Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

848 Words

Regina flies up just in time to hear Iris say, " We are going to ask questions, and if you answer truthfully, you will be safe-ish, but if you lie or do not answer at all, I will drop you. " " Is that clear? "  Gage stammer, " yes, I understand." Iris asks, " why did you think it was smart to attack the dragons?"  Gage answers, " he took the woman I am in love with!"  Regina says, " but I have never met you before." Gage replies, " we went to school together, but you never noticed me." Iris says, " well if she never noticed you, what would make you think she returned your love?" Gage replies, " she was promised to me by her father to my father." Regina says, " not my promise, not my problem." Gage yells, " Damn it, you were supposed to be mine!" Iris lets go, and Gage starts to

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