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Armaan was busy examining his patients and from time to time he was peeping at his wife who was busy arranging things in his cabin as per her fondness. "Sir my son! He has been suffering from an itching problem, please cure him, he is the only ray of hope in my life, if anything happens to him I'll die, (the lady sobbed) I dreamed to make my son doctor like you..." The lady started begging in front of the doctor, "Don't worry, he'll get fine..." Armaan told the lady and asked her to wait outside, The lady walks out and Armaan called the 14-year-old boy near him, then Armaan pulled his palm out in front of him, The 14-year-old boy made a confused face, " Stealing is a bad habit, now give me my cell phone back..." The boy bites his tongue and started staring at Armaan with fearful expressions. Nandini also twirled and witness her husband and the 14-year-old boy. She moved to her husband and now started staring at the boy who pulled Armaan's cell phone out of his thief pocket and passed the cell phone to Armaan "Please don't tell my mother anything or else she'll kill me..." The boy said, "If I want to tell your mother about your deeds, I would never send her out! (Relief washed over that boy's gross) I'll not say anything, I promise..." Armaan told him and took his cell phone from his hand. "Now come close to me and let me examine your body..." Armaan told him and started wearing his gloves, Nandini was standing quiet all the time, "I have seen this lady somewhere...!" The 14-year-old boy said, "Oh yes! I have seen her photograph in the magazine...!" The boy told her excitedly, "I am not any celebrity..." Nandini told the boy, Nandini wasn't a camera person, she maintains her good distance from the paparazzi, "It's chicken pox, " Armaan told the boy, but that boy was busy staring at Nandini and Nandini was staring at the boy. "This beautiful lady is already claimed by me, little boy, so remove your gaze from her..." Armaan said, removing the gloves and dumping them into the particular color trash bin. "You are lucky..." The 14-year-old, slum boy said, and a proud smile appeared on Armaan's face which couldn't go unnoticed by Nandini. "Here is your prescription little boy and thank you so much for your compliment, ( Armaan looked at Nandini) indeed I am a lucky man to get such a wife..." Hearing such a wife, word, Nandini turned her attention to Armaan and started staring at him. Nandini and Armaan didn't exchange words, "Thank you, Dr. Armaan..." The little boy said, that's when Armaan and Nandini stopped staring at each other and turned their attention on the little boy. "It's my pleasure and never steal again, if you want money you can come here to help me in the evening and I'll pay you for that..." Armaan told the boy but looking at Boy's expressions, Nandini was 100% sure that the boy has no interest to work there. once he gets the chance, he'll steal again. The boy nodded his head and was about to go out but Nandini grabbed his hand, Armaan was about to stop Nandini as the boy was suffering from chicken pox, but when he saw how serious his wife was looking, he abandoned his plan to stop her, The boy started looking at Nandini, there was something in Nandini's eyes, which didn't let him take-off off his eyes from her. "Stealing will never satisfy your needs, you will have to work hard for your dreams, and such a cell phone. The offer which Dr. Armaan gave you isn't bad, you can at least try for a month, and if you don't like the work then you have full freedom to leave the job..." Nandini told him, "Will you come here every day?" Hearing his comment, Nandini smiled "I will come at the end of the month to see if you have tried or not..." Nandini said, ruffling his hair, but suddenly their sweet moment got interrupted by Nandini's cell phone buzz. Nandini excused herself and moved to her cell phone when witnessed her bodyguard's no, she immediately walked out of Armaan's cabin "Yes!" Nandini asked on the call, "You were right! The old man had caged the lady's little son and had been forcing her to transfer her husband's property to his son's name... Even the man and his son tried to assault that lady in front of her child but I had stopped them at the right time, " hearing that Nandini's palms curled up in a rage, but she took a deep breath and calm her anger. She closed her eyes and rest her palm on the dirty wall, her wedding ring and engagement ring were shining proudly on her fingers along with her expensive watch and gorgeous bracelets "You know what to do! " Nandini told him and then opened her eyes, now she was looking relaxed but an evil glint was trickling from her beautiful eyes. "What about the lady and her son?" He asked, "Don't worry about them, they are my responsibility, not yours..." Nandini said him in a very cold tone, "Sorry!" The man said, but instead of replying to him, Nandini cut the call. When Nandini went back inside the cabin she found a nurse standing very close to Armaan, The nurse was showing a file to Armaan, but the love for Armaan was simply visible in her eyes. "That's great, now you can apply for a job, " Armaan told the girl, patting her back and a very proud smile appeared on that Nurse's face. "My parents will be very happy if you come to our place for dinner, " The nurse requested Armaan with a heart-warming smile, "I can't promise but I will try my best, Tomorrow I have to visit the prison hospital, and I will be glad if you will assist me..." Hearing that, the young nurse got so excited, "I am very grateful to you for giving me this chance Dr. Armaan..." The nurse said, Armaan pulled the big chocolate out of his bag and gave that chocolate to the nurse, " A thank you for making me proud by getting such good numbers..." The nurse took the chocolate and put it inside her bag very carefully as if it was not chocolate but a precious treasure for her. Nandini cleared her throat to get their attention, that's when the nurse and Armaan turned their attention to Nandini, "Nandini..." Armaan called her name with so much love, opening his one arm for her. Nandini instantly moved to Armaan and stood beside him, "Where were you...?" Armaan asked, wrapping his arm around Nandini's waist. "Out on the call!" Nandini said, staring at the nurse who was trying hard to smile, but looking into her eyes anyone can say that The nurse isn't happy to see Nandini with Armaan. "Oh silly me! I forgot to introduce you to my student, " Armaan said and Introduced Nandini to the nurse then he introduced the nurse to his wife, but hearing his wife's word from Armaan, The nurse's eyes opened wide in shock. The nurse knew that Dr. Armaan is a rich man, but she wasn't aware that he is the husband of business tycoon Nandini Singh, Nandini unexpectedly fisted Armaan's shirt, " I think your student isn't happy to see me..." Nandini said, But the Nurse started shaking her head in panic, "No, I. I mean, I am..." The nurse was trying hard to speak but no words were coming out of her mouth properly. "She is just surprised and stunned to see the business tycoon Nandini as my wife, " Armaan said, and the nurse started nodding her head in agreement. "Since when you started taking classes for nursing students...?" Nandini asked her husband, with unhappy expressions, "Nandini she isn't a nurse but an intern doctor, In the morning she got punishment from me at the hospital and I told her to work with nurses that's why she has been wearing Nurse clothes..." Armaan explained to her, "There are no patients outside, can we go home..." Nandini asked her husband in a heartwarming tone, but from inside she has been dealing with a tornado of anger and madness. Armaan nodded his head and looked at his secretary, "Let's go, we'll drop you..." Armaan told her, "No, I'll manage..." The intern doctor replied, with a forced smile, but Armaan shook his head, "We are leaving for home, we'll drop you at your flat... Come on!" Armaan told her and walks out of his clinic with Nandini, Nandini's grip tightened on his waist, Armaan turned his gaze and looked at his wife with a questioning gaze, " what happened?" He asked, She lowered her gaze like a scared kitten, " The Dogs..." She said in a low tone, "I promise I won't let any harm come to you..." Armaan assured her, then he freed his waist from her arm and moved to the intern doctor who was busy locking the cabin. Armaan helped the intern to lock the clinic then he came back to his wife and told her that he'll drive. Nandini passed him keys, Armaan intertwined his palm with her, and lead her to the car. Like a gentleman, Armaan opened the door for his intern but he didn't open the car door for his wife because she doesn't like it. Armaan has been repeatedly peeping at his wife while driving but his wife's attention was on her tablet on which she had been busy reading some articles. Through the driving mirror, Armaan noticed his student was staring at his wife, "Why are you so silent today, don't you have any story today to tell me...?" Armaan asked his student but Nandini thought Armaan asked her, Nandini tilted her head and looked at her husband, "I am excited to show my result to my parents, " The intern told Dr. Armaan, " they'll be so proud to see your success..." Armaan told her and she smiled, Nandini sighed and those days flashed in front of her eyes when Her father used to beat her and forced her to marry Armaan because he was extremely wealthy and her father's business was drowning badly. Her father knew that Armaan and Siddharth had no interest in their wealth and they'll pursue their careers in different streams. So, Nandini will have to take care of all the business even if she does not want to... "What are you thinking...?" Armaan asked her, shaking her body to get her attention. Nandini came out of her thoughts and looked at her husband, "She is saying something to you..." Armaan told her, indicating toward his student. "This is for you..." The girl said, passing the box to Nandini, Nandini looked at her husband who stopped the car in front of a crowded area and then she turned her gaze to the intern doctor, " but why me...?" She asked, "Because we are meeting for the first time, and you are an inspiration for so many girls... It's truly my pleasure to give a small thank you to you for doing so many things for girls, and giving scholarships to those who can't afford their fees..." The intern said, Nandini made a questioning gaze, " she had won our scholarship examination which you launched four years ago, because of your program she was able to complete her studies, " Armaan told her, Nandini didn't say anything and took the box, The inter said goodbye to Nandini and Armaan, and then she stepped out of the car, she started walking toward her building, "Oh! I haven't told her thank-you..." Nandini said, and got out of the car before Armaan stops her, Nandini ran to the intern and grabbed her hand before she gets lost in the crowd, The intern stopped and twirl to look but got a little surprised to see Nandini standing behind her with cruel cold expressions, "Armaan is my husband, And I can not tolerate the love for my husband in the eyes of any other girl, you better strangle your love, before I strangle you..." Nandini said and pulled her for a hug, "Smile...Armaan must be watching us " Nandini said, tightening her grip around her, The intern was completely scared and astounded to see this side of Nandini, "He loves you..." Hearing that Nandini freed her from her arms, but evilness and anger were still dripping from her eyes. "I want you to stay away from him..." Nandini told him in a warning manner, and suddenly all the cruelty vanished from her face and she started smiling at her, **Is she suffering from Multiple personality disorder...?** The intern said in her mind, Without exchanging any words with her, Nandini walks back to her car and sat on the passenger seat. "You shouldn't walk out like this without bodyguards..." Armaan told her, "Next time I'll keep your words, in my mind..." Nandini told him, Armaan started the car, but put it on auto mode, and turned all his attention on his wife, "I hate seeing the fake smile on your face..." Hearing his words, Nandini stopped smiling and sighed heavily. She licked her lips and put her palm over her face, " I don't like your intern doctor, and please don't ask me the reason, why? " Nandini told him. Armaan sighed and try to pull her on his lap but Nandini put her palm on his chest and sighed once again staring at his lap, "She loves you Armaan, and I am honestly not happy to see love in her eyes for you..." This time Armaan used his manly strength and pulled her over his lap, "If police see us like this, we might end up in jail and I have an important meeting in the other city, I can't afford to skip that meeting..." Nandini told him, looking at the lust in his eyes. He tried to kiss her but Nandini put her palm on his lips, Armaan grabbed her palm and forcefully remove it from her lips, " I am your legal husband and I can make love with you right now, " he said, "We are on the road, " she told him pleadingly, "I don't care, I need you right now..." Armaan told her, groping her butt tightly and making her jump in shock. "Armaan, please! We can do this at home...!" Nandini told him, But Armaan shoved his hand inside her clothes and started massaging her vulva lips while kissing her passionately. Nandini didn't kiss him back because she was a little shocked, "Kiss me back..." He said, biting her painfully and then started licking the biting area, He was about to unbutton her pant but Nandini grabbed his palm, " Let's do this at our private parking area please, " she plead with him with her eyes, and that's when he stopped and started cursing under his breath. Nandini was about to sit back in her seat but Armaan wrapped his arm around her stomach and whispered into her ear, "Stay in my lap..." He bites her earlobe and she started feeling as if someone put her entire body on fire, After 10 minutes, they finally reached their private parking area, Nandini opened her eyes and started looking at Armaan, she was about to say something to him but Armaan put his lips on her and started kissing her wildly, he was biting, sucking, and licking her lips while roaming his palms around her body. Armaan used his toe fingers and blackout all the windows so no one can see what they have been doing inside the car. Soon Armaan pushed her onto the back seat and towered over her body, He started kissing her madly caressing her thighs and his hands were running all over her body. He pulled off her Top, within no time. She was in a light blue bra with transparent straps. She was looking so beautiful with her hair falling over her shoulders onto her boobs. He slides down her bra straps slowly and started kissing her shoulders. He couldn’t resist for long. He pulled off her bra completely and started sucking her boobs. Nibbling it in between. She let out loud moans and fisted his hair. He licked those beautiful tasty n*****s more and more. And then he came down to her stomach and started kissing her belly button. Her stomach was shivering but she has been enjoying every second with him. Then he slowly moved down and slid down her trousers. Armaan was feeling so excited and felt as if his blood was boiling in his vein. Her laced light blue panty was wet after his fingering. Damn! Her shivering under him was making him crazy! He bit her thighs and kissed them and then spread her legs and moves her panty from p***y. He opened her p***y lips and planted a kiss on them He touched inside her p***y slowly and massaged her clit. She was letting out a loud moan. He knew she was ready for him, and that excite his length... He grabbed his length and started rubbing on her wet clit, while kissing her passionately, She was moaning heavily and begging him to insert his length inside her, but Armaan was in the mood for teasing, he only pushed the top of his mushroom inside her and then pull it off, Armaan was enjoying seeing her getting frustrated under him, "What you need Baby girl....?" He asked, staring at her trembling lips, She stopped roaming her palms over his back and told him " You..." "I need you, Armaan, I need you so deep inside him, I want you to make me forget everything, every emotion, I want you to take me to that world where I don't remember anything, " hearing her words, Armaan stopped smiling and started staring at her with serious expressions. He pushed her hair from her face and shoved his length inside her, Pain and pleasure both appeared on her face at the same time, she instantly wrapped her arms tightly around him and bite his shoulder painfully.
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