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Our explosive night was over. My consciousness returned in stages, awakening me from a long, satisfied and satiated sleep. During the course of my adulthood, I have had numerous encounters with different women. Some were adequate, some just fleeting memories. Others were memorable and left a permanent impression on my mind. This night with Muhibba was indeed something special. Apart from my first experience with Rahila when I was green behind the ears, last night was so erotic that it had almost driven me out of my mind. Little did I know that the night was literally going to drive me out of my mind and Muhibba out of my life. As I gently turned around, I saw her black, long fluffy hair next to me, looking like an invitation for my fingers to play with. She moaned, turning her face away and continued sleeping. The sheet she covered herself with gently parted, exposing a part of her thighs down to her calf. I feasted my sleepy eyes on it and allowed myself to feel into the moment. It was intoxicating. remembering the night we spent together. I smiled. As if she knew I was watching her, she stretched, yawned and turned her head to look at me through half closed eyes. We smiled at each other. We kissed and held each other and were fully immersed in the moment. As I tried to snuggle closer to her, I felt something beneath my back. I frowned, moving aside to see what it was. It was my phone, and looking at the screen, I literally froze. Watching me, she saw me suddenly stiffen, then seemed to turn to stone. My hand remained in midair, my body rigid. “What's the matter?” she asked sharply, sensing my tension. I couldn't move nor speak. She moved closer to see what was wrong with the phone, but, before she could look at it, I pushed her back with a roughness that startled her. “Keep quiet!” My voice was low and tight… a fierce whisper. “Marwan! What is it?” I picked the phone and showed the screen to her, using my index finger to my lips in the universal shhh sign. She looked at the screen and gasped. The phone was still connected to my call with my wife! The counter showed 06hours:13minutes. Was she listening? Had she heard everything? Oh my God! I had to check. I slowly took the phone to my ear. What I heard on the other end chilled my blood. I felt tightness in my chest and a curious lightheadedness. I silently prayed that I was not having a myocardial infarction. I heard Hanan sobbing quietly on the other end. Heart wrenching sobs that were so intense my vision blurred. That meant only one thing: she had listened to and heard everything that happened between me and Muhibba throughout the night. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'un! I was as good as dead. Muhibba covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes round with shock. "Is she listening?" She whispered. I nodded. "Cut the call", She told me urgently. I did. The timer was reading 06hrs:21mins. My mind moved about in panic. I could not even think straight. Looking at Muhibba, I felt nothing but regret and revulsion. I thought back and recalled what happened between me and Muhibba when I thought I had disconnected the call with my wife last night… The next episode took place between 12 midnight and 6am. Events occurred in real time.
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