The Beginning of Forever.

657 Words
Fairy Tales. The kind that all children believe in. The happy endings, Prince Charming on a horse, travelling from distant lands, fighting battles valiantly. Saving his true love from tragedy. A happy ending. A forever after of happiness and bliss. That's why we all dream of I guess. I however like every other girl, dream the same. Just a bit differently. My aspirations, dreams are different. I didn't want the story happy ending. I wanted the one I would create myself. On my own terms. Where I would be the one, writing the story. Where I would decide my fate,my life would be created with the choices I made, I would decide my destiny. They say fairy tales are a myth. Of course not. They give us hope, that somewhere in some corner of the world, in the midst of a mass of unknown people, was someone that would love us wholeheartedly, without reason. The pure and blissful kind of love, that was portrayed. Someday I hoped to find my own. Some day the guy who was my Prince Charming, would carry me back to the distant land, to which he belonged. He would fight to protect his love, against all odds of reality. Was I foolish? You would laugh what a silly girl, to believe with so much faith, in a myth that had no sort of evidence at all. My life was pretty guarded.I grew up in a loving family: parents that loved me more than life itself, brothers and sisters, that spoilt me rotten to no end. My family means everything to me. They are the most important part of my life. My siblings are: David Zac. My cousins are Anika, Stephanie and Jane. We are just as close, as an sibling could possibly be. If this was how good life sounded, then it was perfect. I grew up believing in the midst of love, because I saw them come true in my family,in the image of my Mom and Dad. I grew up in a family, where love was abundant, were love made you feel secure, safe, cared for and loved. I hoped that someone, would look at me in the way my Mom and Dad looked at each other. He would be my friend, my hand to hold whilst I walked in the dark. He would understand and believe in me, when I did not believe in myself. While the other girls hoped for Prince Charming with six pack abs , I hoped for the simple things, that made me realise what true love really is. Companionship. Friendship. Trust. Honesty. Compassion. He would be a friend. He would be a mirror, that showed me what I am meant to be. He would be the arms I ran into, to keep me safe and sound. He would be strong. He would be my safe haven. It wouldn't hurt if he was good looking too. And I would love him, despite obstacles placed in our path. He would be everything I needed. I was guarded. I would let my guard down and fall in love with him, till it hurt. However the pain, would not be painful. It would be the good kind, that left my heart aching, possibly my heart speeding, a million times faster. He would be my escape, from the cruel world and it's bonds that have chained me. But then if he was wounded, I would be his shield. I would protect him, from all that would try to tarnish him, hurt him. If he was hurt,I would trade my world if that's what it took, to make sure he smiled. I would be whatever he needed. I would be his hope, His forever love and his saving grace. I'm April Hilary Ferns. I would create my fairytale. And create on my own terms. In my own way. My forever would find me and I would wait for it earnestly.
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