Ch 15

1722 Words

I was sitting in my room drying my hair with a towel as i was thinking about the incident in the elevator, it was almost like Nick was jealous and wanted me as a mate. i shook my head . no hes just trying to dictate what i do. but right now i was more conflicted on what to get paula, i would ask jen but shes out with Grace right now having a play date. That leaves one option. I sat waiting in the living room as a knock on the door had me shoot up. i was dressed and ready to go as i opened the door to the luna smiling at me . "im so glad you wanna go shopping" i smile back. since i didn't have a care or many female friends she was my only option. "yeah im trying to find someone a birthday gift but im clueless" i said rubbing the back of my head. The luna smiled. "no need to fret Nick is s

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