1760 Words

I was consumed with talking to Paul that I lost track of time. But we were talking about something important. Even more important than Sam and Amara. Yes, their problem was also important, but my kids also mattered. I needed to have them back. Now more than ever. My life was almost perfect. I had Paul, and I was sure I only wanted to be with him and no one else. All I needed was to have my twins by my side and will be fine. My life will be perfect again. But that didn’t mean I was going to let Amara and Sam go, just like that. They also needed my help, and I was going to help them. I might not just assist in their case that much, but I was going to led a hand. After my talk with Paul, I decided it was time for me and him to face my psychopath of a sister and his stupid brother. We neede

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