Road to Haga - Part 9

872 Words
A few hours later, those three survivors arrived in Amsterdam, but they had encountered another problem on their road, but this one might be quite hard for them. In the front of this city, there is a wall made by a truck trailer and spikes that have a few piles of zombies there, some of them still using their heads and growling, others who are dead for the second time. Thanks to the owner of that van who left the keys in contact when he got zombified. Without his help, they would have to search for another car, or go down into a house for a while and try to contact the military on the phone. Yes, the electricity is down, but in some houses there could be a phone or a detector that does not require electricity. But, these three survivors have decided to find a way to go besides this city. Gerald and Ronald have investigated the area to see if they have found an opening, while Mike is in the van and he is preparing for something. While he waits for those survivors to come back with good news, Mike turns on the radio, wondering if someone is out there and is using the radio. "D-D-Does someone hear me?!" says a woman's voice on the radio at a random frequency. Mike had observed that this van got that type of gadget the truck drivers or some bus drivers use to communicate with each other. He takes it, turns it on and he tells the woman on the radio. "Are you alright?" "...W-What? Do you h-hear me?" asks the woman on the radio. "Yes. I hear you loud and clear." "A-Are you from the military?" "Sorry, lady. But we aren't from the military. We are survivors, just like you." "W-Where are you? Could you find a way to come here and take me to the docks?" "What's your location?" "M-Main. France. Are you close?" Mike sighs, and then she tells that lady one bad news. "Sorry, madame. But we are currently in Holand, and we are heading to Haga, where we are going to take a boat and head to an island." "Do you think the islands could be safe? I mean, do zombies even swim?" "For now, they do not." "What do you mean now?" "Huh?... You haven't observed any zombie mutations in your zone?" "What mutations? Do they fly or not?" "Not exactly. There are the ones who are eating zombies, but those are somehow half-dead-half-alive and their only goal is to eat a zombie to become full zombies. I saw one of them who was using a knife to stab one zombie and eat his back, then go straight to our people without a knife." "Dear, God. That is brutal." "And that's not all." "There are more?!" "Probably many more types than I know. There is this one who climbs the buildings, and drags people from the closed windows and throws them on the ground. Thankfully, they could easily get killed when they reach high floor walls." "Jesus Christ." *** Meanwhile, in Amsterdam city, Ronald and Gerald are stabbing a few zombies into their heads using those kitchen knives. Gerald has sliced the throat of a zombie and he pushes at the other, who just jumped on that zombie and grabs his stomach. Right when he was about to open with his bare hands, Ronald is stabbing a zombie in the head. "Undead down." says Ronald to Gerald, retrieving the knife from that zombie's back of the head. "You do always have to say that every time you kill an undead?" asks Gerald. "Yes. Is something wrong?" "... If you do not yell to attract other zombies, then you are good." These two are going into a store. Before they are opening, Ronald and Gerald take a look inside and see there a fat zombie who is barfing and vomiting everywhere. The store has food, but taking supplies from there could be risky because they are spoiled and eating food that has been contained by a zombie would most likely result in an infection. They are passing that store by and continue to see if they have found a way to leave this city. Luckily, they found two trucks. "I have a plan." says Ronald to Gerald, looking at that tow truck. "Do you think two trucks can move a truck trailer?" "We will not know until we try." "Well, better risk than walking all day to Haga, right?" Ronald is going to that tow truck, but when he opens the door, the alarm goes off, and this is a bad signal because now zombies are going to be alerted and they will walk, run, climb or crawl to those two survivors. Mike, who was still talking to that lady on the radio, tells her that he will go and help his friends because the alarm could be heard from his direction, which is roughly 300 meters away. He takes the guns, puts them in his almost empty backpack and runs in the direction where his teammates have turned on two dammed trucks. Mike had taken three pistols, a machete, two UZIs and a Machete to fight.
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