Chapter 5: Breaking Rules

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-Evan- I could not believe my eyes or my wolf, when I saw her. She had to be some kind of dream … She was so beautiful and looked so sweet, my mouth just watered at the sight of her. My hands had tightened around the railing as I watched her, itching just to touch her. My wolf liked that idea, wanting to go down there, push every male away from her and just throw her over our shoulder and not let her come out of our room, until I was certain I had marked every f*cking part of her small delicate body … but sadly, I was not the person I once were. I couldn’t just go down there and … No, one touch from me and I would infect her from my darkness. She was too good for me; I knew that just from looking at her. So, I turned away and walked out of there, feeling more frustrated than I could describe. I stormed back to my room and was about to close the door, when the little orange cat thought she should come inside as well. I stopped her with my foot, blocking her path. “You know this is your fault, right?” I asked. She just innocently looked up at me, as she placed her butt on the ground, looking like she felt rather good with herself. “You led me to her! You made me …” I was pissed. I was so very angry at everything right now. That female was like a goddess coming down on earth, with her long dark brown hair, her soft pearly skin and those sweet light blue eyes, that showed nothing but kindness. No, she was so damn perfect, and she had been given someone so broken. It was not right. “Meow!” “Yes, you heard me! Your fault!” I closed the door in her face, and heard her scratch a little on the door, but I didn’t let her in. Instead, I leaned my head on the door, feeling like I was going insane. My wolf kept showing pictures of her in my head. I had only been able to watch her shortly, but it was enough to drive me crazy. I wanted … I f*cking … I looked down at myself, seeing a part of me had come very alive at the sight of the sweet female. “F*cking hell,” I groaned. I thought that part of me was dead. I was certain it didn’t work anymore. I had come so detached to it, it reacted to nothing, but apparently just the sight of her … It was enough to make it as hard as rock and I felt rather confided in my pants. “Sh*t … Sh*t … Sh*t …” I stepped away from the door, starting to pace the damn room back and forth. My entire skin felt itchy, and while my wolf was growling desperately for me to go back and find the beauty we had seen in the entrance hall, I, on the other hand, felt trapped between the present and the past. “You will always be mine,” she says. Her long fingers run over my chest, and it makes my skin crawl. I wish she would stop doing that. Sometimes the lightest touches from her felt even worse than when she tries to bring me pain. It is hard to understand why, but it makes my stomach turn. I would throw up if I had anything to throw up. While she likes to see my strong alpha body, she cannot risk me getting too strong. While these chains are made to keep me all tied up and unable to escape, she was quick to see I am stronger than the ones she has kept locked up before. This is the first time she has ever had an alpha to play with, and she loves every second of it, because I can endure so much more, and I heal with a speed like no other. Even her own mate does not compare to me … she has told me that many times. “Maybe I should make sure you always know,” she says. I look at her confused, as she smiles her disgusting smile and the red lips move away, so I can see the long lines of her white teeth. She has me tied to a wall today. My arms locked at the side of my head and my legs and collar tied to the wall behind them. I still have no clothes on. She took them away from me when she had me brought here. She runs her hand over my cheek, and I lean away, as she starts to walk away further into her dark little red dungeon. She moves over to a fireplace, where she looks over her shoulder and smiles. I see her reach for what I believe is a fireplace poker, but I realize it is not, and I start to pull on my chains, as she lifts the glowing stick. I can see from here the red glowing end is circular and not pointy, and I can see her initials shining at the end. E.W. with a beautiful spiral running around it. I keep trying to get away. I don’t want her name on my skin, but I cannot move. My powers aren’t what they used to be, after she has kept me here as her toy for how long now? A year maybe. I was not certain. Time did not move as it used to in here. “Sssh,” she says. “It will only hurt shortly.” I growl deeply at her, but I barely get to do it for very long before she places the glowing red end against the lower part of my stomach, right on the right side, making the skin sizzle and making me scream, as the pain becomes too much. I was sweating all over, as I moved back in time in my head. I saw myself lift the hem of my black t-shirt, that was now drenched in sweat, and I saw where her mark once was. After I got out, I had found a knife and cut around it, cutting the skin away, and leaving a rather big crater in my skin. It had healed okay, but still as I ran my fingers over it, I felt the memory come back strong again. I quickly shook my head and headed for the bathroom where I took a long and cold shower, trying to make myself forget. The thought of her always made me see red and forget where I was. It was torture. Hell on earth, as they say. After the very long shower, I walked back to my room with a towel around my waist, as I went to look for my clothes. I found another black t-shirt, leather pants and some dark boots. I sat down and started to tie them before I finally looked at the clock on my phone. Damn! The dinner. I had completely forgotten about it. I got up before my thoughts went back to the beautiful female … Who was she exactly? It was then I remembered that Kate had decided to invite her sister to eat with all of us tonight. The sister who had sacrificed herself, so she could be with Chris. That just made this so much worse, yet it gave me no excuse to skip dinner. If she was going to be mated to someone else, someone more worthy than me, I had to go down there and act as if I wasn’t mad for her and had been ready to act all caveman like and take her back to my cave … or room to f*ck her and mark her all over. I sighed and tiredly rubbed my neck, but this could not be avoided. I could not hide up here. People would wonder where I was, and I had no interest in talking about it. So, I finally left my room and walked down to the dining room, where everyone was already there, yet I barely noticed them or when the king spoke to me. All I saw was her, sitting beside Chris, smiling her sweet smile. Even if I only glanced at her, I still saw her clearly and I smelled her sweet lavender smell from far away. It was so intoxicating, it had me almost losing my mind and I almost just walked over there to have her right there and then. It was completely insane and not something I would ever consider, but I could not help it. My wolf was as crazy for her as I. Mine … I tried to block him out, as I sat down in front of her. I acted as if I didn’t see her, trying to keep my distance from her, but I knew when she was watching me, and when she spoke … It was like listening to the sweetest and purest singing ever. Her voice was so sweet and light, for a moment I forgot where I was. Let’s take her. Now! I groaned silently, acting as if I wasn’t listening to him at all. Luckily, no one noticed me, as they were all focused on Kate’s sister … Madeleine. Her name was as sweet as her, and when I heard Selene say it, it was close to pushing me over the edge and do what my wolf wanted. I kept myself under control for now, even if I was grabbing the chair’s armrests so hard, the chair creaked. I could almost imagine taking her right here in front of everyone, just so they all knew, who she belonged to. James, who sat beside me, glanced shortly at me, as he heard the chair creak, but I just shot him a look that said, ignore it. He turned away, but just then, as I turned my attention back to Madeleine, I saw Chris place his hand on her shoulder. F*CK NO! My wolf and I were pretty much in agreement here. While Chris was happily mated to Kate, and it showed clearly, she was the only female he wanted, especially after the sh*t those two had gone through together, there was no way he just got to touch her so casually. She was f*cking mine. I was growling so loudly, before I had even noticed it, and it had the all the glasses, plates, forks and knives on the table shaking and moving around. Everyone turned their heads to look at me, but my eyes were only on Madeleine, and the hand on her shoulder, which should not be there! I was up on my feet so fast, my hands slammed down on the table, and I was shooting Chris a deadly glare, that told him quite loudly, that if he valued his hand at all he removed it, before I would do it for him. “Do not touch her!” That voice was not my own. My wolf was speaking, and it sounded much like growling, instead of actually words, but it seemed Chris got the message, yet he did not exactly get why and stood up, blocking Madeleine slightly, and I hated that, even if I sort of agreed it was probably for the best. I was a dangerous one, and she would not be safe with me, so it was right of Chris to keep me away from her, and still it made me see f*cking red. “What the hell Evan?” Chris said, not understanding this sudden threatening aura around me. It most likely triggered his own alpha instincts. Even if he had given up his title and any connection with his old pack, no one could change the blood that was running in his veins. “What the f*ck is your problem?” he asked. “I said, do not touch her unless you want me to cut off your hand!” “Evan!” This time the king cut in. There was one very clear rule we had about the dinner table. No fighting. No weapons. They appeared when the first female joined the dinner table and had become even more important now that we had kids as well. So, this threatening energy I was sending off, alarming every male, that I was pretty much ready to kill Chris, was not well received, and especially not by the king. All the mated males got triggered as well, not liking this energy when their mates were around, but right now I didn’t give a sh*t. Chris had touched something that did not belong to him, and it made me want to first cut off his hand before I broke his neck. “Evan! I am speaking to you!” I finally turned my dark eyes towards the king, who had narrowed his and looked ready to cut in and stop me in any way he could. This behavior was not accepted, and I knew that. But even if the king would end up dragging my stupid a** out of here, I would most likely end up causing some damage to him as well, and no one wanted that. I could already see James getting to his feet to try and be the peace maker, but I did not want him to touch me right now, so I growled deeply at him, telling him to back the f*ck off. He did as he was told, knowing he would only make it worse if he got closer. “Evan what the f*ck,” James growled back. He was most likely the one I shared the closest bond to. Both broken and didn’t speak much, but I would kill him if he got close. I could just feel my entire body vibrating with anger and my wolf and instincts going all crazy because of the little female right in front of me, driving me insane. “Evan!” the king slammed his hand onto the table and the babies started to cry loudly. “You know the f*cking rules!” I did, yet as my eyes turned from him to the little female, who was looking at me with her big blue ones, I simply just forgot them. Though it seemed Chris finally noticed, I wasn’t looking at him, but Madeleine beside him, and he was starting to connect the dots.
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