1812 Words

I needed to play her game. Make her think I was in the right place in her game. While in the actual sense, I was playing my game. I was outsmarting her. I needed to make ‘Sam’ report to her that we have killed Jonathan. That what she wanted had happened. But I needed to be very careful. Because, according to him, Demotrix was not a demon to play with. She was very dangerous, and I needed to watch my back. I looked at Mateo and silently told him what I needed him to do for me. An orb appeared at the end of my hand. The size of a baseball. Then I launched it at Jonathan. He covered his face, but that didn’t stop the orb from striking him. Then there was just smoke where he was. We all waited for the smoke to end. Find out what had become of the holder of the mark of Cain. Then Mr. Zimb

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