At the hospital

1381 Words
Saving the blind billionaire. Chapter 2 Ava Whenever I'm home alone, I prefer sitting on the most beautiful couch in the living room, because it's the most comfortable seat in the house, it's well decorated and costs a fortune. At the first glance you'll see the huge difference between it and the other couches in the living room of the Peterson house. Using the couch gives me hope that someday I'll make it and get myself something better and more flamboyant that this. Sometimes I laugh at myself for thinking impossible things. What gave me the nerve to sit on the honorable couch meant for Dr. Adeline Gerald and her son Lewis is that they might never catch me sitting on it, cause I'm very careful. Whenever I hear any car horn in front of the compound I quickly leave the seat and do something else. Eden once caught me on the seat and made me promise never to use it again else she'll report me to her parents, so since then I've been super careful. On this beautiful Monday morning, I'm still trying to recover from my hangover given the excess alcohol I had last night celebrating the engagement party of Lewis Peterson. My boss's only son. Yesterday was a joyful day for the Peterson family as their beloved son Lewis proposed to the love of his life and she accepted. They celebrated till midnight after they came back from the engagement party at about 10pm. I was enjoying a billionaire ghost story from my favorite online bookshop with my phone when they came in distracting me. I joined in the celebration and drunk myself to stupor. Something different about the Peterson family is that they love and care for everyone irrespective of the person's status. Mr. Lionel Peterson and his wife Dr. Adeline Gerald are good people who unfortunately ended up having a rude mother-fucker as a son. Lewis is nothing like his parents so I've had this deep resentment towards him for God knows how long. As for Eden, even though she sees me here she won't say a word cause I already bribed her with a scope of how to woo her crush without making it seem like she's wooing him. I relaxed on my favorite couch knowing that no member of the family will be arriving till about 2pm and it's just a few minutes past 9am. I realised I've been lost in thought when I get a notification on my tablet. The notification tone beings me back to reality. After reading the network message, I continued with the story I was reading on my favorite story site before drifting away. Just as I start reading, the house line starts ringing. After reading the last paragraph out loud I went to get the call. As soon as I heard that my arch enemy who probably doesn't know about my existence was involved in an accident I felt temporarily paralyzed. After what seems like a lifetime of memory loss. Reality hits me  And I realise I'm supposed to call the Peterson's or go the hospital to see for myself. I left the house hurriedly and soon got a cab as I reached outside the house. After much time on the road with a long traffic, I got to the hospital and discovered I wasn't carrying my purse or money or credit card. I open the car door pretending to forget I haven't paid and ran towards the hospital while the driver trots behind calling after me. Even though I was trying to act like I forgot to pay, I still thought about how he felt. One of the attending nurses agreed to take me to where Lewis was. on our way there I remembered the cab driver and offered to pay him later but he insists I go and check up on Lewis Peterson his favorite sportsman of all time. I still collected his number, before following the nurse to the ER to see a barely recognizable Lewis Peterson. I felt my mind going numb again when I heared a voice from behind, probably the doctor in charge, telling me that Lewis needed an immediate surgery and that surgery won't be possible without a guardian's signature. I quickly went with him to his office to give my signature to save the person I detests most in life. After several futile attempts of reaching his family I tried again but it still proved futile. I gave it a second, third, forth and even tenth deliberation before agreeing to give my signature to save the Peterson's only biological child. Though I hoped and prayed not to regret this single action. Soon after signing the papers the doctor left me in his office to make sure the surgery began. I left his office for the waiting room. Pacing around the waiting room, earnestly hoping for a good news. I heard my name from far, I decide to go to see who the person was and who gave them the audacity to scream my name in such manner. Leaving the waiting room and going towards where I heard my name. On getting there I met Dr. Adeline Gerald screaming impatiently at nobody in particular. While she is screaming, I made an attempt to console her, Eden burst in with a few of her friends running behind her. Dr. Adeline saw me and ran towards me abandoning Eden who just got to her. "Ava, this nurse said you came just in time to save my son's life." She said grabbing my shoulders. "Thank you darling." She says shaking my shoulders profusely. "Em... Ma'am, I...." I saw Mr. Lionel Peterson entering the hospital as I made to speak. "Eden... Sweetheart. What happened to our son." He asked rushing towards us. "Good.... day..... Sir." I stammered, confused about everything. "Babe, Ava here saved our son's life by coming on time to sign for the surgery." Dr Gerald said to her husband. "Thank you very much Ava, my family owes you more than you can imagine." Mr Peterson said. "Good day sir, good day ma'am." the doctor that attended to me earlier greets my boss and his wife as soon as he arrived. "Doctor how is my son?" The couple asked in unison. "How is my brother doctor?" Eden chorused with her parents. "Doc..." I wanted to ask but kept quiet as his family members started speaking. "The operation was successful...." The doctor replied gloomily. "Wow that's great." Dr Gerald commented. "Thank you doctor." Mr Peterson says, stretching his right hand for a hand shake. "Ohhh......" Eden sigh in relief. "I told you he'll be fine." One of Eden's friends says happily. Am I the only one noticing the doctor's gloomy look? "Can I see you in private, Mr. and Mrs Peterson?" The doctor asks and they both agrees. They follow him till they walked out of our sight. Wow! Mr. and Mrs Peterson indeed. Under a normal circumstance Dr. Adeline Gerald would shut the doctor up and correct him. "I'm not Mrs Peterson, I am Dr. Adeline Gerald. Don't you ever forget that." She would have corrected. I shook my head in an attempt to get rid of such thought. I feel a hand tapping on my shoulder. "Are you sure all is well?" It was Eden asking the question I had no answers to. I nodded trying to give her hope. "Let's go to the waiting room. I suggested. "Let's just stay here." she insisted, her friends hovering around her. 'Everything will be fine, Ava you won't regret this. Everything will be fine, Ava you won't regret this.' I kept telling myself reassuringly, but deep down I was scared to the bottom of my soul. I was just standing there looking Eden and her friends but my mind wasn't here with them anymore. I was just praying within me that nothing goes wrong. when I heard a sudden sound coming from behind. "Michelle!" Eden screamed running to hug a strange woman. 'Strange woman....' I thought looking at the said strange woman. "Barbara St. Marcus." I whispered to myself. "What are you doing here I asked myself. How is Barbara my worst nightmare Michelle? I'm doomed! My days at the Peterson's home are over.
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