PAGE TWO - Ghost town

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Sol Kaye Evans   After finishing settling myself inside my dorm, I have decided to take a stroll all around the town just to familiarize myself with the specific shops that I’ll be visiting if I ever went out of stocks for my daily take-in of foods.   Plus, the cafeteria seems to be closed by now since it’s already 7 in the evening so I just planned to go out so I could buy my snacks and dinner for today and the next few days.   I slipped into my monkey slippers and went outside of the dormitories. I waved goodbye to the guard at the gate so he just smiled at me before waving back, he told me his name was George and told me to take care and avoid toilet rooms, which confused me again for a moment.   They seem to like to scare their students a lot, and it's odd because I didn’t notice that many students roaming around the whole University.   It so strange, but maybe because the guard was scaring them or I don’t know, the rumors about Aka Manto seemed to be so absurd. I mean who on earth would torture, murder, or kill someone inside your University?   Well unless they have great resentment towards you, but I’m new here so I’m confident that no one would go after me.   The stroll was slightly exhausting since our University was placed below the mountains, and I need to exaggeratedly run and walk because of the slanted roads up, sweats were immediately formed on my forehead which made me feel icky on the inside but that doesn’t matter, I’m so hungry as hell.   When I have finally reached the center of the town I was really surprised because there’s literally no one outside! Only the rats and cockroaches came to greet me, but they immediately scrammed away right after I tried to greet them either. Is this a Ghost town?   Luckily, almost all of the stores were open and some of them look like they wanted a customer for tonight, I first went to the pharmacy since I’m a girl, I have menstruation periods so I have to ready my napkins for that moment or day.   Who knows when will it occur? I don’t count my days… I don’t have a s*x life okay? Don’t rub salt on some wound dudes.   The cashier and the people inside that Pharmacy look really surprised right after seeing me buy some napkins, tissues, vitamin c, extra toothpaste, and soap.   I smiled as I approached the cashier, he looked at me intently while checking my bought items and started to scan them with his laser gun, not literally that’s just how I called it. “If you don’t mind me asking… are you new here miss?” he curiously asked so I just smiled and nodded at him.   “I just got here a while ago and currently staying at the dorms of Crimson University,” I beamed, which made him flinched like he has heard a dreaded name.   He suddenly gave me some chocolates that shocked me for a moment right after I have paid for my bought items.   “Please take this, I hope this will help you inside that… hell and please avoid toilets,” he mumbled, I can almost see that he’s trembling with fear, so I got worried for a moment.   Why does he look this scared? I know I’ve heard about that story, but is that actually true? Jeez, sounds like there’s a real mystery inside that University.   “A-Are you okay?” I worriedly asked, he just nodded before forcing me to accept the chocolates that he gave to me so I did, who will avoid free stuff? And most especially, who doesn’t love chocolate?   We both bid each other goodbye and when I finally went out, I saw his workmates gathering upon his place while doing the sign of the cross like they’re praying for someone.   I shook my head because of what I saw and just decided to move towards my next desired store, the convenience store! Instant decent foods, here I come!   Right after I have entered the convenience store, it was really quiet, but I didn’t bother because my feet dragged me towards the aisle of the instant ramen noodles.   My eyes sparkled like bright stars in the vast night sky right after witnessing many flavors of it in just one aisle and rack.   I immediately grabbed my desired flavors and drinks. I’ll just go to their market soon for me to eat real foods but for now, let’s stuff myself with junk!   My hands were literally full when I have reached the cashier again, I told the cashier to wait because I’m going to grab an ice cream and microwaveable goodies.   I exhaled out a lungful air after getting my desired foods in the store. I smiled at the woman right in front of me when I realize that she was looking at me intently.   “Are you—”   “Yes, I am new here… why is everybody keep on asking me that?” I cut her off, which made her smile. It looks like she’s about my age, she looks pretty,  but I can tell that she’s a bit shy.   My eyes glanced at her nametag and it says, Lily, a perfect name for a perfect girl! Woman empowerment anyone?! “People must’ve asked you that a lot huh? People might talk about you for now, but that will end right after you have stayed in here for a few days,” she shared, I got curious for a moment while she’s busy doing her job.   “Why is that? It’s really bugging me right now,” I stated, which made her sigh before getting some paper bags on her side.   “We’re not used to having newcomers here because of the issue that is always on fire around our town… lots of people left because of the issue, but I still hope things would change,” she mumbled while carefully packing my bought items on the extra-large paper bag.   “We have memorized each and everyone’s faces here for us to know if we lost someone or something,” she added, which scared me for a moment. What the hell? That sounds really creepy right now!   Is it also a Halloween theme in their town? Why are they taking that urban legend seriously? Those are just made-up stories to scare little kids during bedtime!   “So, what’s your name?” she asked, so I just smiled at her before offering my slightly pale white hands.   “Sol Kaye Evans, just Kaye is fine,” I politely said, so she smiled before accepting my simple handshake.   “I’m Lily Brown and you have probably seen that on my name tag,” she casually said, so I just nodded before smiling at her again, she seems really nice.   “Where are you living before? What made you think about moving in here? Oh… sorry am I asking too much?” she restrained herself, so shook my head exaggeratedly telling her that it’s alright.   “No, it’s okay, I actually live really far away from here because I’m from the big cities before, issues been piling up on my life over there and it became too much for me to handle so I have decided to switch places,” I explained, but that was only half of the truth. I’m not planning to expand it any longer though.   “I see, things must be pretty hard, and you have decided to move to the most dreaded place on earth, what a great plan,” she mumbled sarcastically, so I just laughed. I already like her she seems really true to herself… I’m slightly envious of her.   “Well, bad luck must have been plastered on my pinkish butt,” I casually said, which made her laugh in a very indecent manner.   “I’m sorry, but we’re the only ones here plus it’s been so long that I had a long conversation with someone unless it's my family, it feels nice so thank you,” she mumbled like she’s really genuinely happy so I just grinned at her. “Your name suits you well, Sol… that means the sun, right?” she stated, so I flinched for a moment. I really don’t like to hear that description at this moment, but I just nodded at her to avoid awkwardness.   “I’m guessing you’re studying at Crimson University?” she immediately asked when she felt my uneasiness, which made my eyes widened.   “H-How did you know?!” I exclaimed, which made her laugh for a moment. It’s good to see someone who’s smiling, it makes me feel at ease on the inside.   The guard and Lily are the only ones who smiled at me warmly for the first time around this town.   “Well girl, that’s the only University and high school that we have here inside this town, some of the schools here were really far from us so we don’t have any choice but to study there,” she depressingly stated, which made me nod at her. That makes sense, I guess?   “I see so that means I’ll see you around the University then?” I asked, but she just shrugged before placing my bought items on my front.   “That’ll be 25 dollars in total, well I highly doubt that but why not? We could eat lunch at the cafeteria tomorrow,” she suggested. I just smiled because this means I gained one friend now right? I gave her an exact amount and she thanked me before looking at me again.   “That'll be great! See you tomorrow then and I’ll be off now!” I beamed before waving her goodbye so she just smiled at me.   “Don’t forget to avoid the toilets alright? It’s dangerous!” she shouted right after the doors closed behind my back, just like anyone else around this town they want me to avoid toilets.   Then where the hell I’m supposed to take a bath huh? The people inside this town are very meticulous.   I shook my head when I have decided to go back to my dorm, the market is already closed I was actually planning to buy some veggies for me not to die early because of instant foods.   My hands open the ice cream that I bought, I decided to eat it for now so that it won’t drip or be thawed, the ice cream wouldn’t be so nice anymore and that doesn’t taste good right?   Good thing that I have brought my eco bag with me, this helped me lift my grocery goodies easily while allowing me to eat my ice cream peacefully.   I have finally arrived at the University and noticed that the guard was not there anymore, maybe they’re changing guards for night duties too, I guess.   I stepped inside confidently because no one came to check if I was really their student or not and decided to go to my dorms when I have felt some eerie eyes looking at me from above. My eyes slowly looked up and noticed that it’s the building of our University and I thought someone was looking at me through one of those windows from above on the right side.   I can feel the heat and coldness combining on the way that someone stares at me, or I don’t know maybe I’m just hallucinating?   The center windows were square while the specific left and right sides of the building have these diamond-shape-like windows.   “Jeez, I must be crazy for thinking that it was real for a moment,” I mumbled disgustingly before shaking my head as I have decided to go to my dormitories to preheat my microwave goodies.   I never thought being alone was this nice. I was scared that no one would go with me before wherever I go, but now? I just don’t care if I’m alone or not.   As long as I’m living, I’ll find ways to survive on my own, things really changed a lot ever since that I… that I… I just shook my head.   There’s no point dwelling in the past that much, it would just depress me even more.   My blue glinting eyes focused on the microwave when I heard someone knocking on my door harshly, who could that be at this hour? It's already late. I just shook my head and have decided to check it through my peephole and was astounded to see a man wearing a crimson red cloak and a creepy smiling mask that is hiding his face.   I backed away for a moment before deciding to peek through it again and was astounded that the man in that crimson red cloak was gone.   Did I get that image wrong? I’m sure I saw someone outside just a split second ago wearing that cool cloak…   I flinched when I heard the ting sound from my microwave that scared me for a moment, my food is ready jeez! I thought something really going on in here.   I just shook my head and prepared my microwavable goodies on some decent plates before munching them while watching my downloaded videos on Netflix.   The knock was suddenly gone… was that a coincidence or I’m just making up scenarios on my mind?   Is this why they asked if I’m mentally stable? I shook my head and ate the sizzling porkchop before drinking some glass of water.   That’s probably not the case, maybe there’s really someone here lurking around the school scaring someone just to prove that the urban legend is true! If I find out that I’m right I’m going to let them all know! That’s going to be my next mission for this University, so much for planning on being the loner of the year.   I finished the rest of my microwave goodies and decided to rest for today.   To be continued…
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