Chapter 5 - The Homelands - Arrival

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Giselle I waited for his answer, not realizing I was holding my breath. “A visit to your homeland …” He frowned. Was that a question? “Yes, I need answers from my coven. I was scared to speak to you about it because I was also scared that you would reject me.” I looked down at my feet, thinking that I seriously needed to paint my toes. “Mate”, I felt his index finger under my chin as he softly lifted my chin to look at him. “Mine,” I replied. “When do you want to leave?” He smiled. “You will go with me?” I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited that I forgot I was not really able to move and jumped into his arms. “OW!” Lucky for me, he caught me. “Yes. If it means, there is a possibility that you will let me mark you, in the end, I will do anything you ask, beautiful.” He kissed me. “But first you have to eat and build up some strength, because I’m guessing you don’t heal as fast as a wolf does?” He asked tilting his head to one side. “Yeah … Hum … About that, I will need some things. Would you be able to get them for me?” He gave me a nod as he took a gulp of his orange juice. We sat there, having breakfast in silence, just being together. After breakfast, he left to take the dishes to the kitchen and to collect the items I required. I had to call Megan first. “Hi, Megan!” I fought to keep the smile off my face. “Hey love bird. How is mate life treating you?” I could hear the smile in her voice. “Actually, that is why I am calling.” I cringed just a little, hoping that she would be okay with me leaving so quickly. “Too sore to walk, are we? Not to worry. I know the feeling.” She laughed. “It’s a wolf thing. Take all the bonding time you need. We will see you when you guys are ready.” “That is not completely why I called.” I blushed because, as usual, she was Samantha Storm … saying it like it was. “I would like Leo to go with me to visit my homelands, to meet my parents and my coven.” Holding my breath, I waited for her answer. “Oh sweetheart, why are you only mentioning your parents now? You should have said something before.” Her voice rose an octave and she sounded excited. “We could have visited them, or you could have gone for a visit. Of course, please take all the time you need. You no longer work for me, remember! We are family, Giselle. You are mated to a wolf now. You do not need to ask permission.” Her voice was filled with so much love that I wished I could hug her over the phone. “Just let Star know what you need, and she will arrange everything for you and come say goodbye first before you leave. I need to make sure my pack member is treating you well.” I thanked her and we hung up. Now I had to make the difficult call to my parents. The phone rang once. “Hi baby girl. How are you doing?” My mom answered the phone. “I’m Okay mom. How are you and dad?” I thought I could get the pleasantries out of the way first. “Out with it.” There was no fooling mom, she was a witch and could immediately tell when I had to share something. I was scared to tell her. “Mom, I have met Mine.” The words still sounded so unfamiliar to my own ears. “Oh, my darling baby girl … I am so happy for you! This is amazing news! You need to tell me everything!” I wasn’t worried that my parents would disapprove of him. It was just such a huge thing that happened after all this time. “Mom, he is so amazing. He is a werewolf and his name is Leo. His wolf’s name is Eurus. He is strong, yet caring.” I was blabbering … “Ah, my darling, you sound like I did when I met your father.” She sounded so happy for me that I couldn’t wait to see her. “I am worried mom; we need to come see the coven for the life ceremony and what if he refuses or rejects me? I will not survive it.” Tears started to fall for the first time as the possibility really hit me. “Giselle, darling, if he is your true mine, he will not refuse or reject you. That is what the life ceremony is there for. Your father and I never taught you the full traditions because we wanted you to have as normal a life as possible. Then you ended up working for a werewolf.” I rolled my eyes. My mom was never really happy with me working for a werewolf. “Yes, Freya had all that planned out, just like she brought me to Leo.” I sighed. “Then you must bring him, so we can follow tradition and mate you magically. If he marks you first, there might be repercussions. Please tell me he hasn’t marked you yet.” Her voice sounded slightly panicked. “No mom, I asked him if we could wait until I spoke to the coven and that I wasn’t sure of what would happen. He is very understanding and has agreed to come with me.” I still couldn’t believe this was actually happening. “Perfect, your father and I cannot wait to see you again. Let me know when you will be arriving so we can fetch you from the airport.” I could hear my father asking her questions in the background as she silenced him. “Thank you, mom, I love you.” “I love you baby girl.” We hung up just as I felt his aura behind me. “How did I not hear you come in?” I turned the moment I felt Leo’s hand on my shoulder. “Because … I’m sneaky!” He kissed my neck, making me break out in goosebumps all over again. “At this rate, I will have to start shaving three times a day, Leo. Oh, and put a bell around your neck.” I received his-come-to-bed-and-say-that-smile as he walked to the bathroom. But I had to call Star first, and she was over the moon to make the arrangements for our trip. Mr. walked back into our bedroom and picked me up to take me to the bathroom. “Where are we going?” I squealed. “I am not totally clueless, Miss, I collected all the ingredients you asked for and have prepared them. All you have to do is the spell, get into the water and heal.” He pointed at the bath. “First off, how did you know what I was thinking? Second, I need a freshwater river, Leo, not a bath. Healing a witch is not as easy as healing for a wolf.” I laughed. “Aha! That was the part I couldn’t quite figure out, and to reply to your question, you tend to open a mind link with me every time I am near you.” I had forgotten about that. I had been working on linking with mine as much as I could. My phone rang, making me jump. Star’s name appeared on the screen and I jumped to answer. “Hey Giselle, I have booked your flight for tonight at eight. You will arrive at the destination around eleven-thirty. Are you sure you don’t want to fly tomorrow morning? Anyway, I have arranged for a town car to pick you up from the private airport and drive you to where you tell him. This is all very cloak and dagger stuff.” I could hear the questions in her tone of voice that she didn’t dare ask. “Thank you Star and yes, it is cloak and dagger for a reason. Thank you for your discretion.” We hung up and Leo was looking at me, tapping his foot. “Can we please go to the river now? I would like you to heal!” He growled at me. “Okay, fine.” I laughed, pretending to sigh, when he picked me up and nearly dropped the healing ingredients. “So eager to heal me, do you perhaps have ulterior motives?” He didn’t think I was funny. “Mate, how could you even think that?” He softly growled. “You are such a spoiled sport!” I pouted. We reached the outside of the packhouse and as I wasn’t able to climb on his back for him to run to the river, we took the jeep. The drive up the mountain would have been an adventure if I didn’t have such a big adventure of my own in bed with “Mine” the last couple of nights. The river setting was beautiful, it was small, not too deep, and more like a stream. The water was clear, and you could see the rocks at the bottom rubbed round and slippery by the water, but it would do. There were pink and purple flowers all around the edges and big trees in the clearing nearby. Leo carried me to the water, put me down on the soft grass and handed me the bowl, stepping back and giving me space. I could see he had researched, and it made me feel completely comfortable casting the spell in front of him. I put the bowl in front of me, my hands on the ground before taking a deep breath. Saying the spell, I moved my hands over the bowl and the ingredients melted together, creating a creamy mixture. “Mine, will you please help me?” I looked at Leo. He walked over to me, picked me up and sat down in the water with me. I handed him the bowl, and he took some of the cream in his hands. He slowly moved his hands between my thighs and down to my sweet spot, massaging the cream into my skin. It hurt badly the first time, but the more cream he rubbed in, the less the pain became. The cream healed my hurt body and his hands made me all wet and horny. “Not now, beautiful. You have to heal, so we can travel to your homelands tonight.” I pretended to growl, knowing he was right. We climbed out of the river, and I felt better, but we were both soaking wet. “It’s a witch thing.” I grinned at him. “Being horny all the time?” He co.cked his eyebrow and I burst out laughing. “No, that is a Giselle thing.” I couldn’t stop thinking dirty thoughts about Leo’s thing. “I was talking about the healing.” He rolled his eyes at me, making me laugh louder. “I am just happy that you are better beautiful.” He put his arms around my waist, pulled me closer and gave me a chaste kiss. “Okay.” I sighed. “Let’s go pack.” We had just enough time to get back, pack our things, say goodbye before going to the airport. “Looking forward to going home?” He grinned as my hand gripped his. “I am nervous, actually.” I told him. “But yes, it will be good to see my parents again. I haven’t seen them in hundreds of years.” He frowned. “Once again, my love … It’s a witch thing … Remember we are immortal. Hundreds of years to us feel like a week in your time.” We got our wet asses back into the jeep and returned home. There were so many things I had to remember to pack. I hadn’t been to the homelands for a while and had to remember the dress code, my crystals, robe and … Ugh. I almost told Leo that I just didn’t want to go, but I knew that he needed to mark me and this way would be the only way. All was packed, our luggage was in the town car, and it was time to say our goodbyes. “You call me every day, little girl! I need to know you are safe!” Megan smacked Leo on his shoulder. “And you look after my little girl, or I will castrate you when you return!” We couldn’t help but laugh at Alpha. “Meg, I am sure Leo will protect Giselle and that her family will not hurt her.” Anthony put his arms around her waist as she sighed. “I know, but she has become one of my daughters. I just want her and Star to be happy.” She pouted. “I think we should let them go before their flight takes off too late, hm?” Anthony gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Ugh, okay, fine!” Megan jumped out of his arms and grabbed me for one last hug. “Don’t change too much Giselle.” She whispered. “I will try.” I whispered back, hugging her. Leo pulled me while Anthony grabbed Megan, and we left the territory to go to the airport. “Homelands beautiful, remember.” He smiled as my eyes filled with tears. “I know, I know. She just looked so sad.” I felt torn in two. I leaned against Leo’s shoulder, and he put his arm around me. “It will all be as it is supposed to be beautiful.” The flight was uneventful, and we reached the destination in good time. I asked the driver to drop us off at what looked like it was the middle of nowhere. “But Miss Storm said, to make sure you reach your parents safely.” His words were hardly said, when an old purple Cadillac pulled up from what seemed out of nowhere. “MOM, DAD!” I ran to them. Leo “I guess you have just completed your mission, Gus. Thank you!” I helped the driver unload our luggage and, as Gus, drove away. Standing by the luggage, waiting for them to finish saying their hellos. I could feel the electricity in the atmosphere. It smelled different, making my stomach turn and my face turned green. I tried my best to keep it in and not ruin the first impression her parents had of me, but I just couldn’t. I turned, shifted, and ran for the nearest trees. I lost everything I had eaten for possibly the last three days. Luckily, Eurus healed quickly, but getting him to return control was always a struggle.
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