1956 Words

I woke up to the sound of shattering glass. I looked and Paul was still sleeping on my chest. What a baby. But If Paul was sleeping, who the hell broke the glass? I lifted my head slowly and saw a red clock before the door closed softly. That damn woman was inside the room. I lifted Paul slowly, and I got up. I tiptoed myself and left the room. Saw her in the hallway. I wave my hand and she went flying across the hallway and slammed the wall ten feet from me. What the hell was she looking for? How the hell did she end up in Paul’s bedroom. How did she enter the house? I thought Mr. Zimba had the place protected. Put alarms or something to keep intruders from entering. But again, even if he did, she was still a wizard. So, no amount of alarm would have kept her from entering the house.

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