34. Get yourself a Girlfriend

1857 Words

-Valkyrie's P. O. V.- Jokes were never ending. My friends made fun of both Ossy and me. I mean, I would probably too if the damn situation wasn't threatening to expose my big secret. I still can't believe I was able to knock out the big boy like Osprey. That guy is more like a bear than a wolf, and in his animal form he's the epitome of the word beast. Yet it took me just one punch to make him double over and whimper like a puppy and lost consciousness soon after. And the fact that Hector saw it all was another inconvenience. It's actually a good thing that they all thought this situation to be hilarious, otherwise I would not avoid questions. My friends are like a bunch of hyenas, once they sniff good fun there's nothing that could get them off track. I tried to make it fast throug

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