Chapter 29 - The Wolf King lives!

2356 Words

Giselle Leo took me home, and my beautiful purple dress was ruined. My perfectly happy mood was ruined. My make-up was completely ruined! All this while, tears were streaming out of my eyes. “My beautiful mate. It will all be okay. You will bring all three of our pups into the world, and you will be an amazing mother.” Leo tried to console me. “That is not why I am crying!” I hiccuped. “Then what is upsetting you my love, so I can fix it for you.” He wanted to do whatever it took to make me smile the same as I did for him that morning before he told me I was expecting three pups. “I don’t know.” I told him, as if he was asking me an unreasonable question. He smiled and told me he knew exactly what I needed. “If you say tea, I swear I will kill you right here, right now!” I growled at

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