatever they call him, he is a class A a-hole. I kept walking until I was out of the mall and inside my car. I sighed in relief, started my car, and left the mall grounds to go back home. I planned to stay out late but had to cut it short because of the pretty boy s***h 'your highness'. I think I'll just train tonight instead of going out. I arrived at the mansion and waved at the guard at the gate. He waved back and I parked my car in front of the mansion. I immediately went to my command center. I need to install these today so that I could use them immediately. For what? I still haven't decided. Maybe for online games, perhaps? I put it in the room for now because I am a hungry beast at the moment so I need to eat first. I went to the kitchen to rummage whatever is available in the fridge to cook. I took random scraps of meat and started to cook whatever comes to mind. At the end of an hour, I realized I overcooked again. I chuckle to myself and called for the caretaker to give some of the food to the other employees and guards so that they could also have dinner. I ate what I could and went straight to the command center to start on the upgrade of my computers. Two hours later and I made several supercomputers that I could use for basically anything I needed. I rested for a while before hitting the training area. This is a separate building. It somehow resembles a dome or an amphitheater where there are seats around a central arena. There was a place for archery and target practice. Another area was made into a shooting range. There was also a track and field. At the side is an armory with every kind of weapon one could ever imagine. Once or twice a week, I would have curious children lurking outside of the arena and peeking inside. When I caught them watching, I asked them if they wanted to learn how to defend themselves from bullies. They all nodded and rushed to me. I teach them the basics of self-defense whenever they are in the arena and I am training. Of course, they would use wooden swords for practice. I taught them everything Henry taught me. I was preparing to train in the shooting range when one of my messengers arrived in a panting manner. "Catch your breath, Gus. You won't be able to tell me anything in that state. Take a nice deep breath." I told him. He did as I instructed. He took deep breaths before saying, "The crowned prince of Monaco wants to use your training area to train for their annual tournament. He specifically wanted to talk to you, the owner, and is waiting outside of the gate." I raised my eyebrows. "You didn't let him in?" He fidgeted in place before answering, "Well, you said that no one comes in or out except the children of the employees which includes my siblings." I smiled and giggled. He looked at me in confusion and I just said, "Good. Come on, let's not make the prince of Monaco wait. His highness awaits!" He looked relieved and he leads me to the gate so I could talk with this prince. He was telling the truth when they didn't let his car in. I signaled to the guard to open the gates and the cars came in one by one. How many crowned princes does Monaco have for it to have this many cars coming to my mansion? I am officially intrigued by this prince. Could he possibly be? No. Let's not think about that. I waited for whoever is the prince to come out and you know what happened? My worst nightmare.
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