Chapter 20-1

162 Words
Chapter 20Owen and Laurel led us down along winding trails to the floor of Cousin Canyon. It took about an hour to get there, counting a break we took at a waterfall halfway down. When we reached the bottom, we walked onward, following the bank of the skinny green river. Owen had tears in his eyes half the time; he kept pointing out favorite fishing and camping spots. Even showed us a boulder in the water carved with his name in Gothic letters: Owen Harkins. "I'm gonna miss this place." He ran his fingers through the grooves of the letters. "Had a lot of good times here with Cousin. She was really something special." I was surprised he'd called Cousin a "she." For some reason, I'd been thinking of the canyon as a male. "Maybe we can help her rest easy." I patted his back. "Get her some justice." "I don't care about that." Owen swiped away tears and smiled. "I'll be joining her soon enough."
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