Chapter 4: Birthdays and Office Visits

1925 Words
Millie's P.O.V. **************************************** I sighed a breath of relief when I made it to my next class. What a total fu.cking a.sshole. I can't believe James thinks I would ever go back to him after what he did to me. And people used to call me delusional. About halfway through my class, while I was helping a freshman boy with his algebra homework, a ding sounded over the PA. "Would Miss Amelia Holmebrooke please come to the principal's office. Thank you." Came a woman's voice. The teacher and I connected eyes, and he nodded for me to go. I gathered my belongings, and apologized to the freshman I was helping. Then I headed to the head office. Once I arrived, the secretary greeted me with a tight smile. Mrs. Oakly is a middle-aged woman who is rail thin, and I am pretty sure she has slept with a lot of the under-aged students here. Someone should open an investigation against her, seriously. Mrs. Oakly's lips are painted red, and she is wearing a tight black pencil skirt with a navy blue blouse. Her hair is pulled back into a tight bun. She looks like a sexy librarian, not a high school secretary. "Miss Holmebrooke." She greeted me like I was scum under her shoes. "Principal Melrose will see you now." Even though he was expecting me, I still knocked on the door. After a gruff 'come in', I stepped into the room. Mr. Melrose is sitting behind his desk with his arms folded over his large belly. He's bald on top of his head with thin white hair on the sides and back. Mr. Melrose has the same light brown eyes as James. His frown did little to ease the anxiety in my stomach. What really caught my eye was Vanessa sitting in the chair across from him, crying. Black watered down streaks ran down her pink cheeks. Her bottom lip is jutted out and trembling. When she turned her head to me, she scowled. Uhm okay... "Miss Holmebrooke, have a seat." Mr. Melrose said. Cautiously, I took the seat next to Vanessa, and set my backpack on the floor in front of me. "What's going on?" I asked as I looked between the two of them. "Miss Elms here has told me that you have been picking on her." He told me. My eyes widened. "What?" I breathed out with a laugh. "Is this funny to you, Miss Holmebrooke?" Mr. Melrose asked with narrowed eyes. "No." I rushed out. "I mean, I'm confused. I'm here because I've been bullying her?" I asked as I pointed between Vanessa and I. "Don't act like you haven't been picking on me for the last two weeks," Vanessa said, and then turned to the principal. "She even did it before the year started. All because she's still mad that James and I are together." She whined out. Wait, so James is with her and Milinda? While also trying to 'apologize' to me? How rich. "We do not tolerate bullying in this school, Miss Holmebrooke." Mr. Melrose said, making me almost snort. "We used to be best friends, Millie. I know what I did was wrong, but James and I are in love. You have to get over that, so we can make up." Vanessa said with the utmost fakeness. Yeah, James is in love with you and everyone else, apparently. Does she really not know what is going on with her own BFF? Wow. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself, Miss Holmebrooke?" Mr. Melrose asked. My eyebrows shot up. "That I'm completely flabbergasted." I said honestly. "I haven't done anything wrong, and I think you and I both know that sir." Honestly, I've been waiting for this moment. I'm an extremely smart girl, I knew that as soon as they stopped getting a rise out of me over the lockers that something like this would happen. "Excuse me?" Mr. Melrose spit out. "I don't mean any disrespect sir, but I do have proof, and multiple witnesses, that will say that I have been the one being bullied over the last year. I have lots of pictures of all the things they wrote on my locker." I don't, but let's lie anyway. "All of which you did nothing about. My brother has also tried to bring this to your attention on more than one occasion. Never at any point did you do anything about it, sir. You let the bullying keep happening to me. As you know, my father has lots of connections with lawyers. I'm sure that they would agree you are not doing your job appropriately." I finished with a sweet smile. Mr. Melrose's face is beat red now, letting me know he's fuming. Vanessa is stunned into silence next to me. I've never been the bad-girl type. I don't want to be now, but enough is enough. I won't be bullied by anyone, not even this adult. "Are you threatening me?" He finally asked. I shook my head. "Not at all, sir. Just letting you know what could happen." Then I sighed. "Listen, I don't want trouble Mr. Melrose. I just want to finish out my senior year in peace and pay attention to my classes. Nothing more," I said. Mr. Melrose cleared his throat, and nodded his head. "Very well. You may go, Miss Holmebrooke." He said, dismissing me. I grabbed my backpack from the floor, and got up. "You're just going to let her go?" Vanessa wailed. Oh, someone is pissed off. How sad that her little plan didn't work. Boo hoo. "You are dismissed as well, Miss Elms." Mr. Melrose said with a tight tone. "But-" Vanessa tried to say. "But nothing. Go on." He said. Mrs. Oakly didn't utter a word to me as I walked out, and I didn't spare her a glance. Sometimes it baffles me that adults can treat kids this way. I know we're teenagers, but damn. If my mother and father really knew what was going on here they really would take action. What I said to Mr. Melrose wasn't a complete lie. No, I did not take pictures, and I highly doubt anyone but Caleb and Mrs. Gibbson would be witnesses for me. But yes, my father does know some high-end people. In fact, a few of his friends from college have just moved here, and started a firm. Dad would be more than happy to take action. I might not know the ins and outs of being a principal, but I'm pretty sure if they found out Mr. Melrose has been letting me be bullied this way, he would be in trouble. There were several times that I had to go to the nurses' office last year with bloody lips or my hair pulled out. I was always able to make an excuse, but anyone could tell I was lying. It was a miracle that Mom and Dad never pressed more about it. Mr. Melrose never did anything about that. If I were to tattle on him, he would deserve it. "Millie wait." Vanessa called. I turned around and crossed my arms. "What?" I asked. "Don't have an attitude with me," she stated. Vanessa rolled her eyes, and flipped her curly red hair over her shoulder. "I just want to talk. Like old times." She said with a fake smile. "Oh, you mean all the times when you were just taking pity on me, and pretending to be my friend? Those old times?" I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Come on, don't be like that. I miss you." She said, pouting. Vanessa's voice sounded genuine. If I didn't know better, I would have fallen for it. Unfortunately, we have already been down this road. She has already played this card. At one point, Vanessa pretended to be sorry for what she did. She tricked me into coming with her to a party to make it up to me. Her and her little popular squad dropped me in the middle of the woods and left me there. It took me three hours to walk home. "What is it you want, Vanessa?" I asked sternly. Vanessa's beautiful smile faded, and she rolled her eyes. "Fine." She said, finally dropping the act. "Are you and James dating again?" My eyes went wide, and I just stared at her for a moment, unable to respond. "Look, if you are, just know we were together just last night. He doesn't love you. And if this is some kind of revenge against me then-" She started, but my laughter had interrupted her. I doubled over, and held my stomach as I laughed. Oh, this is too rich. I can't stop. "It's not fu.cking funny you stupid wh.ore. You stole him from me once already, Millie, just let me have him." Her voice almost sounded pleading. It's pathetic really. So pathetic that my laughter finally died down. I stared at Vanessa as she glared at me. "I didn't steal anybody from you, Vanessa. He was my boyfriend, and was sleeping with you behind my back." I told her, and then sighed. "I'm not with James. I would never embarrass myself by going back to him." Before I could finish, Vanessa scoffed. "You should be lucky he wanted you to begin with." She told me. My eyebrows shot up once again. "Right," I said, and then rolled my eyes. "I should be totally lucky that someone convinced me they loved me, just to take my virginity and dump me." "He took your virginity?" She asked with a soft voice. I looked up to see that Vanessa was genuinely curious. "Yeah." I said like it was no big deal. "He only told the whole school." "I thought he was just lying to spread rumors." Vanessa said as she looked at the ground. "Okay," I said, and then turned back toward the library. I don't care if he lied to her or to me. James is a liar, and I want nothing to do with him. Or her. "Wait Millie!" Vanessa called out as she grabbed my wrist. I turned around to face her. "What now?" I asked angrily. "You really aren't sleeping with him?" She asked me. I shook my head. "No. I would never let him touch me again. But he did get me a present and tried to apologize to me today." I told her. Did part of me tell her that just to make her mad? Yes. Did part of me say it because my feelings are hurt that she doesn't remember it's my birthday? Yes. Did part of me want to give her a reason not to go back to that scum? Also yes. I can't help it. Vanessa was my best friend for so long. I really thought it was her and me against the world. I'm not sure what happened on her part, if she really faked the whole friendship or not. But it was all real for me. "Your birthday… I forgot…" She whispered. I shrugged. "Well, we aren't friends, so don't feel too bad about it," I said. "Right," she replied. "Is there anything else, or can I go now without being dragged back to this conversation?" I asked, annoyed. Vanessa huffed, and rolled her eyes. "Whatever nerd. You should be happy I didn't hit you like I used to last year." She stated as she strutted passed me. I shook my head as I watched Vanessa walk away.
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