Friday Part Two

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[For Mature Audience] "Cancel the competition!? Are you ma—?!" After composing myself after the news of fathers death, Avant suggested we adjourn to the throne room to discuss our preparation and plan our next moves. Rationally, I knew he was taking this all cautiously to gain momentum during this tragedy. And I allowed him, Ajax leading me to my room to get ready and Trinity helping. A few hours later, we were entering the throne filled with spectators including the princes, servants, father's closest guests, and others. With the slightest glare from me and Trinity at my side, Avant caught his tongue quickly, remembering who he was now talking to. He looked down, straightening his attire, taking a moment to collect himself before returning my gaze with a smile. Avant continued. "I mean, it's understandable you'd want to cancel this festive tradition after your father's death. However, this is something only the council may decide on, not you, Your Grace. Additionally, it'd take days to gather them, pursued them towards 'canceling' and I don't even want to mention the paperwork." A slither of a chuckle escaped before he veiled it with a deep cough, clearing his throat. "What I'm saying is, you might as well resume the competition. I will make preparations for the dear Kings funeral, on your behave, of course, so you can keep a firm mentality on your guests—" "Poison..." I muttered blankly, my fingers tracing the gold arms of the throne I sat upon. Spectators eyed me with venom and curiosity on what my next moves would be now that I was to be named queen on Dominic. They meant very little to me though as the word poison resonated through my mind. Strangely, it kept me from falling into a dark pit of despair. Any little thing that kept me from this horrible reality. "Poison..." "Pardon?" I stabbed him with a glare, taking him back a foot. I wouldn't let him get a grasp of it again as I stood, rising above him on the marble staircase the throne perched upon. "You expect me to go on with these affairs as if my own father weren't poisoned hours ago? And to forget the culprit is still roaming these halls as we speak! Is that what you expect me to do!?" The thunderous vibrato of my voice echoed upon the throne room walls. Stunned by my reproach, it took him a moment to find his words. Even Trinity seemed to be taken aback, her hand touching the ruffles of my gown before remembering my position now. We both knew she wanted to hold my hand, to comfort me during this dark time like always but queens can't look weak when so many needed her to be strong. I couldn't let a tear shed after I'd cried so much before deciding to gather father's most trusted advisors, which sadly included Avant. In his beady little eyes dwelled a caution of me and his own words now that he didn't have Father. Yet he knew I didn't have his power until my coronation...but I would eventually. Equanimity struck him, straightening himself. "I expect you to think wisely, Your Grace. You must finish this competition and be joined in marriage. Only then, may you receive your place on the throne." There was a glint in his eyes when he caught mine, mocking me for what I already knew deep down. He placed an assertive foot on the marble steps. "For the time being, I shall hold that position temporarily for you, Your Grace." My nose coiled as if his words transformed into an evil stench I couldn't seem to get rid of. "I believe you misspoke, Advisor Avant. By birthright--" He took another step, "On the contrary, while the Coming of Age ceremony is in session, and during these tricky times between death and coronation, it's royal protocol for the family advisor to hold the position until then." Maintaining my composure, a river of vexation flowed through me at his bold declaration. The moment I heard of fathers death, Avant was the first to come to mind. As the royal taster, it should have been him to be poisoned. However, eyewitnesses from the cooks and maids took note that Avant had tasted the food before it'd been given to father. But I was no fool to Avant's advances towards bettering his position by any means necessary. I raised an eyebrow. "Then I shall marry someone now and have my coronation tomorrow—" Shooting the idea down faster than an arrow, he scoffed at me, heating my irritation further. "Impossible. You must complete this competition—" "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS STUPID CONTEST!" I screamed, my voice echoing off the stone walls, practically vibrating the entire room and everyone in it. I could feel the tears crawling to the rims of my eyes but I wouldn't allow them to spill over. "I care about finding my father's murderer and bringing them to justice!" Suddenly, the doors opened and two guards entered the room dragging a man between them; in one guards' hands, he held a stack of papers. My head began to spin at the sight as they marched forward with the man's legs sliding against the ground weakly, his midnight hair wet, droplets falling with each step they took. I could feel an ache in my heart, growing tighter until it was about to combust as they stopped in front of me below the stairs. They nodded their heads. Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself I was surrounded my onlookers watching my every movement. Especially now, knowing who the man was before they even lifted his head. "Your Grace, we brought everyone, including the contestants alibies," Anthony, the first guard on my left, informed me, fanning the papers in his hands. "And we found him sneaking back into the palace," Maxis, the second guard said, lifting Zeph's head so I could perceive the bags under his eyes and the bruises on his face. I guess I couldn't mask my horror at the sight, Maxis quickly continuing. "He refused to say where he'd been all night. We had to take other measures and still he refuses to speak of his whereabouts." Looking upon me, Zeph found the strength to stand on his own, trying to break free of the guards uselessly. The slightest pressure on his left foot made him limp a bit, trying to shield it by straightening himself. There were whispers among the subjects, scowls being tossed at him like rotten fruit. And they looked to me now to see if I'd join in or refute their bantering. "Zeph," I said quietly as if trying to awaken from a nightmare. I've tried so many times but still, it was no use. Avant below sneered at him, casting a beady sideways glance. "The Enigma boy, why am I not surprised..." Zeph fought back with a dark look of his own at them. Only to me would his gaze grow soft. He turned to Avant who tried to stifle a cunning grin. "Have you all forgotten I'm a prince as well." He looked at me calmly. "A prince who had nothing to do with the murder of a king. Absolutely nothing, Serene!" "She shall be known as Your Grace, prince," Avant spat with a back-throat chuckle. He ignored him, keeping his piercing eyes on me. "You know I would never." I bit my lip a moment before I spoke, feeling everyone's eyes on me for a queenly reply. The entire palace knew of Zeph and I. They wanted to see if my judgment had been clouded by this man. Everything clouded my mind since this morning, not only him, but I couldn't let that be known. "Where were you, Prince Zeph?" He lowered his head. "I cannot say." The snickering grew louder with accusation. I cleared my throat to lower the voices. "And why is that? For a prince who says he's not the culprit without a reason why is very frightening." Inside, I prayed to the gods he wasn't my fathers' killer, he wasn't the man the court was trying to make him out to be. He smirked at me, his wet hair falling into his eyes. "I don't mean to frighten you, Your Grace. It's just...I can't tell you." He peered over his shoulders at the eyes pressed to him. Vultures, eyeing him like pray. "Why?" I asked, taking a step down towards him. He kept his eyes on me with purpose, watching my every step like the others until I'd come to a stop steps before his feet. "Is it the eyes?" I can feel them bleeding into me as well, I wanted to admit but didn't. The corner of his mouth rose as he shook his head, flecks of cool water hitting my skin. "Never, Your Grace." I pulled away, looking around the room at all the spectator that wanted to see either I or Zeph crumble. "Well, Prince Zeph, if you refuse to tell the court your whereabouts, I have no other choice but to send you to the dungeons below. You're too suspicious of a culprit to have running around. Send him away, now." The guards nodded, pivoting around along with Zeph who took one last long glance at me. I took a step towards Anthony, whispering to not hurt him. He nodded and headed for the door with Zeph, him flopping between limping and sliding his leg. "It wasn't me, Serene, I swear." His eyes begged for me to believe him and internally, I knew I did despite the court having a wary eye on him, fully convinced he was the murderer. I turned away as the doors closed behind him, Avant ruffling the papers as I climbed up the stairs to my throne. The vagueness of the day returning as I sat down. Trinity quickly sat her hand on mine with a tiny smile, reminding me I wasn't alone through all this. That split second brought a shard of sunshine. But I couldn't bring myself to smile back. "And the alibies, Your Grace, I'll review them in my—" He prepared to turn away before I called out to him. "What were my guests' alibies, Avant. Say them out loud." He cleared his throat, straightening his cloak as he ruffled through the stack. "Prince Ethan of Cameron spent part of the night in the library and the rest in his chambers until early morning when the maids awoke him. Prince Hayden of Piper was seen in the gardens for part of his night, tending to a few plants then returned to his chambers for the night. Prince Samandiriel of Welch was also spotted in the garden picking flowers then returned to his room to paint. Prince Ajax of Ambrose was...well, you know his whereabouts. And Prince Zeph of Lux whereabouts has not been confirmed yet." I nodded, straightening my back within the velvety plush of the throne. It seemed to swallow me, the size enough to fit Trinity and I comfortably. "Advisor Avant..." "Yes, Your Grace." "Please write a through alibi for your own whereabouts by noon. Call for the members of the council. As for the competition, we will continue and on Sunday, after my fathers' funeral, I shall announce my decision for the new King of Dominic. And also..." The look in his eyes lightened with a spark of victory. "Yes?" "As for your position according to royal protocol,"--the room stiffened with anticipation from the audience--"you have such a level head for diplomacy and leadership. Tell me, where did you learn such wisdom?" He straightened his posture, the flame in his eyes overflowing with pride. "I was the star pupil. Caught your fathers eye and he invited me to train under the private instructions from the past advisor, Xen Aiki." I leaned forward, pursing my lips with intriguing. "Must have taken years--decades even, of discipline and dedication." He nodded once more, his eyes darting at the approving eyes, filling him with more confidence. "Only a few years. I was a fast learner under Xen Aiki's swift but plentiful teachings. Management, leadership, advisement, it all came very naturally under his guide." I smiled. "How quaint. The power of a commendable teacher. How lucky of you." "Very. I could only hope to be half the instructor he'd been to me." He slyly shot a daggered look at me, realizing the mistake he'd made. "In the distant future, when I've aged with wisdom. May Xen Aiki and the King rest in eternal peace." The audience, as well as myself and Trinity, repeated his words simultaneously. "May they rest in peace." Once they fell into silence, Avant slightly bowing to leave the room. Oh, I wasn't done with him and he knew where I was going with this. "I believe your abundance of wisdom could be of use to teach starting this very day." I stood above the crowd, capturing Trinity's hand as I presented her directly. "Advisor Avant, as your Queen, I humbly ask you to take Trinity Liane under your wings and teach her the position of advisor." He opened his mouth to refute before remember all eyes were on him. "Your Grace, Trinity is only but a chambermaid--" "And if I can recall, you were once the bastard son of a farmers daughter without a penny to your name. At the end of the day, we are a kingdom filled with opportunities, no matter what station you were born into. Isn't that right?" I directed the question towards the spectators, catching them off guard for a split second before they applauded in agreement. Were they always such suck-ups?, I wondered. "That's very profound, Your Grace, however, you don't have the jurisdiction until your coro--" I glared in plain view at him, growing bored of playing his little games of modesty. "As your future Queen, in name and blood, I advise you to help guide Trinity towards her new title as the assistant advisor and future overseer of all diplomatic acquisitions under my reign. Is that understood?" The flame vanished in one fatal swoosh and without another refusal, Avant bowed with a tight grin. "It will be my pleasure, Queen Serene." -_-_-_-_-_- "I don't know if I can do this," I wept, holding Trinity as we sat on my bed. She brushed my hair soothingly, murmuring sweet words of comfort. "I'm in no state of mind to even think about fraternizing in some dumb competition. At this point, I can't even imagine getting married without...father," I continued to sob in her arms. "There, there," she whispered. "Sam will understand if you decide to stay in tonight." "That's the problem. I can't give Avant or the council any motion to reprimand me for refusing to bed a competitor. It'll further my chances of becoming Queen if I don't marry soon and I refuse to allow Avant power over the kingdom for longer than necessary." Trinity scowled at the mention of him. "That conniving weasel. You know he insists I spend at least a hundred days repeatedly writing the ancient texts of each advisor before him...focusing on one advisor...for a hundred days...out of over five hundred advisors on record...before any type of lessons." I wiped my tears with my sleeve, sitting up. "We both knew he wouldn't be swayed so easily. Our main focus is finding out his involvement with my fathers' death." She nodded in agreement. "You rest assure, I'll be keeping a close eye on him." "And Zeph...? "Do you think he would actually kill the King?" I shrugged. When it came to Zeph, I didn't know anymore. After this mornings quarrel with Ajax and his attempt to actually kill him if I hadn't intervened. However, he'd been fueled by anger and jealousy. I refused to believe he's a murderer though. "I don't know. I need to talk to him but not now." I sighed, leaning away from Trinity. "Let's get ready. I can't stall any longer. Um, Trinity?" "Yes, Your Grace." She granted me a gentle smile. "Will you come with me?" "Of course I'll take you--" I shook my head, propping myself off the bed. "No, I mean, if I have to have s*x with Sam...I'd like you there...with us." "Oh." She slightly blushed, blinking a few time in wonderment and perplexity. A piece of me wondered what she was thinking before she disguised it with her tentative smile. "If that's what you want." "It is. I know you and Sam like one another and I just want you to be there as my friend." "Then I guess we better get ready." -_-_-_-_-_- Sam had reserved the art gallery section of the palace along that back of the garden Hayden and I had spent time at. Trinity and I, wearing matching nightgowns, headed towards the solid oak doors Sam leaned against, waiting for our presence as the clock stroke 8. Moonlight glistened against his lean figure, wearing paint smeared jeans and an olive tunic. Trinity tightened her hand around mine as he smiled at us, nodding his head. "Ladies." His eyes lingered on Trinity a few extra seconds before his eyes fell on me, shifting towards sympathy. "I apologize for the loss of the King. It baffled me when you agreed to continue the competition." I nodded in agreement. "It must go on if I'm to become queen, unfortunately." "Understood. That's why I decided to make this night as easy as possible." Before I could ask what he meant, he pried one side of the door open, gesturing for us to enter. The room was mildly lit with white tarps on every corner of the floor and lower walls. In the center, buckets of paint and brushes were placed. A few plush pillows were tucked beneath the tarp for comfort I noticed as I tiptoed in with Trinity by my side, looking around at the blank whiteness. "What's this?" she asked, turning to Sam closing the door. And in a calm, low voice he answered, "We're going to paint each other's bodies."
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