Chapter 4

1005 Words
What is awkward on the first day and on her first meeting with a client? It is the guy in front of her, who can't pull off his stares at Angela. What is wrong with this guy? If it is not our client then I already snapped at him! Angela's controlled thought. She decided to shrug it off and busied herself taking notes. Everything she had heard important was written in her notes, nothing was left out. She is known well when it comes to details. It is her first meeting, and she is giving her best despite the client’s not behaved eyes. She wanted to poke them with her pen. "Ernest Marsh, expect the full details of the contract this coming Wednesday with the best proposal our company can give," Adam said confidently, concluding the meeting. I can say, he is good and used in this kind of appointment. No wonder, he is already in his position at such a young age. Angela's thought as she looked at his boss talking then to his client. "I'll expect that Adam and I'm sure you can meet our needs. Gary here will give you the complete details for the contact and the proposals." Ernest said. Gary is the guy who can't pull his eyes away from Angela. "Yes, sure I would be glad about working with your secretary," Gary said giving her a flirtatious smile. Angela felt goosebumps out of that. Gary’s aura is far from Adam despite they are of the same age. He seems not serious at all about the meeting. "No, not to her but to Sandra," Adam said causing the smile of Gary to drop and of Angela. What? Why? I'm sure I can handle this already! Angela felt distrusted, her boss did not consider her as his secretary. "No, it is okay I can do it." She said causing Gary to smile to appear again. She is her secretary and Angela wants the job she entitled to do, so she tried to insist and there was a hard glare on her way from Adam. "Okay, let's get going then, nice to meet you, Angela," Ernest said as he is a hurry for a next meeting. They then leave the room with a final wink from Gary for Angela. The flirt! Angela's thought behind her fake smile towards the client, good thing the meeting already ended. "Ms. Secretary, send to me via email the minutes of the meeting," Adam said and went back to his office without waiting for her to say anything. She then sighed just looking at his back. He may be good, but he certainly lacks many things, he didn’t even welcome me as his secretary. Angela then sent the minutes of the meeting to her boss. - File 5 Angela's Skype pings with a message. She hurriedly gets it and silently put it on his table and then another file. File 40 Red file File 10 Hi darling! She was surprised by the message only it was from Sandra. My bad! She rolled her eyes at the realization. Hey. She replied. Your day is almost over! Sandra's message. Yeah, it is and not to complain about the tasks I have the whole afternoon! She is not really complaining though. That's actually she needed, to have something to work on. Yeah, I saw it, you were back and forth! Until 4 right? I'll be leaving earlier than you, 15 minutes from now. Sandra said. Lucky you! See you tomorrow. Ending their chat. Good thing Sandra is there. Angela checked her email, and she received an email from Gary. He sent already the details about their company. Thank you and this is noted. I'll have your proposal ready based on these details. Angela replied professionally. After a minute her phone rings from an unknown number, but she picked it anyway. She was surprised because it was Gary, the guy was really fast. How did he get my personal number? And she realized when her eyes caught her email signature. "I thought, I should call you." His way of greeting when Angela answered the call. And why? I already got the details I wanted from your email. Her thought when her Skype pings again. It's working time miss secretary! Give me file 44 now! "I'm sorry Mr. Gary Marsh but my boss needs me right now. If you called for the proposal, don't worry, I have the details needed for the draft." She ended the call immediately and nicely. Angela hurriedly locates the file her boss was asking. Back in her room, she checked her room for any secret CCTV installed. She had goosebumps thinking there's one. How did he know, I'm talking with Gary Marsh? Whatever! Is he monitoring me? But she saw nothing inside her room. It is time for her to go, and she doesn't know if she will just leave or ask his boss' permission first. His Skype status was set To Do Not Disturb, so she decided to pay him a visit in his office instead. "Is there anything else I can do sir?" She asked outside his office door, but he did not respond to her. "I guess, I am free to go." She concluded his silence. Angela realized how hard it is to deal with his unpredictable boss and it is harder when he is not communicating with her. Silence can be interpreted in many ways. She then decided to walk away and that is when he looks at her way. "Wear something comfortable tomorrow, we have a meeting outside with a client." He said and his eyes did not even meet her as he focuses again on his laptop monitor. What clothes that is comfortable belong in his category? But she did not ask him. She could only hope that she can wear comfortable (clothes) the right way. She then left his room and the building. So far, she finds her first day at work interesting overall.
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