1. Irene Maria

671 Words
Even though it wasn't a cold night, her full body was shivering while clutching the blanket tightly in her hands. "No..." "Please stop...I am sorry...please..." She was panting... "You're hurting me...stop ...please..." She was crying and pleading for it to stop. She came back to reality with the sound of her morning alarm. As a reflex, she sat straight up in bed and placed her hand on her heart to calm herself. She opened her eyes and calmed down a little as she realised it was just a nightmare. Yes, it is the same nightmare she always has of her terrifying past. It seems like it will haunt her forever. There is no time for her to sit and feel sorry for herself, she had work today. She did some meditation and then took a shower. In no time, She cooked some breakfast and get ready to leave for the office. Before heading out, she grabbed a granola bar for her lunch. She hardly gets any time to eat once she reaches the office. So most of the time, this is her lunch... This is Irene Maria. She is a beauty with grey eyes, fuller lips, and long straight hair. She is tall and had an amazing voluptuous figure. But she never puts any effort into showing off her beauty. Her beauty had already paid a great price in her life. Due to her past, Irene lives alone and has a hard time trusting people. So now she focuses her attention on work, with few outside distractions. She came to Chicago and got her degree then went to work for Prinston Enterprises as a temporary employee. With hard work and effort, Irene became the marketing manager by the age of 27. In the office Irene has two friends, one is the secretary Sophia Sebastian and the other is the finance manager Hayden Peterson. When Irene is not at work, she often visits the children in the nearby orphanage. She gives them the love she craved as a child growing up. Without realising it, Irene uses the orphanage as her stress reliever. It was the only place she felt peaceful and happy. Irene reaches the enormous building of Prinston Enterprises in town and heads inside. As the staff wishes her good morning, she simply nods with a serious face and heads towards her office. Walking into her office, Irene looks at the mess of files and schedules piled everywhere. With the workload, she has there is no way to keep up with everything. She is going to have to find an assistant soon. However, she is very picky and strict, not many can withstand the torture of being her assistant. All of her past assistants have either quit because the work was too hard, or Irene was too hard on them, or she fired them for not working up to her standards. Hence, the need to find a new assistant yet again. Once in her office, she ran into Hayden, he is a handsome man with blonde hair and hazel eyes. He showers positivity to people around him. He just came to her office to say hello, it is his usual thing. "Good morning Irene...looks like somebody is feeling grumpy early this morning," he said after assessing her mood. "If you say so, Hayden. Good morning. It has been days. I am working without an assistant, and my office is getting more hectic every day!." she complained. "I heard that somebody has already been appointed, my friend in HR told me that." "What! Seriously, but they never informed me." She was getting pissed. "I heard that the person was suggested by the higher department, may have got some influence." there was a warning in his tone. "Hmm. Anyways I need a competent assistant, otherwise, I will throw them out in no time, Hayden, I have a lot of work pending, so see you later." Hayden nodded and left the office thinking, 'God only knows who that poor soul is going to be!'
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