The meting of parents

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Alea pov Sp he finally diedet to show up huh i lok at the girls and see them shever like a demon was in front of them.i say"So can i go to my room now i fele tierd and my leng hurt"he says"Of  cours love you go ahed and rest by the way my parents want to meet you would you mind coming with me my moon"me"Sure"i walk out and to the room.The next day he coms in and says"So love  today in 5pm they will com and i will intreduse you to them ok"me"Ok"so it is 3pm and he walks out and i sart to eat swets i don't like swets but i'm craving for it 4:50 i only have 10 more minets i walk down stares and see him he looks cite cute my wolf has been really queit it stragje she wantet too see him evry seconk of the day.i say"So should we go now or "he"We will go now that fine with you love"me"Ok"we go to the car and drive for 3 hours and we were ate are loceshen. Danial pov  I was really exited to show her to my pearents they alwyes nag about not hving a meat is bad i should have one blalbalbalbal ect.We arived and we went in and they greeted us and tolud us to go to my dads office we went and wen i walked in the door a gile kissed me like i was her meat or somthing me"EHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE ERY GET OF ME w***e".then my meat came in and saw her on me and she say"Pleas get off him NOW"my is sore cute aand scary somitemse but cuet how she is jelyes.Then my perents say"SON CONGUGJLLESHEN YOU HAVE A MEAT NOW SHE IS YOUR RIGHT"me"The one on top of me is not my meat it is this one the pregnent one"thyre jaw fell down in suprise,happines,and gult.While the femal steras at my meat and say"WHOW CAN A PESENT LIKE YOU COMERE TO ME A ALPH WHAT RANK ARE YOU MABY OMEGA WHY BEACOS YOUR NOTHIN MORE THEN s**t OR MABY GRAVEL BENETH MY FEET"when she heard that the second i turn to look at my meat she is at the feamel choking her to be onest she dizervs it.Me"Let her go mate she no wother anythyng ok"she did and i cyrred her in a brydel styel.The femal shouting while the gourds touk her out of the room. sorry for the leat posst thanky all for the suporte,and for reading my story i will post evry saturdy and mondaey ok.And thank you all for reading my books means alot to me bye.

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