Wednesday Part Two

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The moment Trinity walked into my chambers to get me ready for my night with Hayden, I locked the doors behind her, catching her off guard. At first, she wondered why the sudden hast, giving me a peculiar expression, her head tilting to the side. "What's wrong, Serene?" she asked, noticing my pale features. "You're acting weird. Did Prince Hayden do something to you today?" I shook my head, stepping towards her to take her hand in mine and lead her to my bed to sit. Staring deep into her light brown eyes, I figured there was no reason in trying to sugarcoat the truth. So I blurted it out. "I saw you with Sam this afternoon in the garden." Instantly, her face flushed and her small hands trembled in mine, all signs of her normally playfulness erased and replaced with solemnness. Her mouth dropped, going dry within seconds, and silence wrapped itself around us like a cocoon. I thought I'd be the first to have to break it but to my amazement, it was she who broke the shell. "Prince Sam and I have felt a connection with one another for some time now. Please be lenient on him," she begged, tears gathering in the rims of her eyes. I shook my head, pulling her into my arms to calm her nerves. "I'm not going to tell, I promise." She leaned back, startled. "Y—you're not?" "No, I completely understand this connection you speak of. And I want you and Sam to be happy together." The color in her cheeks returned at the mention of my blessing for them. "But what about Coming of Age?" I bit the inside of my cheek before replying. "You know I have no control over it—for now. Your relationship will have to be kept a secret until the end and I shall help. If someone were to find out..." "Sam will be disqualified and shamed and I..." She grazed her fingers along her slender neck, imagining her execution. Even if they were caught, I'd never let that happen to her. I'd use all my power to make sure that would never happen to my dearest friend. "That won't happen, I swear it," I promised, rubbing both her shoulders. "I don't have much power now so I beg you not to get caught. Once this is over, I'd be honored if you and Sam tell the world that you want to be together. But for now..." She nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll inform Prince Sam that we shouldn't meet up until the end of the competition." I nodded but said nothing. Inside, I felt so useless in helping my best friend in the first true relationship I'd ever seen her in. Growing up together, I've seen her flirt with other servants. However, they've all been fun and games. And seeing Trinity when she was with Sam and right now when I mentioned him, I knew he made her feel something more than any guy ever did. Drawing in a deep breath, she wiped away the despair of the conversation, smiling at a new topic. "Let's get you ready for Hayden." After having to do the same thing three times in a row, we had everything ready before the clock chimed seven. Throughout the preparation, I could only think about how I hadn't acknowledged the signs before. Had Trinity hinted at them and I just hadn't noticed? Was I so caught up in this competition and my own situation not to notice my friend having feelings for one of the competitors? Trinity put the finishing touches on my hair, a shimmering white gardenia on the side of my hair. "You look perfect, Serene," she complimented, a hint of pride in herself for making me perfect. "Thanks." A knock sprung on the door and in a quick skip, Trinity went over to open it. Zeph stood at the doorway, completely dressed for bedtime in black pajama pants and a tank top that displayed his abs. He gave me a pearly white smile stepping inside as I stood up from the vanity table. "Zeph, what are you doing here?" I knew the answer already, so he could place himself in my memories so I wouldn't love another guy. He was so jealous and a piece of me liked that, my insides bouncing with glee to know this about him. "I just wanted to see you before you headed out," he told me. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, his green eyes digging its way into my mind. As if they weren't already there. "You look beautiful, by the way." "That's nice"—I wanted to see you too—"but I should be heading out right now." Staring into his eyes, I knew something was wrong, he was worried about something. When my mouth opened slightly, I wanted to tell him there was nothing to worry about, that Hayden would take good care of me. After Monday night with Ethan, I could understand his anxiety. Would I return to him as delirious and exhausted as I did that night? Pecking him on the cheek, I followed Trinity out the door—well, I intended to before Zeph pulled me into his embrace. His arms wrapped around my waist and I could smell his familiar manly aroma that lulled me into ease. "Be careful," he whispered. Leaned down, he took my lips in his softly, his touch sending an electric current through my entire body, jolting me awake. I trapped myself there for a long second, basking in his gentle farewell touch before he pulled away. "I love you." "I love you too," I whispered back. That word again. Retreating from his embrace, I took one last glimpse of him before exiting through the doors to catch up with Trinity. She waited for me down the hall as I quickened my pace to catch up. The clock only had a minute before it chimed. Scampering down the staircase and through the garden doors, we followed the lit path to where Hayden would be. Ropes of light shining yellow led us down the orchid path, the sound of a crisp waterfall roaring in our eardrums. Taking more steps, Trinity gently pushed a curtain of flowered vines to present the most magnificent view. The moonlight struck the pouring waterfall perfectly where it shimmered in a pool I've been known to swim in during summer. Lightening bugs twinkled as bright as the stars in the sky among the multicolored flowers circling a bed of red and white rose petals. Standing before them was Hayden with a bowl in one hand and a...plant? It resembled a Venus flytrap but without the jagged teeth and it was pink. "Greetings, Princess Serene," he greeted when he spotted me entering the flowered curtains. He was dressed in dark green pajama bottoms and a green unbuttoned shirt. How come it's when I'm about to have s*x with guys that I realized that their handsome men with needs? Trinity escorted herself out, winking at me while she playfully fanned herself in a forged daze. I shook my head and returned my attention to Hayden as he placed his things on the bed of rose petals, patting for me to sit down. Shyly, I did so beside him. Immediately, awkwardness approached me and I felt my nerves bubble within my guts, keeping my eyes trained on the things he brought. Inside the bowl was golden honey and the plant still looked out of place. Hayden broke the silence. "You must be wondering what I have here," he noticed. I nodded. "I know what the honey is but what about this plant?" Examining it cautiously, he snickered, catching me off guard. He took my hand tenderly, his large fingers guiding my hand towards one of its abnormally large leaves. "His is a plant I made especially for tonight." Great, another experiment. I should have snatched my fingers back, but the leaves were so soft, like the rose petals I sat upon. At the appearance, you'd think it'd have its usual leafy texture. However, I did retract when the head slowly opened, Hayden positioning himself behind me. "Don't be scared, Princess," he assured me, his fingers tracing my shoulder blade. "All it does is give pleasure." I forced myself to still my trembles when he kissed my shoulder, his lips as gentle as everything around us. I fell for his words. It wouldn't hurt me. With my attention on the mysterious plant, I built up my courage and reached out my hand towards it, getting on my knees to do so. As if it were a pet, I stroked the top of its head, its mouth opening wider and I froze when I saw what was inside. My heart thumped and I couldn't think of anything else when I felt Hayden's fingers hooked on the hem of my panties, his finger skimming over my core gentle before pulling down. His lips kissed my neck until I was in a peaceful state, absorbed by his touch more than what I just saw in the plant. My breath turned heavy when his finger slipped back to my wetting core, my fingers having a mind of its own and raking through Hayden's silky auburn hair. "Hayden," I moaned. "The plant." "It's going to give you pleasure, baby," he growled, granting me pleasant shivers. "So much pleasure. Trust me." Taking his time behind me, one of his hands caressed my breasts, slipping them out of my transparent night grown. The roar of the waterfall soothed us as I stared back at the plant, feeling a panicky feeling inside me at seeing what was inside. Its tongue was in the shape of a manhood—a large one. I gulped back my fear, trying to bask in Hayden's touch, remembering his words that it'll only bring pleasure. But what about after? There were consequences for Ethan's experiment we both had to suffer. Would this be the same? I gasped as Hayden's tongue caressed my earlobe and his fingers played with the bead between my folds. It felt good. Everything he was doing to me felt so good. And for some reason, I couldn't pull myself away even though the plants' manhood stared me in the face. Hayden slipped my gown off, leaving me bare beneath the moonlight, lying me down on the rose petals as he crept over me. In my eyes, I could see he was spilling over with desire for me, a craving he hadn't exposed all day. When we paused to stare at each other, I think he could tell I was frightened by the expectations of the plant now behind him. Rewarding me with a smile, he slipped off his shirt. To his side, he dipped his finger in honey and placed it on my lips. The taste was so sweet that it seemed to calm the entire calamity going through me. "Do you normally get so wet?" Hayden asked with a hint of amusement. His fingers were pressed inside my core, circling the inside as his other hand decorated my body with honey. I moaned to the night sky, spreading my legs as he sucked the honey off my body. Once his fingers left my core, I felt something take its place and looked between my legs to see Hayden inching the plant closer between my legs. Seeing my apprehension, he smoothed my hair back, whispering, "It's okay, Serene, it's okay." Breathing heavily, I kept my eyes trained on his as the plants' manhood slipped inside me. It felt human and my heart ached at the feeling, knowing what it was but feeling it being two different things. It pumped itself inside me while Hayden continued to lick the honey off my body, starting with my breast. I moaned, holding onto Hayden for support as I felt my body respond to the plant, lifting my hips towards it. "Doesn't it feel good?" Hayden asked, knowing the answer. I couldn't respond with my mouth, nodding and moaning as its manhood pumped harder inside me. Shouldn't I be running away at this point? But I didn't, I couldn't. Now I was being f****d by a plant. As if reading my mind, Hayden let out a deep chuckle, licking up the last of the honey on my top half. Then gently, he pulled the plant away and I jolted at the sudden emptiness. Hayden continued to lick up the honey, reaching the drops that fallen between my legs, his lips licking my folds. My heart raced, his tongue licking me and making my wetness spill over into his mouth. I trembled when his tongue flickered at my bead. I could hear the snap of his pajama bottoms slipping off of him, Hayden licking back up to my belly button. "Ah, Serene," he groaned when his erection touched my wet core. Just to taunt him, I lifted my hips up and down, rubbing against his head. Unable to control him, he found his way inside me and a loud moan escaped from me at the feeling of being filled up. Holding onto him tightly, I let him complete me. He continued to thrust himself inside me, rupturing through me fast when I demanded it through my shuttering moans. There was something about s*x that I was learning. It was more powerful than what I'd been taught, it overwhelmed my senses, even the smallest touch. And I liked it, somewhat craved it even after four days of being a non-virgin. In hast, he rolled out of me before I could come, positioning me on my knees which I did excitedly. He found his way inside me again, pumping viciously, and I placed my back against his chest. He held me by the neck, thrusting himself inside me until I cried in pleasure. So wrapped up in ecstasy, I hadn't noticed he dragged the plant back, now entering itself inside me along with him. I screamed at how much I was being filled up, both thrusting inside my simultaneously as if they were one being, one humongous being. The thrust seemed to make an orgasm burst within me every time, clouding my mind with ecstasy until I couldn't take it anymore. But there I remained, slumping over the plant before tiredly pulling myself back into Hayden's embrace as he trailed kissed down my neck. They slipped out simultaneously, and I slumped back onto Hayden, breathing hard against him as he spilled his seed down my buttocks. His lips continued to caress my neck and I was surprised he wasn't as tired as I was, scooping me up in his arms and leading me into the pool opposite of the waterfall. The water chilled me at first, sending goosebumps upon my arms and legs, then sinking down further, it became warmer. Beneath the water, I could feel his finger probing at my core, allowing the cool water to enter me along with his fingers. My fingers ran through his hair, leaning back against his solid structure of a body. Why was I so calm in his embrace? The only times I've felt this way was with Zeph. At the thought, guilt penetrated me, thinking of Zeph and knowing he was probably in my room wondering if I was okay. The thought melted away when Hayden's fingers rubbed me in all the right places and his other hand caressed my breast gently. He groaned against my neck and I felt his erection touch my inner thigh, inching towards my entrance. Just before it could enter me as he slipped his fingers out, he caught me by surprise, twisting me around to face him. His manhood slipped inside me quickly, his dark eyes locked on mine. And for the first time tonight, I noticed he didn't have on his usual cheerful expression. He looked frustrated, like us being together was meant to block something in his mind. Something that worried me. "Serene," he muttered, raking his wet hand through my hair. "Is it wrong that I don't want this night to end?" The question took me by surprise, my body unconsciously pulling back. "What do you mean?" Something in his eyes told me before the words spilled out his lips. "I mean, I want to be your husband and be with you like this all the time. Is...that wrong?" That's what had been going through his mind. Would I choose him as my husband at the end of the week? And that question was something I couldn't answer, even to myself. There were so many aspects I liked about him that equaled to the aspects I didn't. I couldn't say a word before he pumped inside my viciously, my hands needing to seize his shoulders to hold on. Yelp at the sensation, I clung to him as he pumped inside me harder, faster, stronger than ever before. With every thrust, he spoke his censuring words. "Don't...fall...for one guy...and make...the rest...of us...look like...sniffling...puppy dogs!" "Ahhh!" I screamed in pleasure when the rupturing of an orgasm released within me. Speedily, he pulled out and released himself in the rushing water, his head slumping against my shoulder. I held onto him, equally drained, catching my breath, his word still sinking their way into my chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Have I really been that selfish? By placing Zeph so high on the podium, have I been making this competition foreordained since the first day? In the pit of my gut, I felt so ashamed that I'd been making them feel this way, but a part of me didn't want to let Zeph go for someone else to fill his spot. I guess I am selfish then. Getting the strength back in my body, I removed Hayden's arms around my waist and climbed out of the pool. There was nothing I could say, especially when he says something like that while having s*x. Although still wet, I jumped into my nighty, ignoring the material clinging to my body. Throughout my dressing, I could feel Hayden's eyes on me, still lounging in the pool with his arm resting on the edge. "Serene," he called before I could take that first step back. Peering over my shoulder, his gentle features returned. He stared at me as if we hadn't just had s*x, as if I were still the innocent girl he wanted to show off his cooking for. "Just give us a chance before you go off deciding you're going to marry the prince who oddly became your V-Consort." My attention was now all on his, confused for a minute when he said V-Consort. "How do you know...?" "Everyone knows." He stepped out of the pool boldly and I turned away, feeling my heart thump and my cheek heat up embarrassed to see the manhood that just gave me so much pleasure. "Personally, I don't care whether you're close to him—well, I didn't before. But after tonight, in all honesty, I don't like you two together so much, especially him being an Enigma." Oh, goodness, not him too, I thought exasperatedly. Once he slipped on his pants, I turned to him crossing my arms with a piercing gaze. "As I've told other before, no matter who you think of him—the bad, dangerous unknown from being with him—I don't believe or care about any of it. Hayden, I like our friendship but—" "I like our friendship too but all I'm asking is opening your eyes to other possibilities instead of only seeing what's in front of you. Spare some time for the others." "Do I not already do that?" He staggered back when he heard the strain in my voice, slowly becoming bitter with this conversation. "I understand from your point of view that I might have my mind made up but, frankly, I don't have a clue because everyone keeps telling me this and that and—urg!" My fists were balled up at my side, hating the emotions racing through me. "I...I just want to get some sleep. Goodnight, Hayden." "Serene"—he grasped my arm before I could head back—"Don't leave like this. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I the time I spend with you. I know that I bore you but the fact that you endure it means everything to me. You're nothing like I expected, I don't think anyone expected it. And I like that. I'm just asking see me, not just as a friend but as a husband, a partner, your protector. That's all I ask." "Hayden..." Beyond the distance, I could hear the chiming of midnight as I stared at him through every chime. His words were awakening an emotion I couldn't quite figure out and it scared me. Right now, every fiber of my being was telling me to run away, but I couldn't for the life of me run with so much weight on our shoulders. So I did the second best thing I could think of when the chiming finally ended. "I'll consider your words and make sure to see every competitor equally, not letting one rise above another, alright?" He pondered on my compromised for a moment before nodding. "Alright." His arms wrapped around my body without hesitation, pulling me into an embrace that paralyzed me. "You're going to make a great queen, Serene, I know it." For the longest, I sank into his arms, not in a sensual way, but in a way that made me feel comforted in this vast world. There were so many things that worried me about getting married, being queen, ruling a kingdom, and so many mistakes I could make. That's why I ran away that day, not just because of the pressures of Coming of Age but I feared ruling. What if I never opened my eyes when I became a queen and created an uproar? What if...? "Goodnight, Serene." He was the first to walk out the embrace, heading towards the palace a few steps before me until I got the feeling back in my body and followed. "Goodnight, Hayden." He couldn't hear me though. Reaching my chambers upstairs, Hayden and I parting long ago, I opened my door to Zeph knocked out in bed beneath the moonlight. I half expected him to stay awake until I came back but I guess snooping on me all day tired him out more than we both expected. But I had to admit, he was kind of cute, even the soft snoring. Gently, I unpeeled the sheets and slipped inside, facing his slumbering face. I guess I wasn't quiet enough because the moment I relaxed within the comforters, his green eyes fluttered open. A smile slithered across his lips. "You alright?" he asked. I nodded, moving closer so he could wrap his arms around me, which he did. "Yes." He yawned, leaning his head higher on the pillow. "Did he hurt you in any way?" I snickered, snuggling closer, sinking into his familiar aroma, less sweet than Hayden's which I liked. "No. How was your night?" "Nothing as exciting as environmental studies but I made due." I giggled at that and he smiled tiredly, kissing my forehead before slipping back under the sheets. He pulled me closer in his arms until my head rested on his chest. I shut my eyes, needing to go to sleep, to erase Hayden's words and our night together. I kind of feared I'd have nightmares about a giant pink plant though. "I love you." Keep my eyes tightly closed, I pretended not to hear his words so I wouldn't reply. Why? I couldn't face that unknown word again, not after tonight, not until I truly knew what it meant to me. And only me.
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