Age Is Just a Number 20

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Desiree POV It was getting close to my babies to being born. I was eight months and my stomach was huge. f*****g huge! I was lucky that I graduated and that I didn't have to go to school. Yeah I did get a scholarship to Juliard but I wasn't gonna go. I was in the guest room with the room decorator. I was going to do the typical boy/girl room. But with edge. I was going to have blue, black and silver for my son and pink, black and gold for my daughter. "Alright. So you are sure about everything you want?" The lady asked me. I nodded with excitement. "Yes. I am sure." "Okay. Its nine thirty, we should be done by ten tonight. But you gotta give me names today." "Okay. Ill go ask." I said. I walked out the room and headed to find Trey. I went down to the private room and saw him sitting on his chair behind the desk. "Hey baby." He looked up and nodded. "Whats wrong?" "Dont worry about it." "You sure baby?" "Yeah yeah. Whats up?" "Well, the designers are upstairs. They say that they should be finished by ten tonight but I think they'd be done by tomorrow cause we didn't give them names. So we gotta choose!" I said jumping on his lap. "Oh god! You aint light anymore. You're like a fuckin walrus!" I slapped him on his arm. "Well your heavy as fuck." "Anyways. You wanna name our boy?" "Sure. Zhaire." "Okay. How does Zarriah?" I said. "Thats a nice name." He said. "Zhaire and Zarriah." "Its cute. Ill text the names to Linda." I said taking out my phone. I sent the names to Linda and then looked at Trey who was sleeping. "What the hell? Trey!" "Huh! Whats wrong?" "Go upstairs and sleep please." I said. He shook his head. "Nah, Im good." He said. "Okay. So what-" "TREY! YO GET UP!" Kaleem yelled while running downstairs."We gotta go." "Where?" "Apartment. Shits going down and we gotta stop it." "Ahh f**k man!" Trey yelled. I got off his lap and he got out a gun. "Desiree stay here." I nodded and they both left. I hated being by myself. Especially while being pregnant. I sighed and walked upstairs. "Hey babies, kick me if you're hungry." I said to my stomach. I felt a kick on my side. "Alright, lets get some food." I walked into the kitchen and got myself some left over Chinese food. Ive been craving that and fried chicken. I dont know why but I loved it. I sat down at the counter and ate my food then went upstairs to lie down. I looked down at my tummy. I couldn't believe I was going to be a mom. "You two are going to have the best mommy. Ill always be there for both of you. You guys will enjoy life. I wont every disrespect you or hurt you in anyway. Ill do everything I can to be the best mommy. And you guys have a great dad. He's gonna love you both to death. He loves you right now. He'll probably spoil you guys cause he spoils me. But Imma be clear, I will put you two in your place if you get out of hand. Anyways, you two will be the cutest things. Mommy loves you." I said rubbing my tummy. I soon fell asleep. I woke up about two hours later to my phone ringing. I picked it up and answered. "What?" I said tiredly. "TREY'S IN LIKE A f*****g FIGHT WITH D'SHAWN! GUNS AND EVERYTHING." Jazmine yelled. "What? Is he okay?" "I dont know." She said. "Its pretty heated though." I couldn't take it. I could hear yelling and gunshots firing. I hung up and ran down to the private room got out a gun and ran upstairs. I grabbed a car key and headed out. I got into the black Benz and drove out. I started speeding down the road until I reached the apartments. I the fight and Trey was fighting hard. I was tired of this. I warned Trey. If he couldn't fix it I was going too. I got out the car and walked over to them. "Desiree what the f**k you doing!" Kaleem yelled pulling me back. I got out his grip and heading to Trey. Ill be honest I felt badass right now. I was about four feet away when I felt a sharp pain in my side. I shrieked in pain and Trey turned around. He ran towards me. "WHAT THE f**k MAN!!" He yelled. He held me close to him. "Desiree you okay?" I looked at him. He had anger in his eyes. I knew he was pissed at me. I looked over his shoulder and saw D'Shawn getting up from the ground. "Trey get off me. " I managed to push him off. I could feel the blood running down my side plus I could see it through my white shirt. I was in serious pain. I pointed the gun towards D'Shawn. I fired at least all the bullets in the gun at him. He fell back to the ground and thats when I blacked out. Trey POV I. Was. PISSED. THE. f**k. OFF. I specifically told Desiree to stay at home. I sat in the waiting room with everyone else. "Im sure she-" "Shut the f**k up!" I yelled. Desiree was pregnant. Eight months pregnant. What in her mind told her to come down there? "Who told her to go there?" No one answered. "f*****g Speak Up!" "I called her but-" Jazmine started. Thats when I snapped. "YOU f*****g b***h! YOU DONT CALL A PREGNANT GIRL AND TELL HER s**t LIKE THAT!" I screamed at her. "Yo chill!" Kaleem said to me. "NO! SHES THE f*****g REASON DESIREE IS IN THE HOSPITAL!" I yelled even louder. Jazmine was sitting in her seat crying. "YOU'RE GONNA f*****g CRY NOW?" "Trey, I didn't tell her to go there!" She yelled at me. "I just told her what was going on." "Trey Parker?" A man said. I turned around and saw the doctor. I went over to him. I was so scared that I was going to loose my kids or Desiree. "Yes doc?" "Good news. The babies are fine. No emergency c sections." He said. "Birth maybe early than due date or later but they are fine." "Okay good. And Desiree." "She's going to be fine. She had a mild concussion on her fall down." He said. "You can see her of you-" "Nah. Im going home." I said. If I got in to see her, Ill yell and make her cry. I needed to cool off. I walked out the hospital and got into my car. I felt my phone vibrate. "Hello?" "He's out." Khalil answered. "Who?" "D'Shawn. He's out. Those last shots took him out. Your girl got game Trey." "I know but it knocked her out." "Well you gotta give it to her." He was right. Desiree did finish him. But I was still pissed that she didn't listen to me. "Yeah I know. What about his people?" "Dont know. But I think they're done. Im still here. You guys are lucky y'all left. Police are questioning everyone and they arrested a lot of people including D'Shawn's crew." "Aiight well at least its over now cause I dont like the killing business with twins on the way." "I feel you man. Aiight I gotta go. Cops on my ass." "Kay. Dont sell me out." "I gotchu bro." He said hanging up. I got into the driveway and parked the car. I got into the house and went upstairs. I was tired. "Umm excuse me?" I looked across the hall and saw Linda. "Yeah?" "Is it good so far?" She asked. I walked over to the guest room and looked inside. It was looking good. "Yeah I like it." I said. She nodded and I walked out the room. I went into my room and laid down on my bed. I plugged my headphones into my phone and listened to my music until I got bored and settled for watching tv. Desiree POV "How are you feeling?" Kaleem asked me. "Im okay." I said as we parked in the driveway. Kaleem helped me out the car and I walked out. "See you later." He said. Kaleem and Jazzy found condo for themselves after graduation. I opened the door and walked inside to find Trey. I was kinda disappointed that he didn't stay to see me but I guess I did deserve it. I walked into his room and saw him watching tv. He looked at me then looked away. "Hey." I whispered. "Whats up?" I walked in and sat on the bed. "Trey, Im sorry." I said. He looked at me and sat properly. "There was a reason why I told you to stay home. It was guaranteed that someone would have gotten hurt. And you were the ONLY one who got hurt. I need you to listen to me when I say something Desiree." He said. I felt so bad for what I did. I just wanted to cry. And I did. "Baby dont cry." He said holding me. "Im so sorry Trey. I didn't mean too. Its just, Jazmine called me and said that everything was heated. I couldn't bear the fact that I could lose you. I just wanted to help get rid of him. I put myself and my babies at risk." I said crying into his chest. "Hey, its okay. The babies are fine and you're okay too. There wont be anymore of this okay?" "What do you mean?" "You got him. You killed D'Shawn." "What?" "Yeah. You did. And Im proud of you for that baby." "So no more killing?" "No more baby. We gonna be safe." I smiled. "Thank you." He wrapped his arms around me. I felt a kick in my side. "Aye, you guys gotta wait." Trey said. "She was mine first. Ill take my time with her." I laughed and kissed him. "I cant wait for them to come Trey." "I cant wait either." (one month later) "Im late." I said while getting some food. Trey was with me. "Well, after you got shot the doctor said they will be either late or early." "Okay." I said. "How are you feeling though?" "Im alright. These babies are just heavy." I said. "My back is killing me." I said. "Aww baby. When they come, Ill give you a massage." He said. He kissed my cheek and we sat down on the couch. We sat down and watched some television. I finished eating and sat on Trey's lap. "God Damn! I swear you're gonna break my legs." He said. I gave him a passionate kiss. He held my face close to his. He bit my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I allowed him in. We had a tongue war and it was pretty heated. Soon, I felt something weird and wet. "Girl, I know you DID NOT just pee on my pants cause if you did, Imma flip." "Baby, my water broke." I whispered. Trey POV "OH MY GOD!!! GET THESE BABIES OUT!!!!" Desiree yelled. She was 14 hours into labour. I was with Kaleem and Jazmine. "Desiree, baby calm down." I said to her. She slowly turned her head and gave me some evil look. "Trey, come here." She said. I walked closer to her until we were face to face. "Are you carrying two babies?" "No." "Are you feeling contractions?" "No." "SO DONT TELL ME TO f*****g CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed. I jumped back and frowned. "Someone is snappy." I whispered. "TREY!! I CAN HEAR YOU!!" She yelled. "Oh my god!!!" "Alright, lets look." The doctor said. They raised up the sheet and looked. I didn't like it but oh well. "I see a head. They're ready to go." He said. "Would you like to go come in?" The doctor asked me. "Uhh i dont-" "TREY! YOUR ASS BETTER BE FOLLOWING ME!!!" "Okay baby. Ill come." I said quickly. I followed them and got into this blue suit thing. I walked in and a nurse was talking to Desiree. "So when I say push, I need you push okay?" "Dont you think I know that!!! Can we just start!!!!" Desiree yelled. "Okay." "Baby hold my hand." I said to her. She took it and slipped her fingers in between mine. (3 hours later) Finally everything was over. I released her hand and tried to get back the feeling in mine since she was squeezing it so tight. "Wow. That was a hell of a time. Baby what are you doing?" She asked me. I looked at her. "Trying to get the feelings in my hands back." "Why?" "Cause you squeezed the living daylights out of them." "Aww baby Im sorry." She said. "Hey hey, screaming is over, where's my god children?" Jazmine asked while walking in with Kaleem, my mom, my dad and Desiree's nana. "Hey babygirl, you alright?" Her nana asked her. "Yeah, Im good." She said. We could hear screaming and crying come closer to the room. "Okay, here are you're twins." The doctor said. The nurse handed the blue blanket to her and the pink one to me. "Oh my gosh. He's so cute." Desiree whispered. Soon he started crying. "Oh Zhaire shhh. Its okay. Its just mommy." She said rocking him. I laughed and looked at the Zarriah. She was gonna be beautiful just like her mom. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Hey babygirl. Its daddy." I said. She stared at me for a bit then smiled. This was a nice moment for me. "Alright let me hold my grand babies. Trey hand her over." My mom said. She took her out my hand. "Hello my little one. Im you grandma. Im gonna love you and care for you. Be that granny who you spend summers with." "Im your grandad. Dont touch my shit." My dad said. I rolled my eyes. "What? I dont need them touching my things." "Dad, stop it." I said. He laughed and came over to me. "You know you got a big responsibility now. You have four people to take care of. Desiree, your two kids and yourself. You know your mother and I will be there, but now its your turn. Make us proud Trey." He said. "I will dad. Guess what?" "What?" "Im quitting the drug stuff. I decided to start a shoes and clothing line. Gonna be a team thing. Me and Kaleem." I said. Ive been thinking about it for a while. "Really Trey?" He asked with a smile. I nodded. "Im glad Trey." "Thanks. Gotta make life good for these three." I said. Kaleem and I were already onto a good start. We had plans, sketches, the money and supporters. I didn't want my kids to grow up in the drug environment. I wanted them to be happy and not scared of anything. I was gonna make sure of that. Desiree POV I was so glad that was over.Zhaire and Zarriah were finally coming home. We got them into their carseats and headed out the hospital parking lot. I sat in the back with them. Funny thing they were fast asleep. About half an hour later we got to the house. Trey parked the car and we got out. I took Zarriah and Trey took Zhaire. I opened the door and we both headed up to the baby room. We placed them both in their cribs and sat down on the mini couch that was in there. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Babes?" "Yeah Trey?" "I gotta tell you something." "Good or bad." "Good." "What is it?" "I aint gonna be a drug lord anymore." My eyes widened. "Really!" He nodded. "Oh thank you babe." I said giving him a hug. "So what are we gonna do for money?" "Well I still got money in the bank but Kaleem and I gonna have our own clothing and shoe line." "Oh my goodness really? Trey thats great!!" I said jumping into his lap. "Thats amazing babe!" I was happy now. I was going to have a happy family. Zhaire King Parker born September 27th 2013 10:15pm; 7lbs 15oz Zarriah Shyanne Parker born September 27th 2013 10:20; 7lbs 18oz (5 months later) Trey POV I parked the car in my dad's driveway. I turned off the car and got out. I took Zarriah out with the baby bag and walked up to the door. I pressed the doorbell and waited for an answer. Zarriah started to wake up just as the door opened. "Aww, look at my son holding his daughter. This is so cute." My mom said. I rolled my eyes and walked in. "Hi mom." I said. I walked inside and sat down in the kitchen where my dad was. "Hello dad." I said making him look up from his phone. "Hey son. Hand her over." He said. I gave Zarriah over to him. "How my little granddaughter." He asked her. She giggled. "She's getting big Trey." My mom said. "I know." "This is definitely your child." My dad said. I gave him a questioning look. "Look at her. She looks exactly like you when you were a baby." "So you saying I looked like a girl?" I asked. "Well, your hair was long. I mixed you up all the time." He said laughing. I shook my head at him. "But seriously. Take good care of her and Zhaire." "Speaking of Zhaire, where is he?" Mom asked. "With Desiree." I said. "Okay. You have a great girl Trey. You better keep her." She said while getting a glass of water. "Im her first and her last." I said proudly. "You say that now." My dad said looking at my mom. "Kevin, dont bring it up. That was the past. We moved on." My mom said. "I know Melanie. Im just saying." He said. I laughed. Zarriah started crying, probably meaning that she was hungry. "Can I feed my grandbaby?" Mom asked me. "Sure." I said handing her the baby bag. After she finished feeding her, I stayed for a few more hours before I got a call from Kaleem telling me that I had to get home. Apparently, we gotta do some advertising pictures for our line. Desiree POV After that call, I got off the bed and got dressed. I pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a tight blue top. I went into the baby room and saw Zhaire playing with the toys above his head. "Hey baby boy." I said walking over to his crib. I swear this boy was getting so big. At five months and this boy's head was full of hair. He smiled at me and I picked him up. "We're gonna go out today alright?" I said to him. Trey took Zarriah for the day to see his mom so I had Zhaire all to myself. He tried to pull on my hair but he couldn't reach it. I fed him him then got him dressed in his blue onesie to match me. I placed him in his carseat and got some of his toys. I took him, grabbed my keys and headed out to the car. I buckled him in and then sat in the drivers seat. I drove out the driveway and headed to where my aunt told to go. I arrived at the apartments and parked in the visitors parking. I suddenly got nervous. I got out the car and took Zhaire out his seat. I got the stroller out the trunk and placed him in it. I went to the lobby and buzzed in. When the door opened, I got into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the fifth floor. Once the elevator stopped, I got out and looked for apartment 513. I found it and hesitantly knocked at the door. "Coming!" A lady yelled. Soon the door opened and I saw my mom standing there. "Desiree? What are you doing here?" "Can I come in?" I asked her. She nodded and made room for me to walk in with the stroller. Her place was nice. I didn't expect it to look this tidy. I sat down on her couch and she sat down beside me. "Whats going on?" She asked. I noticed that there was a picture of my dad, my mom, and I above the television. "Nothing. Just wanted to talk to you." I said. There was an awkward silence between us. "Can I speak first?" She asked. I nodded. "Look, Im truly sorry for everything Ive done to you. Ever since your father was killed, I didn't know what to do. I was so confused and broken. I never felt happy. And since you were so young and never really understood everything, just looking at you being happy made me feel even worse. I never meant to hurt you or let people use you. It killed me inside. So I turned to men and drugs and alcohol. But nothing worked. Desiree, you're my only child. Seeing you at my mom's house getting ready for your graduation made it so hard. I wished I could be the one helping you into your dress. Seeing my only daughter graduate. Im upset with myself for not being the mom I was suppose to be. Im sorry Desiree." She said crying at this point. After hearing her personally, I had to forgive her. I still loved my mom. After all, she still is my mom. "Mom?" "Yes?" "I forgive you." She looked up at me. "Really?" "The reason why I came was to tell you that I miss you as my mom. I know things went downhill since dad died but Im willing to have that mother daughter relationship now. I am eighteen but I want you in my life." Desiree, all I want is for us to be alright." "Alright mom. We can do that." I said. I moved closer to her and hugged her. She hugged me back and it felt like old times. Zhaire started yapping and stretching his arms out. I released my mom and went over to the stroller. "Hey Zboy." I said. I dont know what it was with me, but I gave this kid so many nicknames, it wasn't even funny. "How you doing?" I asked him. He smiled at me as I picked him up and sat back with my mom. "Is he you son?" She asked. "Yes. His name is Zhaire." I said. He looked at her and started giggling. "He looks just like you." She said with a smile. I handed him over to her. "Aren't you a cute one." She said. Zhaire started to pull on her shirt. "This is your nana. Do you like her?" "I get to call him my grandson?" "And my daughter your granddaughter." "You have both?" "I had twins. A boy and a girl." "Oh my goodness. I have two grand babies." She said wit a huge smile on her face. When do I get to see her." "Well, she's with her father so when I'm with him." "You guys are separated?" "No." "Okay good." She said. There was a knock on the door. Mom handed Zhaire back to me and got up to open the door. When she did a man was standing there with a smile on his face. "Derrick!!!" "Hey babes." He said giving her a hug. He walked in and looked at me. "Derrick, do you remember Desiree?" Mom asked him. He looked at me. "Oh my goodness. Wow! You've gotten so big girl." He said coming over to me. I looked at him funny. "Girl, stop eyeing me and give me a hug." "I dont know you." I said. "You dont remember me? Come on, dance coach? With your friends from back home?" My eyes were now wide open. I just remembered who he was. "Ricky!!" I screamed. I got up and gave him a hug. "You've grown so nicely." He said. "Is this your son?" "Yes this is Zhaire." "How cute." "Why are you here in Chicago?" I asked him. "I came to see my girl." He said looking at my mom. She blushed. "Aww. Well, Ill get going so you guys can catch up." I said. I got Zhaire and headed out the apartment. I got to the car, buckled Zhaire in his seat, placed the stroller back in the trunk and got into the drivers seat. I drove out the parking lot and headed back to the house. Soon my phone started ringing. I took it out and answered. "Hello?" "Hey babes." Trey answered. "Hey boo. How's it going?" "Good. Hurry up and get home." "Why?" "Cause I have to tell you something." "Why cant you just tell me-" "Desiree, just come home." He said. I sighed. "Fine. How's Zarriah?" "She's alright. The usual, sleeping and eating. She playing with her toys right now." "Alright. Well, Im home. So see you in a bit okay?" I said hanging up. I drove into the driveway and parked the car. I turned it off and got out. I took Zhaire out and headed inside the house. I noticed that there were a lot of black bags and cords going up and down the stairs. "What the hell?" I said to myself. Soon a bunch of girls and guys came down the stairs. What is going on in here? I walked up the stairs and placed Zhaire in the play pen with Zarriah. I walked into our room and saw that my bed was missing and there were cameras everywhere and a white screen. Two men walked in and looked at me. "Can I help you." They both walked away from me without an answer. "TREY!!!!!" I screamed. He walked out the bathroom brushing his hair. "Hey babes." He said. "Wheres my bed and why are all these random people doing here?" "The bed is in the basement and this is what I had to tell you." "You wanted to tell me that my bed is missing?" "Baby stop being silly. I wanted to tell you that our business went big. We have to do some pictures for the catalogue. This is why they are here." "Oh my goodness really!" "Yes. Now, I want you to go into Kaleem's old room and get ready." He said. I nodded and walked into the room. A light skinned girl came up to me. "Miss Desiree, this way please." She said. I followed her into the bathroom. After about fifty minutes I was finished. My make up was done nicely, and I was wearing a dress that was going to be in the women's fashion. I went back into the room and saw Trey taking a his pictures. The way he was posing was funny but sexy at the same time. "Okay Desiree, join him." The photographer said to me. I did and Trey pulled me close to him. "Alright you guys. Show me some chemistry." We held onto each other and posed for the pictures. He asked us to kiss and we did. This was actually so much fun. "Alright. Send Kaleem and Jazmine." Soon Jazmine and Kaleem came in. "Hey girl." Jazzy said to me. "Hey Jazzy. You looking good!" I said. "Please, you look amazing after giving birth to two kids." "Thanks boo." I said. "Come on. Pictures." The photographer said. Trey and I watched as they took their pictures. When they were finished, we took some group pictured and then we were finished. They started packing up there things, brought back the bed and left. I changed into some sweats, got my two kids and laid down on the bed with them. "How are you two? Do you love mommy? Cause mommy love both of you." I said. I felt the bed dip and saw Trey. "What a day this was." He said holding Zhaire and placing him on his stomach. "I know." I said. I heard my phone ringing and picked up. "Hello?" "Hi, this is Brian." "Oh hi Brian." Trey looked at me with a questioning look. "Whats going on?" "GoodLifeRecordz wants to sign you.They loved your recording. We think there is a place for you in the music industry." "WHAT! REALLY!!" I almost yelled. "Yeah. Think you can come in on Tuesday?" "Yes! Oh my gosh! Thank you." I said. "No problem." He said hanging up. I hung up as well. "Who was that?" Trey asked. "Baby, Im gonna be famous! GoodLifeRecordz want to sign me!" I yelled. "Thats great baby. Im happy for you." He said. "Oh my gosh, my life is gonna change." "Ill beat your ass if you get out a hand and forget about us." I frowned at him but he kissed me. "But Ill always support you." "Baby, I wont forget about you or my kids. You guys are my family." I said cuddling closer to him. "Baby, you know I love you right?" "How much?" "So much. All those haters could take everything away from me but they cant take away the love I have for you." He said. "I dont care about our age difference. There has never been a girl that makes me feel the way you make me feel babe. You're my everything. Id do anything for you" He said looking into my eyes. I just couldn't believe that my first boyfriend would have this much feelings for me. I never thought that my first boyfriend would be the father of my kids. I was happy that I met him. "Im so glad I met you." I said. "Me too baby." I kissed his cheek. "You ready for the future?" He asked. "Yes I am." THE END

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