Chapter Fourteen

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CELESTE’S POV “Our appearance seems to be causing a lot more damage than expected” I said as I skimmed through my Grimoire, “We’ve been here for quite a while and I feel we should have done more than just let them be frightened because of our appearance” Genevieve crossed her legs as she sat on the chair in the greenhouse “patience Genevieve, I know you’re itching to teach them a lesson” I closed the Grimoire “but a good punishment takes a long time to cook up or what do you feel Monique?” “I believe that a little suspense isn’t bad along with a little….” She paused, “potion” she huffed as she pulled open the cap from a small bottle. “what have you got in mind?” I smirked, “Oh nothing much, just an important ingredient we need to brew up a little trouble” she smiled at the bottle “Spill it, what do you intend on doing?” Genevieve dropped her legs, eager to hear the sinister plan Monique has in mind. “I just want you to watch and see when the time comes for you to play your part and which it will trust me; you will be part of it.”   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEREDITH’S POV “Mom what exactly is your plan?” I asked as I followed her up into the attic, even though I don’t know exactly what she’s looking for. “plan for what?” she asked, “to take out the council” I shrugged and she remained silent and I watched as she scoured around the attic “Mom!” I called her attention again, “what! What is it!?” she fired as she turned to me sharply “you seriously don’t have a plan to take out the council, the whole coven is counting on you and…” she cut me off “and that’s the problem! I don’t know what to do! I don’t know how to handle the situation” she yelled as she rubbed her temple “but just the other day, you had them fired up about getting rid of the council just like you did last time so where did all that energy go?” “When you’re in a position as a leader, you’ll understand that when certain matters arises and as a person that so many people look up to you have to put their mind at peace. If they are scared and as their leader I’m also exhibiting fear isn’t that cowardly? What hope do I want them to have or what message am I suppose to pass across if their own leader is scared of the matter at hand!” her words came out sharp “I understand mom” I said softly, “no you don’t!” she fired and I flinched “Because if you do, you won’t be here pestering me if I have a plan when you clearly know that I don’t and that I’m petrified” “Then they deserve to know that you can’t handle this on your own, that’s why it’s a coven. a whole community of people with the same abilities, witchcraft. They can come together and we can figure something out” I suggested She kept quiet, “A real leader doesn’t ask for help” she finally said “No mom, a real leader knows that she can’t do it on her own and ask for help” I disagreed “Maybe that’s the kind of leader you want to be but not the kind that I am” she said softly and climbed the stairs back down leaving me dumbfounded I’ve always known that my mother is a stubborn person but I didn’t think she wouldn’t even listen to my own advice. All of this on ground, she can’t do it on her own cause she doesn’t even know what to do and she doesn’t want to ask for help. Anyways, I know what to do.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAKIA’S POV “Look Damon, sorry doctor Damon. I can’t seem to remember who you are to me” I said as I dropped my coffee cup on the table “Let me remind you, I know you won’t remember immediately even though I wish you could cause your denial is killing me but I’m willing to let you know me better, again” he said as he tried to sound persuasive “We could try this again; you don’t even need to remember me. You just need to see what made you love me in the first place” I bit my lower lip as I tried to avoid his convincing eyes,  there’s a deep part of me that is so sure about him but these days I don’t even know what I’m sure about anymore or what even makes sense to me. How did I love him if I was betrothed to him from birth, like they didn’t even give me the chance to know who he really is, to figure out if he’s the type of man that I would want. And since I didn’t know what our relationship was like growing up then I’m not really sure I can trust him. I’m just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. And why isn’t he even mentioning about the whole betrothed thing “Okay fine, I’ll-I’ll give you a chance to prove that I know you” I finally agreed, “do you by any chance know my friend Meredith?” He remained silent for a while, “yes I do, what has she told you about me though?” “I don’t know, something about us being…..never mind I should go, my break is almost over” I pushed the chair back with my weight as I got up and he sprung up immediately “No, just tell me what she said. Please” he begged and I arched a brow, is there more to both of them that I don’t know. “it’s-actually, wait why exactly are you so eager to find out anyway?” I placed a hand on my hip “I-just..I mean” he cleared his throat, “I was just kind of hoping she told you something that might help you remember me” “He’s lying” my wolf said “hmmn, I see” I muttered, “well she did nothing of such” I smiled sheepishly “well um okay, maybe we could try this coffee date thing some other time?” he shrugged “oh, didn’t think this was a date but sure” I grabbed my phone and walked out of the cafeteria.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   MONIQUE’S POV I stood in the greenhouse going through the numerous spices on the table; I’m trying to cook up a spell that will help with my plan. “Found it!” I whispered excitedly as I grabbed a hold of the jar of basil on the table and added a pinch into the bowl on the table and I pounded it slightly with a mini pestle. I felt a presence and I stopped pounding, “What a surprise visit, I thought you couldn’t come out in the sun” I turned softly as I faced Maugrim, standing outside the green house with his weight on his dragon crested walking stick “Well I’ve grown past the centuries for that now, I’m used to the sunlight” He smiled softly, “Liar, we both know it’s cause you’re an half breed.” I smirked “How could I ever forget you? Always with the teasing why don’t we finish this inside?” he asked “Oh my bad, you may come in” “so you’ve been growing flowers since your return, I thought your motive should be something else” he teased “Enough with the sarcasm, I know what you’re trying to say but my motive isn’t your business. Why are you here?” I continued pounding as he stood by the other end of the table “I’m sure since your return you must have heard of a pesky little wolf that just claimed the throne” he stared pacing “Yes I’ve heard and that is none of my business actually, my business is witch business” I said sharply “Easy there Monique and listen to me, I want that throne and I need your help to get it” “why should I help you get your hands on a throne of those I despise, and besides you’re an half breed in which the other side of your breed is vampire so add two and two together” I dropped the pestle and focused on him. “That’s even the more reason why you should help me, won’t you derive joy in seeing them suffer? And by two and two what do you mean by that exactly?” he turned to face me “I’m here because I don’t want to reason alone, if you look at it we’re actually on the same page, you want to get revenge on the coven that betrayed you and united with the werewolves and I just want to make their lives more miserable……” he paused and started walking slowly behind me and my eyes followed him around “You just want the power but I see where you are going with this, what do you think we should do?” I folded my arms “Yes! Just the question and the affirmative tone I’ve been waiting for. Let’s conjure up the wolf’s biggest enemy” I smirked “By biggest enemy you mean your kind isn’t it? Need I remind you that your kind haunts our kind too” I said “Isn’t that a good enough revenge on the witches, watching them look over their shoulders every time knowing that they might join their ancestors any time soon, and maybe just maybe we could rule new Orleans side by side” he whispered in my ears as he sounded really persuasive “Well that was my plan all along, to conjure up your kind. In fact the tomb vampire to be precise” I smirked “you see that we’ve been on the same page all along, so what are we waiting for. Let’s unleash evil and enjoy the chaos together” “Those witches won’t know what hit them”  
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