3. changes

2201 Words
Jack couldn’t sleep. Different thoughts kept disturbing him. Different memories kept rushing back to him. He remembered the days he used to chase Alice. He used to watch her play with her friends on the road. She must have been in her early teens back then. He used to stalk her and watch her moves for a couple of years. Her beauty had mesmerised him. He watched her when she hung out in the neighborhood. He followed her when she went out on errands. At that time it was normal for girls to stay at home and not go to school. But she went to a nearby house to learn how to read and write. But that is it. She didn’t go to school. He followed her everywhere. There were times that she would look around feeling that someone was following her but each time he had managed to hide himself. There were times that he felt like a creep for stalking her like that. But he was hopelessly attached to her. He didn’t mean to harm her in anyway. He was not like that. He thought she most certainly was the one for him. His loved the way she laughed with her friends. He adored the way her beautiful eyes twinkled with excitement. How lovely would it be to have such a delightful woman in his house. But he will have to wait for a few more years. He will approach her family when she is a little older. He kept watching her and waiting for a day that she would be ready for marriage. When she turned seventeen, he noticed that some other lads in the village were talking about her. Suddenly fearing that someone might beat him to getting her hand in marriage, he spoke with his parents to go and ask for her hand from her parents. Yes. It will be an arranged marriage. If the parents agree then it can be done. Her parents agreed of course. Jack was from one of the most respectful families in the village. Who wouldn’t want to wed off their daughter to him. He sighed as he thought about their wedding day. He was hoping to see her smiling face. But instead, he saw a gloomy girl who’s face completely wilted. It was as if she had never been happy. She reluctantly sat down beside him. Jack chose to ignore her. Showing compassion was seen as a sign of weakness in his society. He may had felt a liking towards her, but he would not let the society belittle him.However, ever since they married, her laughter, her smile the twinkle in her eyes were gone. Jack started to feel guilty. Perhaps he could still bring out the girl whom he had fallen for years ago. Perhaps she is still in there. He looked at his wife who had never failed in taking care of him and his household for more than a decade. She was in a deep sleep. He propped himself up a little so that he could take a good look at her tired face. She indeed looked exhausted, even in her sleep. Why wouldn’t she? She works non stop, yet she wouldn’t even hear a word of appreciation from him. Nor a word of love. He had failed her. He was attracted to her laughter, but had failed to make her laugh in his home. He had failed to keep her happy. Though it was normal in their society, he was aware of how some husband’s take care of their wives in other places. He had seen some movies and heard from some colleagues. Perhaps he should try it. Some things need to change. Alice pov I hummed as I made breakfast for my family. Yesterday was an eventful day. I thought I had lost my Levi but Adira has proved to be better than I had expected. She saved his life. I smiled as I flipped the flat bread on the pan. The day had ended so well for us. I had not expected Jack to be deeply affected by the incident. But I guess he was. I quickly finished toasting the bread and hurried to c***k the eggs. My family would be her anytime. And I must get this done before Jack has to leave for office. I whisked the eggs in the bowl when I felt someone else’s presence in the kitchen. I turned around to find non other than Jack right behind me. He was staring at me with no emotions on his face. I frowned. Was it late already? Fear invaded my heart. I will be in trouble if I don’t get this done on time. My heart thumped in my chest when I struggled to find my voice. “I... I..” I stammered. He tilted his head and smirked at me. “Why are you scared?” he asked in a tone he never used when he talked to me. “I am here to help you.” He said surprising me. No. I was utterly astounded by this sudden gesture. My mouth hung open and I was just standing frozen on my spot when he casually took the bowl from my hand and started to whisk it. I continued to gape at him. Was he for real? I must be dreaming. I blinked once, twice. No. It was really him. I pinched myself. Ouch. I felt that. He was still here. Mixing the ingredients in the bowl. “Oh shit.” He cursed as he spilt egg on his shirt in the process. He tried to wipe it off his shirt with his hands which made it only worse. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling. He glared at me. “Hey. I’m new here. Accidents happen.” He said pouting a little. I giggled a little more and went to clean the mess he had made. “Give me that shirt. I’ll wash it.” I offered. “Pffft. Only after I make this omelette for every one.” He said and proceeded towards the stove. I watched as he turned it on and put the pan on it. He poured the contents in the bowl in the pan. “owww.” He yelled and started to blow on his hand. He had burnt his finger. I quickly hurried to him with a bowl of water in it and put his burnt finger in. “Keep it in for about 5 mins.” I instructed him and went to finish making omelettes. I finished preparing the breakfast and made the table. All that while Jack was watching me with his finger in the water. “There breakfast is set.” I told him. “You can take your finger out now.” I told him as I took a little tube of medicine from the kitchen drawer. I carefully applied it on his finger. After a while I felt his gaze constantly on my face. I looked at him. I was right. He was staring at me. I smiled as I felt my face heating up. Why was he looking at me like that? “You look so cute when you blush.” He said in a deep voice. Ok something is definitely wrong with him. Was he flirting with me? But all what I could do was stare at him speechless. Was it something he ate last night? I placed my hand on his forehead to feel his temperature. Was he sick? No he was not feverish. I furrowed my eyebrows. Then what was wrong with him? He chuckled at my reaction. Then, he slowly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled at me. I was confused and shocked at the same time. All what I could do was watch. This is one side of him I never saw. “When I first saw you years ago, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. That day you were laying with you friends on the road. I loved how your face lit up and your eyes twinkled when you laughed. I thought I wanted you as my wife.” He said softly as he looked deeply in to my eyes. I listened to him in complete shock. Then, his expression changed to a more remorseful one. “But after I married you, your laughter was no more. You face no longer had that happiness on it. And I know I am the one who is at fault here. I was a complete asshole.” He said. It was obvious that he was being regretting his actions. “I am sorry Alice. Can you forgive me?” he said. I was stupefied. My mouth was hung open and my eyes were brimming with tears. My heart kept hammering in my chest. I had always wished for a happy life, a loving husband and happiness in my life. Were all of my prayers being answered all at once? Tears started to roll down my cheeks uncontrollably. I still didn’t know what to say. Do I say yes? Do I accept his apology? Just like that? I mean, it was not normal for a man to admit his mistake specially to his wife. It must have taken a lot of courage to overcome his ego and do just that. Before I knew it, I was crying. Jack wiped my tears with his hand, which was something he would never have done. “Jack..” I gasped. “Are you sure you are ok?” I finally asked. The only thing I didn’t want to happen was for him to change back to the cold hearted man he was all these years. I had made peace with it. But if he was going to change, then he must change for good. He can’t break my heart, then heal it with these loving words and then break it again. If he does that, I fear that I might never be able to heal my heart ever again. It will be completely shattered. Then, he did something he would never have done. He hugged me and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. At first I went stiff in his arms. Whenever we came close it always felt forced. But not this time. This time I felt safe. More tears streamed down my cheeks soaking his shirt. “I truly am sorry Alice. Please forgive me.” He whispered in to my ears. “I... I...” I stuttered. I gulped and tried to continue again. “I hope.... I hope you don’t break my heart again” I managed to whisper through my sobs. I felt his hand squeeze my body closer to him. “I won’t.” He promised. I hugged him back. “Do you forgive me?” he whispered as he placed his cheek on my head. I nodded, still crying my heart out. “Whoa.” I heard Levi’s voice. “I didn’t see that” he called. I froze. Did he see us like this? Jack chuckled. “What?” came Adira’s voice. “Oh don’t go in there. You will be scarred for life.” Levi said. I giggled through my sobs. I tried to step away from Jack but he just wouldn’t let me go. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and glanced at the doorway. They might come in here any moment. “Let them see us.” Jack said with a smirk on his face. I gasped and widened my eyes. “You will get late for work.” I whispered. “What is happening?” Adira asked as she stood at the doorway. She would be seeing her mother struggling to get out of her father’s hold. “Nothing. I’m just trying to tell your mom how beautiful she is.” Jack stated. I gasped and glanced at Adira. She had her eyebrows raised. Of course she will be surprised. None of us had seen this side of Jack. “Jack. Are you sure you didn’t drink something weird last night?” I asked him, still unsure of what exactly was going on. He smirked. I stared at his face and started to realise that he actually was pretty handsome. Why did he have to smirk so much? That actually looked good on him. “Dad. Aren’t you going to office today?” Levi asked. He sighed and finally let me go. “Fine. Let’s have breakfast.” He said. “All of us will eat together at the table.” He said shocking us once again. I stared at him. He just shrugged and turned towards the kids who were staring at him with wide grins on their faces. “Levi, won’t you love to eat with you mom and sister?” he asked. Levi’s grin widened. “That would be so cool.” He exclaimed. He grabbed Adira’s hand and pulled her towards the dining room. Jack placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him. “Come with me.” He said. “I know this is new to you. And most probably most of the villagers don’t practice this. But I don’t care. Somethings are going to change. I promise to cherish you and Adira. I was wrong and I am lucky to have realised that.” He said capturing my heart with every word he uttered. A small smile formed on my lips as I nodded. We made our way to the dining table and had our first breakfast together as a family.
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