Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4. Inside the car was nothing but pure silence, so silent, that one could cut it along with the tension and awkwardness with a giant serrated knife. Jake could only watch the scenery pass by for so long, that he had to stop and glance at the red headed elder for 2 minutes at a time which only made his heart beat a little as well. His skin was very clean and fair devoid of any pimple or hair possible along with his hair that was neatly combed without a strand out of place. His eyes sparkled and twinkled with mirth giving him a halo like aura that really spoke wonders of the unknown that were so mesmerizing, looking like two precious gems that stood out of the dark cold caves in the middle of nowhere. Feeling like he was being watched, Mr. Calloway then moved his head towards the teen boy who quickly looked away his face burning with over ten different shades of red looking like a strawberry; but he only smiled seeing the next light turning green to finish his drive. "So, Jacob right? How do you feel about being back in school for your Junior Year?" He asked trying to strike up a conversation to get rid of the never-ending quiet atmosphere only to see him shrug as a response." "It's okay I guess. Only two more years and I will be out of there to start college hehe..." He soon cleared his throat as he looked away from his teacher once more while the older of the two nodded his head. "That's very good to hear. And what are your plans for when you start? Have you researched or checked around to see what type of University you will be applying for? or would you rather go to a Community College instead? somewhere that will be closer to home?" Another shrug came, "I don't know yet to be honest. I heard that Out of State Universities are expensive, but I wouldn't want to be away from my family especially my little brother for 4 whole years. Besides, he needs me." Nodding in understanding, no more was said until they reached Harry's new school. There, dozens of kids were seen hugging their parents, or playing with each other while their guardian's were exchanging phone numbers to schedule play dates for them. Jake smiled as he saw his little brother talking to one of the little boys whom he could assume was already a new friend and that made his heart soar sky high. Harry had always been the shy kid, but was very playful, bright, and fun to be around with once he trusted that person the minute he got to know them. Shouting for his little brother, the ebony haired boy soon waved goodbye to all of the children and his teacher as he then ran towards the High Schooler giving him a big hug as much as he could before releasing him and letting Jacob introduce Mr. Calloway to him as well as explaining that he was going to give them a ride home. The 5 year old thought that sounded like fun as Jake then helped him into the car along with helping him with his seatbelt. "So Harry, how was your first day of Kindergarten?" Jake asked now fully interested to know more about what his brother did as Harry was just bursting out about all of the fun things that they had done; from learning how to write their names, to arts & crafts, and even story-time, Jake just couldn't get enough of the younger one's enthusiastic behavior as he could see in the rear view mirror that his face was just lit up and happy. Mr. Calloway mentally smiled to himself hearing just how much playful banter between the two boys was as he could tell just how well they got along with each other which had made his stomach do somersaults. Getting to the Apartment Complex, both boys said their goodbyes as the elder male told them that he would wait until they reached onto the second floor. Doing so, and seeing that they got there safe, he soon drove away as Jacob waved dreamily until the automobile was nothing more than a mere dot quickly going in after Harry. Due to Roger working late shifts over at the Police Department, and Hilda working as a Nurse, Jake often cooked and made sure he made enough food for all four members to eat. With the help of the younger boy whom he would go to for an idea on what to make for dinner, then that would be for the night's special; Wednesday's were often pasta night, and with it being on that certain day of the week, this time, was spaghetti and meatballs along with a nice green leafy salad and garlic bread to go with it. As he was mixing in the sauce, the phone soon started to ring. Turning the fire down on low, he soon answered it only to hear that it was Alex another one of his friends besides Mel whom he was also close to. "Really? oh man, I heard that it's going to be awesome! I've been keeping up with the previews since they've been talking about it over the summer." "Oh hell yeah you better believe it, it's going to be a lot better than the first one for real. Will you be able to come this weekend?" That had put Jake in a stump. He had been waiting for months to see the new movie known as GoldenEye, but also promised Harry that he would take him to the Park to play. He soon sighed. "Al, I wish I could, but I can't, I promised Harry that I would take him to the Park this Saturday." "Aw, but can't you ask either your Aunt or Uncle to look after him? I've been dying to wanna see this movie with you and tickets are selling out, you can't pass up an opportunity to wanna see the new spy movie especially with your best friend would you?" Jake rolled his eyes knowing just how much Alex could be dramatic, but always wanted to make sure that his little brother came first before anything else. Since Harry was born, Jacob had vowed that no matter what would happen, he would make sure to be there for him no matter what. But that never stopped him from wanting to hang out even if it was just going to be seeing a movie. "Okay Al, I'll come, but Uncle Roger will be patrolling around town and although Aunt Hilda will be off, she has to go to the Community Center and help a few of her friends to set up for the Bake Sale, but I can call Mel and ask her if she could watch him for the day-but, it will just be the movie and nothing else, got it?" Knowing mentally just how much the other boy was nodding his head knowing that he had won the argument, Jake mentally chuckled while just imagining that part. As he hung up the phone, he then started to share out the plates of food making sure to dish out their relative's portions first and of course, getting his and Harry's last. The pair ate in silence with only the sound from the tv keeping inside the Apartment with much needed noise to let the neighbors know that there was somebody inside. "When are Uncle Roger and Auntie Hilda coming home?" The little Kindergartener asked after swallowing a mouthful of pasta while waiting for his older brother to speak as well. "A little later, which means they'll be back when it's your bedtime; sorry little man. But, I can always read you a story before you go to sleep okay?" That had lit up Harry's spirits instantly as he nodded soon getting spaghetti sauce on his clean shirt which made both of them chuckled while Jake only shook his head and told him to go change into his pajamas early as dinner was soon over and he was gathering up the dirty dishes to start cleaning up. As he was setting them up onto the rack to dry, his mind soon wandered towards Mr. Calloway. The way his green eyes would light up along with his strawberry blonde hair imagining it out of the ponytail and letting it just flow down naturally for him to run his fingers through it and smelling the citrus scented shampoo that he would use after their little activity, how he would lick every part and inch of that hot body running his fingers all the way downwards to-He shook his head vigorously trying to stop the naughty thoughts midway couldn't believe that he would ever do it with his teacher for God's sake! What was wrong with him!? He had only been a part of the Faculty for one day, had let him ride with him to pick up Harry, and now he was having s****l fantasies about him!? He was really screwed for sure.
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