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My name is Marwan, and this is my story. It's a story of how I lost everything that was dear to me. Hanan, my beautiful wife of seven years. Hassan and Hafsah, my beautiful twins. I'm in hell now, as living without them is something I cannot bear. I'm in hell, and I'm burning up. My heart is on fire, I'm burning up. This is my story, and I hope someone somewhere will find a way to talk to Hanan. Tell her I'm sorry, and that I regret my indiscretion. It was the work of the devil, and I've been living in bitter regret ever since. I will never do it again, I am sorry. I have no peace. Someone should please tell her that I love her, and I love my kids. But I'm in hell, and I need her to save me. This is my story… The whole saga started when my boss at KPI Solutions told me I had been selected for a training exercise in Abuja. It was very exciting news that I quickly shared with my wife as soon as I got home. It was a three day training centred around project management and execution. I felt honored to have been selected. After all, we were a total of twenty four middle management staff in the organization, and I was not the only white headed boy. Everyone of us was as smart as a whip. "When is the training starting?" My wife Hanan asked. "It's starting on Friday and will finish on Sunday evening. I'll be on the first flight to Kano on Monday morning", I explained. "Toh, Allah Ya bada sa'a My Em. In sha Allah it will be successful", she prayed. "Amin Mai Twins", I replied. It was a Tuesday, and I had two more days to prepare for the trip. I was very excited, and rightly so. I was not just excited because I was going to Abuja for a training, I was excited because this presented a very unique opportunity for me to spend time with Muhibba. I met Muhibba while doing my monthly shopping in Welcare, Kano. Ironically, I was with my wife and our twins, Hassan and Hafsah. Hanan was carrying Hafsah, while Hassan was walking beside me, holding my hand. Unknown to me, Muhibba had sighted me from the moment I walked in with my family. I liked to think of myself as very handsome, a kind of mix between Salman Khan and Tom Cruise. Nana Safiyya , don't come after me please! I was very tall, fair, with a wide forehead and a long nose that might be seen as big. My hair was jet black, and a very proficient beard covered my cheekbones and chin. Very black and very shiny. Son kowa kin wanda ta rasa, and what most lonely single girls refer to as "Mijin Novel" As I was surveying the various chocolates on the shelf, looking for the special Bounty Chocolate that was the favorite delicacy for my twins, I heard a soft, sexy, sensual voice beside me say, "You have a beautiful family". I looked at the girl beside me, and was struck by her beauty. She was tall… almost as tall as I was. She wore a black Abaya that fitted her body like a glove, showing all the curves in all the appropriate places, the hills and the valleys. Coming from her was a strange, musky perfume scent, a mixture between Humra and Lady Bella perfumes. She stood partly facing the other direction, and no one, even if they happened to look, would have had the impression that she was talking with me. "Wow, thank you", I said. "Your wife is beautiful", she added. "Thank you", I replied again. "But I'm also beautiful" She said. I did a double take. What the hell have we got here? I thought. She turned in my direction and moved in a 360 degree turn for me to see her fully. What I saw made me swallow, making my Adam Apple do a high jump. This beautiful girl was beautiful! "What do you think?", She whispered. I swallowed again, then answered in a very low tone. "Yes, you're also beautiful". She smiled. "Thank you. Please get your number ready, I'll meet you in the perfume shop to collect it. Your wife is coming this way", and with that, she walked away from me. Hanan came over and asked whether I've seen what I was looking for. I nodded and showed her the Bounty Chocolates I had picked. "Mai Twins what else do you want?" I asked. "Nothing My Em", my wife replied. "Lemme get us some perfumes", I said, "then we'll be on our way". "But we already have perfumes My Em", she said. "There is one I saw that I want to check out" I said, leaving Hassan with her and walking over to the perfume shop. As soon as I stepped into the shop, I saw her standing patiently, waiting for me. I looked at her again. Oh my God, she was beautiful. She brought out her phone. "Give me your number", she whispered. I told her while she keyed in the numbers. She then looked at me and said, "My name is Muhibba, what's your name?" "Marwan".
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