Saturday Part Three

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[For Mature Audiences] "Who do you really want?" Trinity asked me as she finished up my hair, swooping it over my shoulder lightly with a sigh. That question sounded so simple yet it made my head swirl at the thought. This would be the last night I had to sleep with someone for the competition and all I wanted to do was get it over with. I felt like I couldn't mourn my father properly until all of these missing pieces--father's killer, Zeph's freedom, who I truly want to marry, Avant finally out of our lives--were resolved. "I don't know." She placed the brush on the stand and turned my seat around to face her. She bit her bottom lip, trying horribly to stop from grinning so hard. "I know you have an idea, maybe someone by the name of--I don't know--Ajax." At the mention of his name, I felt my heart thump in my chest with momentous force, causing me to quickly draw breath. I smiled at her, feeling my cheeks heat up. The night we spent together only made me want to know him more. What was his childhood like? What other values does he hold? And when did he start making me feel so happy at the mere thought of him? "Or is it still Zeph?" My smile drooped at the thought. He was still imprisoned downstairs and I hated that he was down there, knowing he probably didn't do it. Strangely though, without him hanging around, I found it easier to think about this competition and my next steps toward progressing through it. It's saddening, I know. Whatever I felt for him was slowly dissipating inside me and a small piece of myself felt guilty for it. For him being trapped down there while I was preparing to sleep with two men, one because I authentically desired him once more and the other because he could help solve my father's murder. He'd taught me so much since we first met and although he used some things to his advantage, he was right, this was a competition. I took a deep breath looking down at her joyful face. I had multiple men yearning to be by my side and here she was finding someone she knew would cherish her despite her simple upbringing. I don't want to say I'm jealous but I'm jealous, nonetheless. "I've been reading this journal my mother wrote in before she died," I admitted. Her mouth fell open. "The late Queen Lalita?" I nodded. "Yes, and her story, the things she talks about like her brothers, wishing she had a simple life in Welch, She knew what love was." She looked down shamefully. "Most of us do. I'm still sorry about that." I shook my head, dismissing at her unneeded apology. "I'm over that. At least I can learn, right? But something that she wrote resonated with me. Before her older brother's Coming of Age, he told her all he wanted was to find someone he enjoyed spending time with, talking to, and learning from. He wanted a friend before a wife. He wanted that for her, she wanted that for herself, now, I feel like I want that as well. Not finding a husband based on s****l merits alone but on how we connect and finding a friendship like ours in one of those men out there." She looked me deep in the eyes with one of her funny smiles that tilted upwards. "That's exactly what I want for you as well. So, taking sexuality out of it, who do you really want?" I shrugged. "Honestly, I have an idea but I'm not completely sure." She groaned to herself, standing to her feet. "It's because of this crazy competition. A week ago, you were a virgin and now because of century-long traditions, you have to bed several strangers based on their titles. It ridiculous." "What am I supposed to do then, Trinity? The only way I can change all of this is if I'm queen but I can't become queen unless I marry one of them next week, and to do that, I have to complete this competition. And what if they change their minds later on?" "What do you mean?" I pressed my face into my hands, feeling like my eyes were about you swell up with tears I had no use for. I had to be in the ballroom soon and I couldn't go in there about to cry. "My father. What if the man I marry changes his mind, finds our marriage a mistake, and I live the rest of life...disappointed. He'll live his life miserably, wondering where it went wrong, and when we have children, it'll just be an endless cycle. I hated my father for the longest because of what happened my mother. And now with this journal, I'm finding out more than I thought I ever would from father, and that just makes me feel even worse." We stayed silent for a moment as I tried to hold back my tears. I missed him. I wish I could hug him and tell him I'm sorry. I know he didn't want her to die. It all just began with a lie, a lie his own heart couldn't handle. "My mother was an adopted princess from Lux who's obsessive mother trained her to murder my father after his Coming of Age." "Are you serious? Queen Lalita...did the king know?" I patted my cheeks, willing myself to sit upright and take a deep breath. "I think so. I'm not sure. I haven't finished the journal yet. But maybe she told him but refused to kill him. That could be why he loathed her so much and kept her at a distance." "Maybe," she muttered under her breath. That would answer some questions about my childhood like why he hardly ever wanted to talk about her and whenever someone brought up her name, he'd grow angry and shout at them, banning the very mention of her essence. Those sleepless nights I'd lay in bed trying to remember her face, wishing I could talk to her one last time, to have her wrap her arms around me. The only portrait allowed was her self-portrait father only returned to the walls because we had visitors. Before he locked it away along with her other possessions or burned them, I imagined. Trinity bent down, holding me back the shoulders as she looked me in the eyes solemnly. "Serene, this is your life, no one else's. If you want to be like your parents, so be it, but if you want to create a new path for yourself and your own children, then you need to fix yourself and head to the ballroom. You now know the type of guy you want to marry: someone who you enjoy not only having s*x with but talking to, learning from, being with. Start there and you'll figure out the rest after. Okay?" "Okay." By the time I arrived at the ballroom, earlier than planned to make sure everything was set up properly. The room had been designed for tonight with a large circular bed in the middle, a closed off stage with the curtains drawn, a few tables and sofas pushed to the edge of the room, and two crystal chandeliers above. The window curtains had been drawn, displaying the silhouette of trees behind golden sheer drapes, the main source of light shining dimly from above. It made the room appear soft gold. "You're late, Your Grace," someone greeted behind me. I held my grin from the familiar tone, swirling around in my royal crimson gown that fluttered to my feet slowly. Ajax stood by the stage quite dashingly in an open buttoned dress shirt, displaying his well-sculpted physique. The shirt was tight around his biceps purposefully, I noticed, along with his dark jeans. "Am I?" I questioned, taking graceful strides towards him. "I actually came early. It's not even eight yet." "If I, your humble guest, arrived before the hostess, shouldn't that mean the hostess is late?" he asked, a brow rising with a seductive grin on his face. It made me want to know what he was thinking. We stopped inches from each other, eyes challenging confidently. "I'm not late, you're just early. But I have a feeling that you wish I were late. Why is that?" He wrapped a hand around the small of my back, my chest pressing against his. "Maybe because we both wanted to see each other--" Boldly, I stretched on my tiptoes and captured his lips with mine, having the strangest urge since I first saw him by the stage. Kissing was once a thing I'd been so stupid about only days ago and now it seemed so natural as he found his rhythm, pulling me closer. His tongue was hot and ravished me as I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling the weight of his biceps engulf me. I could feel each rigid ab as I ran my fingers down his body. With my other hand, I unfastened his belt, slipping it out of the loops before pulling away from him abruptly. It took him a second before coming back to reality, the front of his jeans stretching because of my taunt. I wanted him right then and there but I had something else I needed to do. "What was that for?" he asked, his eyes appearing to be mesmerized by my sudden audacity. They followed me as I grabbed a chair from one of the tables and placed it a few yards away from the bed. With the belt, I wondered if I should use it as a restrainer or as leverage. Some of the tables had accent clothes of them; the ends of them could certainly go around a decent sized head and was thick. "Because I wanted to," I answered, looking around for another object I could use. "Can you rip one of the curtain strings off? I'll be needing it." He looked apprehensive about my plan but went over to the curtains to tear a cord off the curtains without bringing them down with it. While he cut through that, I grabbed the accent clothe and gestured for him to shred a piece of the sheet which he did effortlessly, and I returned to the bed. Walking over to me with the cord in hand, his face still curious yet excited about what tonight's plans were with the belt and cord. I placed all three items on the bed. Just when he was about to open his mouth to ask me what they were for, Ethan stepped in somewhat awkwardly into the ballroom, dramatically puffing out his chest. Ajax face suddenly turned sour as he remembered this night wasn't going to just be us. "Good evening, Your Grace," he greeted, striding in wearing a sleeveless shirt that showed off the few muscles in his arms. He nodded towards me and grimaced at Ajax who returned the gesture swiftly. "Prince Ajax." "Welcome, Prince Ethan." I approached him, taking his hand into mine. "I have a favor to ask of you if you don't mind." "Not at all." I pulled him towards the chair and gestured for him to sit down, which he was all too eager to do. I think it was because Ajax was shooting daggers at him and I obviously was giving Ethan my better attention. I sat down on his lap, which surprised both him and Ajax who took a seat on the bed, his hands balling up the sheets. I wanted to laugh at the gesture but held it back, keeping my eyes trained on Ethan which seemed to hypnotize him. He grabbed my waist as I felt the snake between his legs rise through his pants, pressing into me. "I didn't mean to be nosy but I overheard this morning that you're working on a new experiment. A truth serum?" Placing my arms around his neck, making sure he focused only on me instead of trying to taunt Ajax. I knew this was getting to him but this was a competition and although I liked Ajax, I needed Ethan's mind right now. "Is that correct?" The more I adjusted myself against his erected member, the tighter he held my waist. "Yes." "How long would it take you to create a few for me?" He smiled when I adjusted myself in the right position. "Since I have all the notes and the ingredients, it would take me a few hours to make them then allow the serum to rest before using." I pressed closer to his ear as my eyes looked at Ajax still wrinkling the sheets, turning away from me. I snapped my finger at him to catch his attention as I whispered in Ethan's ear, "Can you make me some by tomorrow?" "Of course." Once I had Ajax's attention, I pointed at the strip of cloth to hand me. At first, he taunted me with it, picking it up and swirling it around his finger. I scowled, pressing my chest into Ethan's until he released a moan, obvious to Ajax and I. Ajax pursed his lips, mouthing, "You just wait..." I grinned at that, feeling myself get moist as he got up to hand me the cloth. "Thank you so much, Ethan. Now, I'd like to play a game with you. Are you afraid of the dark?" He shook his head, looking up at me skeptically. "Good." I wrapped the cloth around his eyes so he wouldn't see. "Don't take this off or you're out of the game, understand?" "Understood. What kind of game?" Slowly, I crawled off his lap and walked over to the bed, towering over Ajax who gave me a forthright expression as I reached over to grab the cord. His hand grabbed onto my buttock harshly and I quickly pushed him down, climbing on top of him. "You'll get your turn soon," I whispered in his ear before stealing one last kiss. His lips absorbed mine quietly, him pressing in for more. I pulled away before he could be satisfied, returning to Ethan to grab his hands. "A question game. If I like your answer, I'll reward you. If I don't, you'll be punished. Please be quick about them...or else." With his hands behind his back, I tied them up with the cord, which surprised him a bit. Oh, this was only the beginning of surprises. "Is it too tight?" "No, Your--" I tightened them a bit more until I knew for sure he wasn't getting out. "Better?" A whimper escaped his lips before he covered it with an overzealous deep voice of "manliness." "It's perfect." "Okay, be good while I get Ajax ready." I walked over to Ajax with a grin on my face, excited about the steps I was taking with tonight. I was beginning to realize I enjoyed being in charge and dominating a bit more than I thought I would. Straddling Ajax on the bed, I undressed his top and returned my lips to his, his arms wrapping around me tightly. "Can you be quiet for me?" I whispered to him as I came up for breath. He c****d his head to the side, saying loud and clear, "I don't know, can I?" I unzipped his hand, feeling his member in my hand. The tip was already getting wet as he began slipping the straps of my gown off my shoulders, his lips trailing from my shoulder to my neck. "Only if you want a reward." I grabbed the belt beside him, before he lifted me in his arms, placing me down on the bed with ease. "I'll be quiet," he whispered, pulling off my dress and dropping it to the floor. "But only because I like the attention." He slid his fingers around my core, covering myself mouth with his other hand to keep me quiet. I'd already become wet so his fingers slid inside me, pumping slowly as he looked me in the eyes. Before I could become absorbed by him, his goal probably for me to forget about Ethan and just have him tied up for the night. I slapped the belt on his back which did nothing but invigorate him, causing him to pump his fingers inside me more aggressively. I hit him harder, hearing the snap of the belt, which made him wince for a split second before uncovering my mouth and kissing me. He rolled around so I was on top and I quickly slid off, his fingers pulling out of me. I returned to Ethan with the belt as Ajax licked his fingers. "The first question is an easy one, Ethan, what's the color of the sky?" He chuckled at the simplicity. "Blue." I bend down, feeling his erection through his pants, pulling it out. I used my hands to rub against them, feeling him growing hotter and hotter. He unleashed a satisfied moan. "Correct. Now tell me which kingdom you're from?" "Cameron, the kingdom of Knowledge." His feet bounced eagerly for his reward. I licked the tip of him, feeling him grow hard in my hand. I could hear Ajax huff in contempt as the cushions of the bed creaked beneath him as he rose. He walked over to me quietly, however, because he was just a hefty man, there was only so little noise he could make. Ethan perked up slightly at the sound f his footsteps inching closer. Before he could come closer, I held out a hand for him to stop. "Ethan, what exactly were you up to on Friday night?" He paused for a moment, frowning at the question. Impatiently, I snapped the belt against the wooden floor close to his bare feet. He yelped at the sound, flinching at the noise and the closeness of it. "I-I already wrote my alibi, Princess Serene." I snapped it again against the floor before wrapping it back into my hand. "It's Your Grace. And I want to hear it verbally from you." "Y-your Grace!" he stuttered. It took him a moment to catch himself, returning to the question at hand. "I spent the night in my chambers reviewing my notes before going to sleep. I had some of the servants gather some books on brain function and the nervous system. They can tell you. I fell asleep reading one of the chapters." I stepped closer to him only to feel Ajax wrapping an arm around my waist, his hand skimming down to my nether regions. He felt warm against my bare backside, his other hand squeezing my breast as I bent down to Ethan's snake. I began rubbing him up and down until his own moistness coated it, allowing my hand to glide more easily. I had to bite down on my bottom lip as Ajax nibbled on my earlobe, his fingers flicking my bead. I leaned forward, placing my mouth around Ethan's c**k which exposed my backside to Ajax more predominately. As my mouth went down on him, Ajax's large member found its way close to my core. I had to stop. If he entered, I wouldn't be able to concentrate. "N-next question, Prince E-Ethan," I forced out, trying to keep my moans suppressed as I felt Ajax's member grow closer to my core, taunting me. "Did you have any ill will against my father?" The breath from each word touching him might have caused him to pause in silence. Bringing myself back to reality, I grabbed the belt and cracked it against his calf at the hesitation. He yelped at the sudden pain as I released his c**k from my hand, Ajax moving back a bit from me. I turned around to see him covering his mouth, noticing his eyes still on me, craving me in ways I could only imagine. This was turning him on and I liked it. "No!" Ethan replied loudly. "That really hurt, Your Grace." I smiled at the innocence of his words. Of course, it hurt. "You shouldn't have hesitated. Next question, did you poison my father?" I could hear the tension in my voice, feeling as though the words burned in my throat. Cameron has a history of wanting to put knowledge at the center of governmental power and I recall Ethan being very vocal in his beliefs during the beginning of this competition. I doubted he had anything to do with his death but he was higher on my list than the other Princes. I guess he heard the pain in my voice as well as he settled down in his seat and calmly replied, "No. I did not poison your father, Your Grace. I have no ill will towards your father, never have." "Good." This time, I sat down on his lap, allowing him to feel the wetness of my treasure box as I grinded on his elongated member slow. He wanted to put it in, feeling him slowly adjusting himself to for the right spot. But I wouldn't let him get that far before jump off of him, hearing him groan in displeasure of not gaining the greatest satisfaction. But someone was ready to beat him to the point. I should have restrained him as well, I thought as Ajax gathered me in his arms, spreading my legs as I sunk onto his erected p***s. I bit down on my lips, holding him tight as he pumped inside me, filling me up to the brim with everything he had to offer. "I wanted to be the first inside you," he whispered, pulling me back roughly by the hair. A quiet whimper escaped my lips before he quickly devoured them, his tongue rushing inside me. I pushed against him. tightening my legs around him. He felt so good inside me. "One last question," I whispered, hoping he'd slow down. If we held me like this for much longer, I think I'd just forget about Ethan and leave him here to f**k Ajax somewhere else. "Let me asks last question...then we'll...continue..." I held my breath, trying hard not to squeal as he pumped harder, causing my head to spin and my body to go weak. "Ajax...please..." He grunted, kissing the nape of my neck before finally slowing down to a stop. He placed me on my feet and it took me a second to catch my balance. "We're going to continue this," he whispered, kissing my cheek before letting me go. Goodness, I enjoyed being in his possessive embrace. Taking a deep breath, I went over to Ethan who was now turning head, probably wondering if I'd forgotten about him. I picked up the belt I dropped by his side when Ajax took me into his arms. "The last question, do you know who killed my--" BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! "Your Grace, we've found the kings murderer!" someone shouted outside the doors. Did they really find my father's killer? Without a second thought, I dropped the belt and headed to grab my gown by the bedside. Hastily, I jumped into, struggling to get it on as I rushed to the doorway, trying not to trip over the hems. Pulling the straps over my shoulders, I seemed to glide over the floorboards to reach the doorknob to open it. A part of me was ready to see the guards handing over Avant, his face battered and bruised. So when I opened the door, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw... "Hayden?" Two guards restrained him by the arms as Avant proudly stood by the doorway. I could feel his eyes roaming around my body but I didn't care at this moment as Hayden gritted his teeth, eyes red and swollen from crying. "This scoundrel was acting quite suspicious today, don't you think?" Avant hissed buoyantly, straightening himself over me. "When the servants went to check on him later in the evening, we caught him trying to escape with his things. There is no doubt in my mind, Your Grace, that this man, Prince Hayden of Piper, killed the beloved King Leone!" Every part of me felt numb at this accusation, Hayden looking somewhat disoriented. Ajax found his way to my side, fully clothed, his arms holding the small of my back. I wanted to collapse this moment. " this true, Prince Hayden?" "Serene, I'm terribly sorry, but I can explain," he cried, trying to inch towards me but the guards held him back. "I didn't mean to bring that poison but I was so angry at your father for those budget cuts toward the envi--" "Budget cuts?" I shouted, hardly realizing I was not being restrained by Ajax. "You killed my father over budget cuts?!" "No, I didn't! I was going to but--" "Enough!" Avant cut through, gesturing to the guards. "There will plenty of time for your excuses tomorrow. For now, guards, take him to the dungeons." They marched with Hayden struggling in hand as he shouted through the corridors, "Stop! I didn't! Please, Serene! I didn't mean to!"Avant bowed his head as I sunk further into Ajax's arms. "My apologies for the disturbance. You may resume." He turned away, heading down the same corridor and around the corner in long strides. I leaned into Ajax for a moment longer. Hayden killed my father over budget cuts. What? I couldn't believe what I heard. He brought a poison to kill father because of a petty budget cut. I could feel a burning in my chest that I would have let him slip through the cracks. That's probably why he was feeling well this morning. Probably the guilty aftermath rotting away within him. Ajax ran his fingers through my hair tenderly as I wrapped my arms around him. He walked me to the bedside. I took a seat absentmindedly, lost in my own confusion of it all as Ajax kissed my forehead. Ethan grunted behind me, the sound of rope hitting the floor and the chair scooting back, scratching the floor. His footsteps inched nearer until he was by my side, looking down at me. I could feel the tears running down my face. My father's murderer was now caught so why did I feel so much more miserable? Throughout the search for him, I'd been able to keep my head up, but right now, I didn't even want to lift a finger. My father died because of budget cuts. "Princess, I'm absolutely sorry," he said, rubbing his wrists. "I'll make you those serums and have them to you by noon tomorrow." I said nothing as he turned away, heading towards the doors to leave. Once gone, Ajax wrapped an arm around my shoulder and another underneath my legs. "Let's get you back to your room." He picked me up and I placed my head on his shoulder, feeling overwhelming exhausted. Hopefully, this feeling wouldn't stay for long. Tomorrow, I'd be able to release Zeph, I'd have to choose a husband, the council should be arriving in the next few days, and I would be queen. But as I lingered on those thoughts, I didn't feel an ounce satisfied. The journey to my room felt brief, Ajax pushing the door open with his back and sliding me under the sheets. I grabbed him by the sleeve, turning to him. "Please don't leave me," I sniffed quietly. Without another word, he slipped under the sheets with me, wrapping a comforting arm around my waist as I held only the journal on my other side. A few tears slipped out and all I could think about was that I wanted my parents back. July of 19XX He's nothing like I imagined him to be. All these rumors that he was a cruel, cold prince were definitely true but he has his better qualities as well. When he sword fights, he's as graceful as a swan and sharp like a viper. It's mesmerizing to watch him. When he laughs, it seems to fill up a room and makes me laugh along with him. He granted me a rose on our first day meeting. I wonder if he plucked one for the other girls. He said he didn't, that when his eyes fell upon me, he could see no other woman but myself. I've seen him act cruelly to a few people but after, I always see that he's remorseful of his actions, and ends up helping make things right. No one makes rumors about someone fixing their mistakes, do they? I haven't the slightest clue how I should feel about Prince Leone. Sometimes he scares me when he shouts but then when he hugs me to his chest and when I feel the beating of his heart, I know deep down that he's a great person. He just needs someone to show him to calm his nerves, to remind him that he isn't alone in this opulent world of rumors, deception, and lust. "I feel as though I can't trust anyone. They only wish for my downfall. But I just want one person to show me they truly care for who I am, not the title, not the wealth, none of it matters when it comes to having someone who understands." He told me that. I believe he wants me to be that someone. I know it's only a hoax though. I'm someone else to him. A distant princess to the Queen of Welch. I'm well versed in traveling, architect, and playing the harp. I'm the most interesting woman he's ever met and it's hurting me each time I stare into his eyes and see my reflection. If I were to admit I'm a princess of Lux, he'll certainly have me thrown to the wolves without a second thought. Should I abandon my mission, mother? Should I throw away all your hopes and dreams for a second reign? This man who gave me the most magical night of passion and held me through the night with butterfly kisses and dreams of a happier tomorrow. Do I enter into his opulent world he so despises to save him or must I break his heart once and for all? I no longer know who I am. If I betray this man that has captured my heart, I will have no more use for my own beating heart. And if I betray the family that saved me from a life of starvation and death, they will go to the ends of the world to tear out my heart from my chest and spit on all that I hold dear. I want to love and be loved unconditionally for the rest of my days. But by whom? Sincerely, your dearest friend, Lalita of Welch and Lux
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