Episode 4-Wedding chills

2068 Words
/Allen’s POV/ I knew the moment I woke up that today is a terrible day, first Eleanor woke up spewing gibberish, and now, I can’t find my phone. I was already dressed, clad in my expensive grey suit, one which I’d saved the money for something that matters and not walk away from the show for Walker's family. I couldn’t stop cussing out on the slightest thing because I was damn pissed. “Allen” My sisters came calling, they were already dressed up for the wedding, and though they were both strongly against it, it was not their call to make. “You look great brother” Anna walked up to give me a warm hug. Then plant a soft kiss on my cheek. “Your cologne’s great too” Did she just sniff me? I frowned finding the behavior rather annoying. “Hope you’re getting ready to appear, everyone’s expecting you outside right now….don’t be late,” She said moving back. Jenny was about to follow her when I hold back her hand. “What is it?” She asked with an oblivious look, she probably hasn’t figured out I find out about her relationship with Mike yet. And now, might not be a good time to bring it up. So, I let go of her hand and forced her a smile. “I just wanted to remind you how beautiful you look” I blurted out the only thing I could come up with and she smiled in response. Mike and Xavier came in afterwards and we head to the garden together, then I met with my mom who was welcoming our guests before I showed up. “I think it’s time you go wait for your bride” She whispered. She doesn’t like Eleanor much either but because she was obsessed with me my mom didn’t shun her much because all her actions and steps taken were all. After all, she was insanely in love with me, to the extent that it terrifies me…Hanna’s face flashed through my mind for a mini second, the price she had to pay for reciprocating my feelings for her, Eleanor’s obsession with me scares me. I shook my head getting rid of all the thoughts that could make me walk up to the altar and cancel the wedding. “Allen, are you listening?” My mom asked me and I flinched since I haven’t been really listening. “I said your cousin Miguel would be your ring bearer…is that okay with you?” She asked staring deep into my eyes while waiting for my confirmation, I thought they’d already decided this a long time ago. “Um, okay” I agreed not even giving it a second thought because I believe in my mom’s decisions. “Good, are you ready, where’s Jake and- “We are here ma’am” The appearance of both of my best friends interrupted my mom’s question. The boy had been having silent conversations behind the tree, only God knows what the f**k they’re talking about. “So, are you ready to make an appearance yet, the crowd is waiting for you to show up” My mom informed and I nodded adjusting my coat. This might not be a wedding I want but it’s still my wedding so, I’m a little nervous, and the fact that the crowd consists mostly of business partners adds to my anxiety. I exhaled deeply and stood between my two friends while my mom’s hand linked with mine. We took careful steps down the aisle and immediately I got close, my mom’s hands left mine and she moved to sit in the front row while my best man…who is Xavier stood behind me, three steps below me. Though it’s only just a second since I arrived at the alter, I want Eleanor to get the f**k out already so we could conclude this at once. All eyes were on me, though there was an emotional song playing in the background making the whole thing look romantic but what was happening was the farthest thing from romance. The green leaves completed with fake white flowers used to adorn the alter would make any groom think it was the happiest day of their lives, any groom but me. The fact that I’m marrying my biggest nightmare and even celebrating it made me sick to my stomach, f**k! I hate it, I wanna stop already…I don’t want this, these thoughts continuously run inside my head making me nervous and anxious and she was late…it’s been several minutes since I arrived at the alter but she’s not showing up, she wouldn’t show up but my stocks are gonna plummets if she doesn’t show and these businesses co-operate owners that grace the party to feast their eyes despite hardly not having time on their side, are probably gonna cut ties with me. There’s too much at stake if the wedding doesn’t go as planned…and me being a businessman doesn’t want to suffer such loss because of the wedding I do not want. I subconsciously raised my hand to my mouth nibbling anxiously on my fingernails since it’s a habit but Xavier hold back my hand. “She’s gonna show up, I know she will…no need to get all nervous about it” He assured me and I nodded. I wouldn’t be this nervous if that insane girl didn’t spew some nonsense to me this morning, I understand she was getting cold feet all of a sudden but this was f*****g too much. I was feeling frenzy about it when everyone all turned back to see Eleanor’s bride maids and bride of honour walking in throwing flowers to the ground, a lot of them then Eleanor appeared, head covered and gown raised. Her long train was being carried by three other ladies. Does the train have to be that long? I wondered as multiple people helped her in straightening the train of her wedding dress, it was then I noticed her hand, it was being held tenderly by her dad. So, what the f**k was taking them so long? I thought watching them slowly approached me, my heart nervously pounded in my chest as her hand was handed to me, what followed was the ramble of the preacher who asked us to repeat vows after him, Eleanor kept mumbling to herself about god knows what. “Do you Eleanor Walker take Allen Maxwell as your lawfully wedded husband?” They asked her and what followed was absolute silence. “What kind of prank is this?” I asked through my teeth not wanting her to speak up but she remained silent nevertheless. “Your dad’s gonna kill me, and my stocks please” Maybe she wants me to beg, I don’t trample my pride to get through this. “If you don’t want this marriage, we can divorce later but if you did this right now, your dad’s gonna think I did it” I whispered and she heaved a heavy sigh. “Yes I do” She finally let out and the crowd cheered. I haven’t felt more relieved in a very long time. “You may now kiss the bride” I almost forgot there’s also that part. I raised her veil ready to do exactly that but my heart skipped a bit immediately after our eyes met, goddamnit…I almost forgot how pretty she looks. “Why are you hesitating…do it and be done with” The pastor flinched at her cold voice. She wasn’t exactly loud about it but the pastor was quite close to us, I’m certain he’s sure this marriage wasn’t based on love. I slowly closed in, tilted my head, and placed my lips on hers. “Didn’t you learn the basics?” She whispered to my mouth grabbing me by the neck while forcing me to open my mouth and deepen the kiss, she pushed her tongue forward, forcing me to reciprocate her action, then she let go just as fast, and the wedding went well after that, but what I don’t understand is the gloomy look she had on her face as the rest of the ceremony took place. Even when she threw the bouquet and her best friend caught it, she only forced on a smile while staring with a bored expression, as far as I can remember the one extremely excited about the whole wedding thing was her, not like I’m curious why the sudden change of attitude, I’d really love it if she could leave me alone honestly. When the time for the formal events came and we were supposed to walk in hand in hand to greet our guests, she didn’t show up and I had to do most of the work, so…I stormed into the house, ready to drag her ass out, I mean she f*****g planned the whole event, and even the honeymoon thing, she wanted this and now I feel she’s suddenly bailing. “Oh, thank God Allen’s here” Kimberly her best friend exclaimed as I walked into her room to see her surrounded by her group of friends, I didn’t know what they were doing at first until Kimberly came up to me. “Will you convince her to get the f**k up and leave for the hall please, the reception already started” I can’t believe they are all trying to convince her to attend her wedding reception, this is definitely not like her at all. In the past, she was someone who would announce to the world when she successfully had meals with me. “Can you give us a minute?” I turned to Kimberly who hesitated for a minute before she pats the girl next to her by the shoulder before gesturing to the others to give us some time alone. “What are you doing?” I asked her immediately after the others left. Because she still stays sprawled on the bed completely nonchalant to by presence, I mean I’m glad that she isn’t clingy anymore, not before when she would find any opportunity to be intimate with me but this… “Will you stop acting all spoilt and get out of bed, if you’re doing this to seek attention, well there you get it, we have many people here tonight, people I don’t wanna disappoint; I’ll give you anything you want afterwards” Then she turned since her back was facing me at first. “You promise, anything I want?” I guess she hasn’t changed a bit. “Yeah anything” I know exactly what she was gonna ask for, it was probably intimacy... “You promise me divorce at the alter remember, be true to your words. How long should I give you…it’s probably gonna be suspicious if we divorce immediately after the wedding so let’s live together for some months, I really wanna get out of this as fast as I could, but we don’t want people pointing fingers and your shares plummeting as you mentioned so, 6months should do right?” What the f**k! “Are you for real right now, this isn’t the time to joke around you know- “You should be happy I wanna divorce you what’s with the strange look you’re giving me. I’ll only visit the wedding reception if you promise me that” Seriously, she isn’t joking. “Okay fine” I blurted and she beamed. “I hate those heels, my legs are killing me already so, let’s do this fast” She stood from the bed in her champagne gold dress shimmering with all the dangling jewelry attached to it. “And I hate this hairstyle” She mumbled moving to the mirror to pull out the jewelry from her hair. I watched as she made her hair into a tight ponytail. Then she switched her earrings with a dangling piece, one less heavy. She changed the one on her neck as well with a lighter one, though she was going for a quite simple look, she still looked amazing. “This will do” She muttered slipping into wedge shoes…I thought she loved Stilettos. “I’m all set?” She smiled grabbing her purse that matched well with her heels. “Hellooo” She drawled since I was too stunned to speak. “Who are you?” -------
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