2039 Words

I turned around despite not wanting to. But he already knew I was there. So, there was not much a could have done. He stood a good five feet from me. Staring at me with his blue eyes. He wore black trousers, a white long-sleeved shirt, and unbuttoned it down to his abs. Then he completed the look with slippers. He was not too muscular as compared to Paul, but he was good enough to charm a woman. He moved closer and puffed his cigar-not breaking eye contact. I took a step back and held up my hand. I can’t allow my emotions to ruin my plans. “I thought you went to work,” I said, trying to distract myself. “No, I took a day off. Father told me you were coming,” he spoke and took another step closer. What he was doing, I did not know. But I can’t allow it to happen. Not today. “But you

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