Chapter Four

1418 Words
“Noted my queen….i mean Nakia” he corrected himself, “The pack needs you, you need to wear the crown” “Ugh this crown bullshit again” I groaned as I stomped my legs like a child throwing a tantrum, “I don’t want to hear it, please leave my house. I’m begging you” “But we…..” the older man held the stranger’s hand, “we will leave now” The stranger was hesitant but the older man was quite persuasive, they were almost out the door when the stranger swerved back “you are just going to let the dark lord take your crown? You’re just going to let the supernatural barrier break and unleash evil into this world you think you fit so perfectly in?” “Fenris! That’s no way to talk to the queen” the old man cautioned and he kept quiet, “maybe you should find a way to remember, this world depends on you and so does ours” he finished and stormed out The older man stood and watched me as I stood in confusion, “my apologies” he bowed slightly before walking out “Will you help them or let hell break loose?” the voice in my head said.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE NEXT DAY It’s been three days and I’ve been hearing this, “our world depends on you, wear the crown s**t” and it’s really disturbing me at work, plus the voice in my head talking to me. I just want to close my eyes and just wish all these things away, how can a world or a whole civilization depends on a nurse? Isn’t that just weird or stupid on so many levels? I mean I watched Merlin where the destiny of a kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young servant but come on this is real life people. I’m just waiting for the moment where a director that I didn’t know was around would jump out and shout “cut!” and end this. I walked into the alley where my building was with two grocery bags on my left hand and the second hand struggling to get the keys to my apartment in my handbag. I suddenly felt this creepy sensation as the hair at the back of my neck stood, I swerved to see if anyone was behind me. Shivers ran down my spines and goose bumps covered me as something was breathing warmly on my neck. Already getting engulfed in fear I swerved again and the grocery bags fell from my hand, the corner of my eye caught something fast and I immediately brought out my pocket knife. Water droplets started falling on my face and I looked up at the sky, this is a bad time to rain. I thought, till I touched the droplets and it was saliva My reflexes took action as I caught something crawling on the walls of the building and I moved back a bit, is that-is that a human lizard? Distracted by the strange yet fascinating thing, something grabbed me from behind and stuck a needle in my neck Drowsy and my legs getting cramped up with lack of balance, I fell on the floor. with blurry vision the last thing I saw was a pair of black boots standing in front of me before blacking out.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My eyes started fluttering as they opened, I got up and  saw that I was on a black sofa. I looked around; the room is a spacious lounge with scattered sofas and chairs with a large fire place taking up half of the wall. This isn’t my house! Standing by the fireplace was man in a black suit holding a gold dragon crested walking stick with a glass of whatever he’s drinking, I tried getting up but fell back on  the sofa “s**t my neck” I cussed as I rubbed the affected area. “Oh you are awake! Excellent” the man said in excitement as he swerved and gave me a light smile,  “where am i?” I asked in a low tone “You’re in my humble abode, I would have prepared lunch if I knew your choices but don’t worry you can have anything you want after we’re done” he continued “and I’m sorry about my daughter and her little pet” A young petite lady, like 5’5 with red hair and black painted lips dressed in a tennis skirt and corset top walked in, hurting the wooden floor with her big black badass boots and the same lizard I saw trailing her behind. “Sometimes she can be….aggressive” I turned to look at the man, “would you like anything? Water? Or perhaps whisky?” he offered “um-I think I’d go with water” I replied as I stared awkwardly at the both of them, “Daciana, be a darling and get her a glass please” She nodded before glaring at me and walking away,  “so let’s talk about your parents” he sat on the mini sofa by the fireplace and faced me “My parents? Sorry do I even know you? And why kidnap me and bring me here” more questions started coming in as soon as my senses ticked that I really don’t know these people. “My apologies and my condolences about your parent’s death, you see your father was my brother and we didn’t really get along. If I knew his life would be this short I would have tried to make amends with him” he said in a low tone as his countenance changed, he looks remorseful “and the news got more saddening…” he paused as his daughter walked back in and handed me a glass of water “thanks” I mouthed and dropped the glass on the table beside me “As I was saying, it got more saddening when I found out that my little niece died in that unfortunate accident.  But then I heard that you were back, alas! A miracle.” He chuckled softly “Okay so let me just swallow this, you are my uncle?” I arched a brow, “No he’s lying” the voice in my head came out sharp and I flinched almost falling off the sofa and he gave a suspicious look “Sorry” I chuckled nervously, “yes I’m your uncle, I was supposed to be the next person to take over the throne but now that you’re back, you can hand it over to me” he leaned forward “He’s trying to manipulate you” the voice continued, manipulate me? Why? “And why should I do that?” I swallowed; “because you might still be reliving the occurrence of that day and might not be able to handle a civilization of wolves and dealing with the supernatural” he tried sounding as persuasive as possible “He’s lying to you; he’s not your uncle. He’s the dark lord fenris was talking about” the voice said and my suspicions grew “Hmmm”I muttered “And what will happen to me if I hand over my crown to you?” “You will stay alongside me and my beautiful daughter, and together we will rule with power”  he sipped from his glass and I licked my lips as different thoughts started running through my head “Let me think about it, I need to trust the person I’m handing over my crown to” I said, “good, ask him how your dad never mentioned any uncle and watch his countenance” the voice urged “My dad never mentioned you though, in fact he never told me I had an uncle” I asked with a straight face He remained silent for a while, “like I said earlier, we didn’t really get along so  you should understand why he wouldn’t want to mention me” he defended and I nodded positively “Fair enough” I sighed “I’ll get back to you but keep that-creepy thing away from me” my eyes darted to the lizard “indeed, but there’s not much time left. We’re on a clock” he smiled as he swerved with his seat facing the fire. “Come on” Daciana urged me and I got up before she led me outside.  
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