
1018 Words
Ymir is a flourishing of greenery as ever. Trees as tall as mountains and forests that circle the entire planet. It's more of a planted of a jungle than a Terra with a jungle. The grass itself reaches four or five feet tall. It really is the Tiger-shifters home. The ship finds a small circular clearing of trees to land in as they exit to take flight for the flanking sides of the TLFP. Rynok, Regina, Norak, Marnia, Tyr, and his 3 chosen allies step off the ship into the foliage.  "Take care, son," tells Tyr as he and his warriors immediately set off to circle the East side of the enemy force. So they can approach the same time as the other two groups. "You ready, dear?" Regina asks Rynok. "For a fight? Always, you know that," Rynok replies with a cheerful smirk. "Let's set off, but fly slow, give the others time to reach their spots." The four dragons set off, heading towards the last known location of this rebel force.    Flying just above the treetops, which with their impressive size, are still hundreds of feet in the air. The four warriors glide silently through the air piercing the horizon with their heightened, adrenaline-fueled gaze. Looking for even the slightest suggestion of an enemy force or a potential trap. The quad team starts to approach the designated location, a large field of flattened grass, likely a training ground for tiger warriors, and hears signs of fighting. Realizing that they were a little behind at the start of the fight, they pick up speed and diving right into the fray.  Swooping in before the enemy forces, a mix of shifting tigers and normal rebellious Humans can notice the additional fighting force approaching from behind. Rynok picks up 2 tiger warriors and whips his body while flying, and flings them laterally through the air, sending them crashing into a group of tigers. Yowls of pain and bones snapping are added to the already filled air of bone-chilling screams of agony. Tyr and Draker are clearly already decimating the enemy force.  Regina and Marnia paired up for a little female prowess and tag-teaming anyone foolish enough to get too close. Crushing chest cavity between their heavy dragon tails and pulling tigers apart with long, razor-sharp canines. Norak seeing that his mate is well protected, follows Rynok into the thick of the battle. Rynok lands down with a heavy thud on top of a group of 4 humans, flattening and killing them all instantly with a splash of blood spraying out onto his legs and covering the surrounding enemies.  Shock and horror cover their faces as they watch their friends smashed into oblivion. But quickly turned to hatred for the dragons and a reignited resolution that dragons are cruel and treacherous creatures that are stealing all their females from Earth. The circle of humans all turn to focus their guns at Rynok and let out a volley of bullets. Untrained and inexperienced gunfire means Rynok took the brunt of the volley, but crossfires were the real killer.  Barely leaving a scratch on his scales, Rynok laughs as he sees half the men were wiped out by the friendly fire. Norak flies in and takes out the rest in one circular motion as he uses his meaty wing to smash the skull of all the remaining men firing at Rynok. The attention of the more deadly Tiger shifters focuses on the leader Rynok. Back to back, Rynok and Norak breathe a circle of flame at the approaching Tigers, cutting off their escape and setting many on fire. Their claws may be sharp enough to pierce even dragon scales, but fur versus fire is a catastrophic combination.  Panicking, the Tigers on fire flail and run about, sometimes setting their neighboring allies on fire as well before being swiftly engulfed in flame. The front Tigers that had made it past the wall of fire first charge in for the attack. Two tigers simultaneously leap onto Rynoks back, digging in their front claws for stability and using their hind legs to shred off dragon scales one by one. Their teeth lack the piercing power to break through the scaling, but their bite pressure is more than enough to crush bones and suffocate dragons if bitten in the wrong place.  Rynok unfurls his wings and takes a giant leap up into the air, and crashed back down onto his back to crush the two tigers. Three more tigers pounce on the vulnerable dragon stomach and start trying to tear through his stomach wildly. Norak quickly takes a finishing bite clean through two of the tiger's necks. While Rynok uses his tail to grasp the hind leg of the third. Slamming him like a catapult at frightening speeds into the hard ground, nearly shattering every bone in its body. "Thank you, my friend," quickly mumbles Rynok before flying out of the circle of fire and goes to search for another group to take down. Norak follows closely behind, still silently beaming with joy at being praised by THE Rynok.  Elsewhere in the war, Regina and Marnia are continuing their tag-team fighting. Tossing tigers to each other to catch in their mouths, causing deep, lethal bite wounds each time until it's barely more than a tattered bag of flesh flying through the air. Regina's eyes glint as she gets the most fabulous idea. She impales a tiger through the stomach, then does so again to another, creating a forbidding shish kebab of sorts. She repeats the process two more times and soon has 4 tigers shrieking and trembling in pain on her tail.  Regina herself winces as she discovers their shockingly sharp claws actually do some damage to her scales. But continues with her plan, grabbing 4 more in her claws of each foot. She flies high into the sky and starts to dive-bomb back to the Earth. She uses one wing to spin her body with a sharp power, flinging every tiger off her tail. They plummeted at insane speeds and exploded upon impact, sending bone fragments, limbs, and blood in all directions maiming and blinding nearby enemies.
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