From Cluj to Athene - Part 6

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A few moments later, in the airport hallway, the mechanic, whose name is Marcus, is sitting on a chair in a depressed state. He got the supply backpack on the floor, and a photo in his left hand. His eyes are red, due to the crying he did earlier when he finds out that this infection might've killed his family. He knows that because he tried to call his family by using a telephone from military officers, who were giving him a phone to contact someone from outside. Marcus contacted his family, and when he was about to ask them what was going on with them and tell them he was in safe hands, a lot of screaming was heard in the background. Then, the phone calls stopped Marcus after he heard screaming for help and pain. He gave the phone back to a military officer, and he stood in that hallway, feeling sad because his family had already been killed and transformed into these lifeless creatures. "Hey!" says Alin when he says Marcus in the hallway. "Are you feeling alright?" "No... My family..." tried to say to Marcus, but while he started thinking about that, he started to tear up. "They are all dead... My daughter... My beautiful wife... My mom." "I know this feeling," says Alin, who is taking a plastic chair who was standing on the ground for a reason and covered in. He sits close to Marcus and proceeds to tell him something. "When I was sixteen years old. I have lost my mother. She had terminal cancer. Doctors couldn't do anything, and my father... My father was dating another woman while my mother was on her dying bed. Even though they were divorced for a while, but still... This is not good." he takes a pause and tells Marcus another thing. "Then, after a year, when she died, my father also died, but in a car accident. This didn't make me sad, but when I was dining in his bank account and reading his will he left behind for me and Radu... The will made both of us shocked to learn the truth that my father slept with a woman who could provide him with enough money to save my mother. But the woman was lying. She didn't pay him, but instead... She decided to kill my mother by bribing the medical staff to inject a poison. Even though she had no chance of survival... Then, that woman also decided to kill my father, by forcing a man to crash into my father's car." "I am sorry." tried to say Marcus, who was trying to stop his tears coming up. "... I still think about this moment. On that day, I will see this woman in front of me, and proceed to teach her the same lesson. But... I think that this lady is already dead." "W-Who was the lady's name?" "Alexandra Laura. A tall woman with blonde hair, smokes a cigarette and wears office worker costumes almost every day. My Father always told me that this woman was working in an office in this area." says Alin to Marcus, and then, the next three seconds, he saw a lady in her IT uniform walking past him, and this made him angry the next second because she resembled the woman. Alin stood and saw his chair, saw the lady who looked confused at him, but before she was about to realize what was about to happen. Alin had punched her so hard that he broke her nose with four teeth. Marcus tried to stop him, but Alin pushed him back, and he looked at that lady dressed in uniform, with blood all over the place. "Help!" screamed the lady for help, but before she was about to say anything, Alin looked at her tag. "Your name is Alexandra Laura, right?" "Y-yes... W-Why are you doing this?" "Why?" asks Alin, who is angry as hell, and he ignores the soldiers who are surrounding Alin with their guns. "RETREAT!" says a soldier to Alin. "GET BACK! You want to get killed so badly." "Do it, then!" says Alin. "Shoot me, and my brother will hunt you to the ground." "You ain't scaring us." says a soldier who was close to shooting Alin, but his lights had suddenly stopped, which made the whole group of soldiers look around them and shoot blindly. But when the lights come back, the same soldier has discovered that a few of his colleagues are dead, due to blind shots, and he also sees that the people named Laura and Alin aren't there anymore. All the soldiers started to scatter around and try to find them, but when they were about to start this plan, they heard an alarm coming from the next floor. Every single soldier is heading towards the alarm to see what is going on there. In a dark room, not very far from the hallway where the entire action was happening earlier, Alin and Marcus are standing in front of a female named Laura, who is tied up in a metal chair by some electronic cables like a rope. Alin turned on the light in this room via a switch. He looks angry at that lady, who doesn't know what is going on, but before she can say anything, Alin asks her. "Do you remember me?" "W-Who are you?" asked Laura, not having any idea what was going on. "I am the child of a father who previously used to go on dates with you. Do you remember Albert, right?" "Albert... Was an asshole." Alin smacked her face so hard, both her cheeks got a bruise. He looks angry at her, and he asks about her mother, which Laura replies that she doesn't know. And Alin, not being a very talkative person, takes out the drill from a shelf, and he asks Marcus. "Would you like to leave me alone with this crazy chick?" "Y-Yes, man." says Marcus, who quickly leaves this room, and runs towards somewhere safe, trying to forget the thing that is going on right now. Then, Alin turns on the drill, and he finds out that it still has batteries, and it is charged. He goes slowly to Laura, who tries to negotiate her freedom with him, but this is too late. Alin had already set his mind on killing this crazy lady for a long time. She even tried to tell Alin that all of this was a trick, but Alin didn't listen, and he stops this woman from telling something by inserting the sharp part of the drill directly into her skull for a few moments. After he finished killing her, Alin is looking at the ceiling, and he screams, joyfully, that he has finally revenged his parents, who were killed by this woman who seduced his mother's husband when she was on her deathbed, and also killed this man by creating a car accident. He stays there for a short time, until Marcus comes back to tell Alin that they have to move on because those planes are about to leave the airport at any time. *** A few moments later, the soldiers encounter a severe case. A few zombies have successfully come on by just climbing to those buildings, using the doors on the rooftops, then going downstairs and eating the survivors from that airport. The soldiers weren't expecting zombies to climb these buildings, not even their mental capability to open doors. In the hallways of this airport, three soldiers were gunning down about twelve zombies by shooting them with assault rifles. A soldier was close to being bitten, but someone had saved him from that fate, by shooting the zombie's head. The soldier realized that the bullet came from behind. He took a turn back, while his teammates are busy killing those zombies who are walking towards those soldiers. Alina is at their backs, by herself, with her pistol smoking after she delivered that bullet to the zombie's skull and stopped him for good. She proceeds to shoot a few more zombies with her incredible accuracy at using the pistol. She put three zombies in their misery, while the rest of those soldiers were gunning down the rest of them. Some of those bullets didn't hit zombies' heads, only limbs and other body parts, but they managed to kill those zombies, even if they didn't hit their heads. "Is everyone alright?" "Yes," responded one of the soldiers examining a few fallen bodies by kicking their heads. "Looks like they are truly dead." "Good," says the soldier who was saved by Alina, and she turns around to her. "Thanks for earlier." "Don't mention it." responded Alina to those soldiers. "Now, I would like to tell you that these creatures can climb walls and use doors, like you saw earlier." "Really?" asks one of the soldiers. "There are monsters much worse and more intelligent than those outside we have killed so far." "Most likely, yes, but we have to be careful now, because these things ain't like the ones from the movies or The Walking Dead." "The Walking Dead?" asks one of the soldiers, who doesn't have any idea what she was talking about. "Anyway... We should patrol this whole building." says a soldier to those two and to Alina. "And you, go back to the survivors section. We appreciate your help here, but we have to protect every citizen and the people who can't protect themselves." "As you wish," responded Alina. "But, I would like to know if you guys have any information about this disease." "Sorry, ma'am. But we do not possess such information." responded one of those soldiers who was reloading his assault rifle. "You should ask Dr. Cleatus. He is on the second floor. He is, or was, working at an institute specialized in deadly viruses. Maybe he knows something about this virus." "I will check him. Thanks." she said to those soldiers before she was heading to the second floor, but one soldier stopped her. "Aren't you going to give your gun to us?" "Leave it, Caesar." says the leader soldier. "She is a cop, after all. She can handle a gun and, besides, she is a sharp shooter. She is probably much more precise than David." "Whatever you say, boss," says the soldier retreating from Alina after he failed to take her gun. Alina leaves those soldiers patrolling this building, and she is heading to the second floor, where she will try to speak with that doctor to see what kind of virus has attacked them and how it can be defeated or neutralized.
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