Chapter One

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AVA Here I am, placed into the town car with myself and the one duffel bag of possessions I have is what my aunt had in mind for taking care of me. Yeah, the one family member that I thought would help me in my time of need, really couldn't give a rats a*s. She knew the torment I had endured with her psycho deadbeat of a sister for the last seventeen years, but once I got to her place begging for refuge, I was quickly whooshed away in order to keep her daughter from somehow being tainted by my mere presence. Can't have Ms. Goodie Two Shoes going down the wrong path. Thanks Auntie. Knew I could always count on you. "This will be your new school. Here is what I think you'll be able to survive on. Please do not be a nuisance to any of the teachers or students here. I really cannot afford for any sh!t to hit the fan. You need to keep a low profile. No outrageous acts of retaliation." My aunt cooly says as she hands me an envelope, assuming there is probably cash in there to pay my way out of her life. Her evil sister has yet to know where I ran off to and I really hope she doesn't find me. I managed to get myself out. I will remain a runaway as long as I can. We stop in front of my new school, Valley High Academy, to serve out my final year of high school. "Why thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality of shoving me out of your life. I really do appreciate it. Don't worry. You won't hear a peep from me. Can't risk tarnishing your squeaky clean image Auntie, along with my dear cousin." I say as sarcastically as I can as I open the door and lead myself out. I slam the door to the car and make my way staring up at the massively sized school that I am now enrolled in. The building eerily resembles the X-Men mansion and I look to see if Professor Xavier comes to welcome my presence. I continue my way to the front door watching the mass of people walking around, doing there thing, and I can see that this is not my scene. I am surrounded by the all mighty rich. They tote around their designer bags with their matching designer shoes and outfits. They are all bedazzled with daddy's fortunes meanwhile I am rocking five year old clothing that I picked up from a Salvation Army. To say I don't quite fit in is a complete understatement. I honestly wonder what it would be like to be that kind of rich. I am part of this cruel world by mere name but never grew up like one. My lovely aunt is vastly wealthy, like, richer than rich, hence her need to be rid of me, the lowly daughter of the other sister who would rather drain her bank account with drugs then support her only daughter. I sure as sh!t would enjoy being wealthy and would share it with those that need it the most, since there are people that scrounge for a decent meal every damn day and night from where I am from. It sucked having to watch people starving on the streets where I used to live, but that's how the world works I suppose. The rich get richer while the poor suffer till death. Not me though. I ran for my life and will never, ever look back. I honestly bet between all the wealthy people in this damn world, if they shared their vast abundance of green paper, there wouldn't be world hunger. Kids wouldn't be starving and soldiers that risked their lives to fend for our country wouldn't be left homeless. Just thinking of the what if's pisses me the f!ck off. I was already pissed and now I have evolved into an abundance of rage and anger within me. As my wind wanders towards madness, I make my way inside and probably have my mouth hitting the ground with how absolutely amazing it looks. Never in my life did I think I would be here. I thought I would be stuck with my oppressive, abusive mother for the rest of my life, fending for myself. F!ck that noise. If I have to survive a year here instead of the rest of my life in hell than so be it. I don't need anybody. Never have, never will. I've learned to live with the fact that it will only be me, myself, and I for the rest of time. I just need to start a new life for myself and find out who I really am in this dreadful f!cked up world. Then, maybe, just maybe, I will be okay. "Um, I think you are in the wrong building. People like you should be at the town high school, not here. Our school doesn't accept filth." Says a blonde resembling Regina George from Mean Girls. Oh look, she even has an entourage. Bet she yells at them for eating a bread crumb. If she thinks her words will rock me to my core, she is sadly mistaken. "Was that your attempt to insult me? Gotta be better than that girlie. And, aren't you late for your botox appointment? I don't think you have such a great doctor. I can see the beginning of age lines." I point to a spot on her face and she swats my hand away and snarls at me. Claws are coming out now. Yay. "Listen you trash bag, get the f!ck out of my school before I report you for trespassing! I may as well just get my boyfriend to come escort you out. He doesn't like trash floating around his hallways either." She says getting in my face. Wrong move. I grip her wrist and twist till she is screeching out in pain. I inch closer to her, watching as her entourage remains bug eyed and whisper into her ear. "Come anywhere near me and you'll experience pain like never before. I don't take orders from vapid b!tches like yourself. And don't ever threaten me with your boyfriend. F!ck off. One and only warning skankzilla." I release her and she immediately rubs at her wrist and saunters away along with her minions who just sneer at me. "Holy crap! I have never seen anyone stand up to Candice like that before. Ever. " A girl says to me with her eyes bulging out of her head looking like she had just witnessed an all out miracle. She is a smidge shorter than me, straight brown hair with glasses. She seems so timid that I swallow the anger within me and cling to the little patience I have left. Literally here two seconds and I am already hated by skankzilla and her followers. Now add to that her boyfriend, whoever he may be. F!cking great. "Pieces of crap like her need to be shot down a peg, or two. I don't take bullying too well. First day and I already unleashed the beast within and I now have a target on my back." I shrug and smile. "I'm Ava." I put my hand out and she slowly reaches out her hand to me. "Don't worry. I won't bite. Come on. What's your name?" "I'm Emma. Today's your first day?" She c***s her head to the side and eyes my appearance. Yeah, I am no ordinary rich snob like these pathetic excuses for existence. I dress for comfort, not for fashion, nor have I ever had the luxury to dress that way. I wear boots or sneakers, never heels or flats and have a major attitude problem. I was raised by a maniacal woman who hated my existence and always had me believing I was never good enough so building a rough don't give a f!ck exterior was needed in order to survive. I couldn't keep on living like a scared little girl anymore. As the years went on, I managed to harden from all the brutality I had to endure, so all sweetness and shyness ceased to exist. I barricaded my heart and swore to never let anybody in. I've learned to never trust or get close to anybody because being raised by emotional, physical, and mental torment damages one's psyche. The constant ridicule and berating killed a part of me, and killed the chance of ever having a happy childhood like all the others around me. I'm basically scarred and broken on the inside but no one will ever know. I have a rough exterior and the ultimate f!ck off face, and that's who I will remain. "Here, let me help you get situated. Classes begin Monday so at least you'll be ready. Have you seen where you will be sleeping?" She asks and I shake my head. "Too busy being accosted by the devil incarnate there." She giggles and I watch as she slowly opens up to me seeing that I am not a threat to her. I hand her my papers and she directs me to my room. "Here it is. I mean, it's not much, but at least there is a comfy bed to sleep on." She opens the door and I walk in examining my quarters. Beats living in a roach motel. I place my duffel on the bed and plop down onto it noticing that it is quite cushiony. "Where is your room?" I ask as she sits on the chair by the desk. "I'm down the hall. Last door on the left." "Want me to show you around?" She asks eagerly and I nod with a smile. "That'll be great." I stuff the envelope my aunt gave me under the mattress and shove my duffel into the closet. I take the key that was given and my phone and we make our way out of the room, locking the door behind me. We walk around the whole campus, Emma showing me everything from the cafeteria to the library to the gym that is downstairs. I can still train, I think to myself. "Does there happen to be a music room?" I ask, knowing that is where I will go when I need some downtime. Music has always been a lifeline for me in the darkest of days. It would be my escape and I never leave anywhere without my headphones. "Oh yeah of course! Not many like taking the music course. Have you enrolled in the class?" I nod and she seems happy, thrilled even. "That's awesome. Teacher always has maybe five kids tops in her class." "That sucks." Her eyes fall. "My mom tries." She shrugs. "Wait, your mom is the music teacher?!" "Yeah, that's how I was able to attend here. She always loved teaching music but now, she is becoming less herself because nobody wants to learn or be there." Well, sh!t. "Don't worry. I'm a music fan, so I'll bring her back to life for you." She smiles widely and I can't help but laugh. This girl seems like a good person, and I should have at least one person to talk to here. We head back to the main building and we are both pretty damn hungry so we make our way to the cafeteria. Once again, my eyes widen in shock with the vast amounts of food displayed. My old school served slop that I wouldn't even serve to a pig. Here, you have a damn choice of what you want and I don't waste a second when piling my platter. "You're going to eat all that?!" Emma says with such shock and I shrug. Little does she know that food is like gold to me. Being raised with little to nothing and having to find ways of keeping myself not left hungry wasn't ideal. Like I said, I was raised with a woman that could purchase her own damn island but she never used the money for good and it sucks. The most horrible thing about it is that my aunt knew what I was going through but never dared to save me until I dared to save myself once and for all. "Sure am. Trust me, like I give a sh!t about my weight. I have a nice rack, nice a*s, and curves that I don't regret having. I work out, so, food is of no issue to me. I'd rather look like this then skinny as hell looking like one wrong move will break me." She eyes me with admiration. "You are like a breath of fresh air here." She says and we head to find a seat. I feel eyes on me and watch as the b!tch from this morning glares daggers at me. I casually aim the middle finger at her and hear her slam her hand on the table. Riling her up will be fun. Another pair of eyes land on me and it is like cold water is splashed onto me. Tall, built like a god, big scowl etched across his face, s*x on a stick boy is scorching a hole into me with the way he is examining me. Emma pulls me from my trance and I slightly jump. "That's Ryder. He's all bark and a lot of bite. He's pretty much a loose cannon so be careful of him. Right now, his go to snack is Candice, the girl you had heated words with." I fake vomit and look at him again and watch as someone much similar to him walks up to him and they do some kind of bro shake. I watch as he never takes his eyes away from me which gives me shivers up my spine. "Who's the other one?" She glances over at them. "That's Christian, his step brother and best friend. Basically his number two in command. He might look all broody but he is the nicest out of both of them." Christian's eyes land on me and I feel goosebumps forming all over my skin. Both of their stares at once is making me hyperventilate and I begin to feel uncomfortable. I shift in my seat and go back to eating. "They both basically dominate the masses. F!ck with them and they f!ck you up. Can't count the number of kids who cried all the way home and never came back. They're scary. That's why I keep my head down. In no way do I want to cross paths with the two devils." I chuckle. "Let's take this food somewhere else then." She stops eating and notices they are both staring directly at me. "Well, now you are on their radar thanks to Candice. And the fact that they don't like newbies. Sorry. I forgot to mention that little tid bit." I raise an eyebrow. "You think I'm worried for myself? No. I can handle myself. If you don't want to have anything to do with them than I will understand if you walk away and forget you ever met me." Her eyes widen in shock. "Oh no. Meeting you is like a godsend and I am not leaving. F!ck them." She says with such attitude. I believe this would be the second time my jaw might have hit the floor today. "Did you just curse? I think I might have misjudged you." We both begin to laugh and we resume to stuff our faces. "Want to go out tonight? I know this karaoke place in town. I think we should celebrate your appearance in style and fun." She asks with such a shimmer in her eye. "Hell yeah!" We both stand and dump our food remnants in the garbage and head out, all while the two sets of eyes never leave me. I can already see that this will definitely be a year to remember.
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