Road to Haga - Part 6

1007 Words
On the streets of the small city known as Harlingen, those three survivors, who are of different ages, but have the same skin color, are searching for a working car, since there is a big truck and a few other broken cars that are blocking their way to the city and the main road to Haga. Mike, who was working as a store clerk in the past, sees a car, but he also sees a zombie there, who is in the driver's seat and blocked thanks to the safety belt. Ronald goes to that car with his knife ready, but when he touches the door, the alarm of the car starts buzzing. And this is a bad sign of a zombie apocalypse. "Dammit, Ronald!" says Gerald, looking with an angry reaction at the guy who used to steal cars in the past. "You had one f*****g job. One f*****g job!" "Sorry." says Ronald, who is feeling bad that a few zombies are coming on their way from all directions. "We gotta be ready to use the guns, boys!" says Gerald, who is taking out his gun from the backpack. Ronald and Mike are also taking their guns out of their backpacks, and all three of them have started to shoot at those zombies who are walking or running at them. They shoot at them until none of them are alive again. --- One week earlier, back in that building in Groningen, there was an old man who was living on the third floor of the building, on house number 305. This man is known as Geral, and today he will suffer the most because when he wakes up from his sleep at 10 AM, he realized it wasn't the alarm that woke him up, it was the noise outside the house. So, he puts up a pair of pants and goes looking outside where he sees horrible things. People fight each other, which are zombies, since Gerald did not have much knowledge about zombies, but he has some knowledge about fighting. He saw a guy who was eating alive with three other people on the corner. One guy is running from one zombie, but eventually, he gets caught by the other one who came from the east and pinned him down. Gerald had also seen a group of people who were running to this building, which, to be honest, was pretty big and some people considered it a great shelter. Gerald was leaving the window, and feeling worried and uneasy he was calling for his wife. "Martha. Martha!" He was looking in the bathroom, and in the living room, but no sign of his wife, who had been married to him for forty years. He had a bad feeling about this, so he put some clothes on him, and ran from the room, but when he opened the room, he saw his wife, who saw her alive and well, but worried, just like his husband. She hugs Gerald and she is feeling uneasy since this thing has never happened and her poor health couldn't handle this situation like the other people from this building. Gerald goes into the room with his wife and both of them are locking the door and sitting on a couch, and trying to open the TV. The first program on TV, which was a Holland news program, told them that today there had started an unknown infection which is turning people into zombies or walkers like the ones from the most recognized zombie movies and series, such as The Walking Dead, Shawn of the Dead, Cooties, Dead Snow, etc. . The lady on the news told them to keep calm and wait for the reinforcements to come and seek shelter somewhere safe. She also told them that they should be careful not to get bitten, because one bite could make them zombies. Gerald was looking at his wife worried, and he saw that she had a bite on her right arm, which broke his heart and made his wife feel uneasy and terrified. The reporter also told them that there is no cure available to cure this disease and the only option to combat these things is to only aim for their brains or cut their limbs. Gerald is looking at his wife and starts crying. "Dear..." says his wife, who is hugging him and also starts crying since she will become one of those monsters pretty soon. "We... We are going to die?" "I-I-I... I am sorry, Martha!" says Gerald, who couldn't stop his crying until his wife had become a monster. When his wife had become a zombie, Gerald was running in the kitchen and stabbed his dead wife's brain using a kitchen knife. He made a good stab at his wife's grey hair on the head and a perfect one to kill the brain of the zombie. Gerald was thankful that he had taken those training courses from the military but he started crying and sobbing for the rest of the day, close to his wife's corpse, until Mike had come into his room and tried to help him, which was on the next morning. --- A few moments later, those three survivors have killed all of thirty zombies who were about to come close to them. They took a short break to breathe and congratulate each other for doing such a good job at aiming from the head. Ronald was most likely using his knife to stab the zombie's head, since he could handle a gun quite well because he always preferred to use the knife when it came to fighting. Ten minutes later, they continued searching for a working car, and after another ten minutes, they found one, but that had low gas. These three survivors didn't mind that, since Haga was getting closer to each step. But now, these three survivors must seek shelter somewhere since the night is about to come, and driving in the night in a zombie apocalypse is never a good decision.
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