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Kyra is entering into a restaurant. She wears a black colour elegant saree. Her blouse is covering her full neck and that blouse has long sleeves. Her full body is nicely covered with her saree. Her body is covered from head to toe. But she looks beautiful and elegant on that saree. She go near a table where her best friends Lisa and Cara are waiting for her. Lisa said with smile, “ Oh hoo Kyra, you are looking beautiful on that black colour saree. It's traditional.” Cara said out, “ Yea Kyra, you are looking pretty. You always look beautiful in saree.” Kyra smiling after hearing their comments. She sit on a chair which is in front of them. Kyra said with smile, “ Thanks for the nice complements guys. Did you guys already ordered foods for dinner?” They both said to Kyra that they already ordered the foods for dinner, and they also ordered for Kyra vegetables salad, fried chicken and vegetables soup. Kyra said with smile, “ You guys really know which I will eat from this restaurant.” Cara said, “ Obviously we will know because we are childhood friends. Now tell me why your face look so glowing and cheerful?” Kyra said, “ Today Jay's grandma came to our home few hours ago and that’s why I wear this saree. She came to give me her blessings. She is really a nice lady. I like her.” Lisa said, “ She came from India to USA just for give you blessings. (Kyra glared at her) I mean she really likes you for her grandson. But Kyra are you really happy? I know you don’t like to talk about this type things. But we are your best friends, we want to see you happy. We cannot see you in pain.” Kyra said, “ Why I will be not happy? After all Jay's daughter Jara will be my daughter soon. I am excited about this marriage. Indian maximum media are talking about our marriage. After all he is a famous billionaire businessman of India and I am Kyra Malhotra, Indian American businessman Arjun Malhotra's daughter.” Cara said, “ If you are happy then we are happy for you. We were just worried about you. Because in past you loved Dev.” Kyra said with little sarcasm smile, “ Yea I loved him in the past. But now I don’t have any feelings for him. He is such a loser who just followed his parents order. When I needed him the most, he just left my side. He married my cousin Avni.” At that moment two waiters come to their table with their ordered foods. They place those foods on the table and then leave from there. Kyra, Lisa and Cara start eating their foods. Suddenly a young smart guy come to their table. He said to Kyra with smile, “ Excuse me pretty lady, are you an Indian? I mean your clothes are Indian types clothes.” Kyra, Lisa and Cara give that guy a questioning look. Kyra said, “ Why? Did I know you?” He said, “ No. You don’t know me. But we can know each other.” Kyra said out, “ Sorry to say that I don’t want to know you.” He said with little smile, “ If you know who I am then you will definitely want to know about me.” Kyra is feeling irritated by hearing his words. Kyra said, “ Listen Mr. Unknown I don’t want to know about you. So please can you just leave from here. You are wasting our time and nice mood.” He said out, “ Attitude huh, I really like this type of girl. Can I just get your name and contact number?” Kyra said out, “ By the way if you want I can give you the contact number of the police station which is near of this restaurant. Do you like to call the police?” He give her a questioning look. Then he said, “ Why you will give me the contact number of police station and why I will call the police?” Kyra said, “ I think your brain is really thick. I will like to file a case against of you. That’s harassment case.” He become dumbfounded. He didn’t expect those words from her. He said out, “ Don’t you think you are so rude? I just wanted to know about you.” Kyra said, “ Yea, I am so rude person. I don’t want to talk with you. You aren’t my relative. Now can you just leave from here.” That person said, “ Okay I am leaving. But I wish in future I meet with you again.” Kyra glared at him and that person leave from there. Lisa said, “ Kyra, he is handsome and cute type guy. You were rude. You shouldn’t talk with him like that.” Kyra said with irritating tone, “ Stop your nonsense talking. I know very well these types of man. They always like to flirt around. And if you give them a little bit of interest then they will start to run behind you. Then they will try to get close to you. Come on Lisa you know very well I hate those types of man. They aren't serious about relationship. They always run away from serious relationship. Marriage isn’t their destination.” Cara said, “ Yea, there was only one man whom you thought perfect and you only liked and loved that person. And that person is Dev.....” Lisa hit on Cara's leg with her leg to stop her talking. Cara said, “ I am sorry Kyra. I shouldn’t talk about him.” Kyra said, “ It’s okay. But next time don't talk about him in front me. He is just nobody for me.” Avni is talking with her mother Sonali inside her mother's bedroom. Avni said with desperate tone, “ Mom you have to do something. If Kyra really married with Jay Singh then after her marriage soon everyone will know the truth.” Sonali said, “ What can I do now? Your Dadi and Jay's Dadi they become crazy and excited about their marriage. They also fixed the marriage date so early. If I try to do anything now then I am sure they will catch me red handed. You don't need to worry about this matter. I will handle everything very well.” Avni said with irritating, “ Oh god Mom, you don’t have any idea from when I hear about Kyra’s wedding, I am just feeling so tensed and reckless. If that doctor will say the truth then you are finished. And I will also be finished because of that. I am sure if Dev will know about this then he will leave me. I love him mom. You know very well I like him from my high school life. But he always showed his interest in Kyra. I just hate her. Maximum people praise about her. Dev is a perfect person. His father own the MV group’s half of share. Dev is a handsome and good looking guy. That’s why I snatched him from her.” Sonali said, “ I know that very well Avni. That’s why I planned and did everything for you and your happiness. But now Kyra is going to be the wife of a famous Indian billionaire businessman. Maximum Indian media are gossiping about this news. She is really so lucky, Jay's family know everything about her but still they want her as their daughter in law.” Avni said with panic tone, “ Mom you have to do something. Otherwise everyone will know about the truth.” Sonali said, “ Relax Avni. You don't need to worry about that. I used money to bought that doctor, just like that I will use money to buy Jay's house one servant. I will do something so that no one can find the truth. I don’t like Kyra at all. Your Dad is really something. I always try to convince him to ask MV group’s some share from Arjun bhai. But he said that Arjun bhai already gave half of the property in his name, so he doesn’t need any company's share. Your Dad is really fool. What he will get from this property? Only this house, one land which is in Chicago, one house which is in Pune, one land which is in Delhi that’s all. But he will get half of this property. I just want MV group’s share. That will be profitable for us. Kyra is excellent on her architecture work. If Arjun bhai give her maximum shares then what we will do. Even Samar sometimes said that Arjun bhai should choose Kyra for managing the company in his place. Now look she is really lucky to get a famous billionaire businessman as her husband. But don't worry your Mom will do something soon. You don't need to worry about anything. You are my only child and I can do anything for your happiness. You know very well your mom break Kyra and Dev’s relationship for you. Don’t worry I will do something, no one will know about the truth.” Avni nod her head after hearing her mother's words. Samar enter into Kyra's bedroom. Kyra is talking with someone at her phone. When she see Samar she said bye to that person on the phone and cut the call. Samar said, “ Did you selected the clothes for your wedding functions?” Kyra said with smile, “ Hmm. Dadi and I selected all the clothes. They are so exclusive and beautiful. After all Indian top and best designer is making those clothes. He will sent all those clothes from India to USA before 1 week of my wedding. I am so excited about my wedding.” Samar said, “ I am happy for you Kyra di. But can you ever love Mr. Jay?” Kyra sit on a couch and Samar also sit on another couch. Kyra said with serious tone, “ I know you are worried about me Samar. But don’t worry Jay is a good man, I will easily adjust with him. You know what I don’t need to adjust with Jara at all. She is so loving and friendly. After our marriage date fixed she called me for three/four times. She is so excited about our marriage. I want to look perfect at my wedding day. There will be all Indian media and some USA media also. It will be really a big day for me.” Samar nod his head. But they don’t know soon everything will be destroy. Kyra is trying to make everything all right in her life but only one accident will destroy everything soon. Kyra is driving her car. She is coming back from her office to home. It’s already getting dark because it’s evening time. Suddenly a woman hurriedly come in front of her car. She try her best to stop the car but it’s impossible for her to stop the car instantly. Her car hit that women. Kyra's head also hit on the steering wheel. She lost her conscious. When Kyra gain her conscious she slowly open her eyes. She look around, it’s look like she is in a hospital's cabin. She see Samar, he is sitting on a couch which is little far from her bed. She said, “ Samar?” Samar instantly look at Kyra and hurriedly go towards her bed. Kyra is feeling pain on her forehead, she touch her forehead with her hand. She could feel a bandage on her forehead. Samar said with panic tone, “ Kyra di, are you okay?” Kyra try to remember why she is here. She sit on the bed with difficulty because her forehead is paining. Then she recall all the incidents which happened in front of her car. She hit a women. She look at Samar with panic expression. She said with panic tone, “ Samar I hit a women with my car. Where is that women? What happened to her?” She cannot express how she is feeling. Samar said, “ Kyra di just relax. You don't need to get panic. Doctor said that you need to take some rest.” Kyra said with desperate tone, “ What are you saying Samar? I need to know about that women Samar. Is she alright? Did anything happen to her?” At that moment three police enter into Kyra's cabin. Kyra's father and Anil also enter into the cabin with them. One of police said to Kyra, “ Miss we have to arrest you for the murder charge. Because your car hit a women.” Kyra said with trembling voice, “ What are you talking about? (She look at her father) Papa I didn’t hit her intentionally. She suddenly came in front of my car. I tried my best to stop the car but I couldn’t.” Arjun said out, “ I know beta, you didn’t do that intentionally.” Tears are falling from her eyes. She is feeling so reckless and frightened. Police said, “ Miss we have to arrest you. The doctors said to us that you need some time for rest that’s why we are giving you three hours to take rest. Our two police will wait for you outside. After three hours our police team will take you to the police station.” By saying that those police get out from her cabin. Kyra said with trembling voice, “ Papa I didn’t hit her intentionally. What happened to her?” Arjun sit near her daughter on the bed. He wipes her daughter's tears. He cupped her face with his both palms. He said with difficulty, “ I know you didn’t hit her intentionally. Some people admitted you and that women in this hospital. But that women died one hour ago.” By hearing her father’s words Kyra is feeling like the sky break on her head, she become so numb. Then she feels everything is getting dark in front of her eyes. She lost her conscious and fainted. Arjun hold her daughter in his arms. Kyra is inside the court room. It’s already 25 days of that car accident's incident. Today is the final day, the judge will tell the decision about this case. All the evidence showed that Kyra wasn’t culprit. There was two CCTV cameras on that road. From those two CCTC cameras video footage it was clear that it wasn’t Kyra's driving fault at all. Kyra was driving her car with medium speed and she was driving her car correctly. It was actually that women's fault, she suddenly came in front of Kyra's car. That’s why the judge releases Kyra from this case. Kyra's family's everyone is present inside the court room. They released a relief of breath by hearing that Kyra is now free from this case. But Kyra’s face is expressionless. She doesn’t know why she isn’t feeling well at all. She is feeling guilty because of that accident. Kyra's best friends Lisa and Cara enter into Kyra's house. Kyra's grandma see them. She go near them. They greeting Kyra's grandma. Kyra's grandma said to them, “ Kyra is still inside her room. It’s already 10 days from when she released from the car accident case. But she always remain silent. It’s really scaring me. I am always worried about her. Everyone tried to tell her that it wasn’t her fault at all. But she always remain quite, you guys also see that. Please talk with her and try to convince her that she cannot live her life like this. She doesn’t open her windows covers and glasses covers. Her room is always remain dark. Even she doesn’t eat properly. After 5 days her weeding function will be held. She cannot live her life like this. I don’t want to see her again in depression and pain.” Lisa and Cara nod their head and say to Kyra's grandma that they will try their best to convince Kyra. Both of them enter into Kyra's bedroom. Her room is in half darkness. In the little light they see that Kyra is lying on her bed. Both of them remove the covers from the glasses and windows of her bedroom. Kyra's eyes are closed. When she feels the sunlight on her face she open her eyes. She see her both friends near her bed. She sit on her bed and look towards them. She said, “ Why you guys remove those covers? I don’t like this.” Lisa and Cara both sit on her bed. They look towards Kyra. Lisa said, “ What's wrong with you Kyra? Just forget about that accident. It’s already more than 1 month when that accident happened and you released from that case about 10 days ago. You cannot locked yourself always inside this room.” Kyra said, “ It’s easy for you guys to say that to me. I just cannot sleep at night. Every night I see that women. I hit her with my car! She was pregnant! I killed her and her child.” Cara said out, “ It wasn’t your fault Kyra. Everyone saw in the video footages that she suddenly came in front of your car. And she wasn’t properly walking at the road. It was looked like she was feeling sick. She hurriedly came in front of your car. It wasn’t your fault. Just forget the past Kyra. Look Kyra, Dadi is so worried about you. Even Samar called us to come here to talk with you. You cannot live your life like this. After 5 days your wedding ceremony will be held. Jay Singh and your wedding is now hot topic in India. I checked 2 Indian newspapers news at online. After all he is a well known billionaire businessman of India and you are Indian American businessman Arjun Malhotra's daughter. Kyra you are a strong girl. You cannot become weak because of that accident.” Kyra said, “ I am not weak Cara. I always feeling so bad for that accident. I just cannot live a peaceful life because of that accident. I hit her and her child. (Tears are falling from Kyra’s eyes) It’s so painful for me. I know it wasn’t my fault but she was pregnant. It’s feeling like I killed her and her baby. Papa and Anil uncle said to me that her boyfriend is a famous richest billionaire, he hired the best lawyers but still they couldn’t win the case. Because it wasn’t my fault. Her boyfriend never came to the court. If he came to the court I could personally beg for his forgiveness. Because of me he lost his girlfriend and child.” Lisa said, “ Kyra, I am sure her boyfriend already saw those video footages. And maybe he forgot you. Because it was his girlfriend's fault. She suddenly came in front of your car. She wasn’t walking properly at the road. Just forget about the past and only thinking about your future Kyra. Your father, grandmother are so worried about you Kyra.”
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