Destiny Tells Her Trauma

1054 Words
WARNING MAY HAVE A TRIGGER FOR SOME PEOPLE Destiny's POV We go back to the beach house, and they each hug me and tell me to take my time in telling the whole story and take breaks when I need to. And I make them promise that even if I am too broken for them; for them to give me all they got to put me into subspace. Because I will not be able to deal with what I am about to talk about if they do not. They make the promise and try to assure me that nothing I can say will keep them from wanting me, and I try to smile and say we will see.  Destiny's POV It all started when I got married at 19 and was only married for ten months when one night my husband sits me on his lap and begins to tell me that he wants and is going to f**k my sister. I am hands down surprised and horrified that I jump up and run to our bedroom and shut the door, and start to pack, thinking to myself that if he leaves to go to her, then I will move out tomorrow. Well, the asshat does leave, and they go to a hotel after her husband kicks her out, and they stay the night there. I put my stuff in my car call my mom, and of course, she tells me to come to stay with her, and that is what I do. It takes me a while to get my divorce, but when I do, he dares to tell me that he made a mistake and wants me back, and I cannot help; but think, what the hell do you think it was, my SISTER for Christ sake.  So I divorced him and disowned her after I beat the s**t out of her. And now I have trust issues so badly that I never wanted to be in another relationship. Now, I live with my mom because suddenly she is having a lot of health issues. And I cannot leave her as I am the only one out of four of her kids that is willing to take care of her. I am trying to get her to go to the doctor because she is having trouble breathing, and it is getting worse. But I should have just; made the appointment myself and took her to make sure she went. I failed her! She had breast cancer, and we did not know, or at least I did not know. And when she got so bad that I had to rush her to the Emergency Room. They admitted her right away, and again, no one thought of breast cancer. The doctors kept telling me pneumonia. The doctors are giving her antibiotics through IV for two weeks and then telling me to take her home and keep her on oxygen, and she will be fine. We are home for two days when I am rushing her back to the hospital. Again, and this time they take more X-Rays. And see a spot that concerns them so, they ask me for consent to a biopsy. And I sign the consent forms, as I am her Power of Attorney. They take her into surgery, and when they come out, even before the test is done, the surgeon tells me it is cancer, but will not know which one or which stage until the test is complete. The cancer doctor tells me he can cure her, and the lung doctor tells me it will not work; her lungs are too far gone. So we spend a month in the hospital in the critical care unit. I spend every minute with her until one day I am told if I do not come to work, I will lose my job. So my mom writes down to go to work she will be okay. And I go try to do my job.  Then I receive the call that I must return as soon as possible because my mother is no longer capable of breathing without support. I rush there and meet with the lung doctor, and he is asking me to put her on life support or let her go. I deny her life support. Fundamentally, I killed her because they said she would never come off life support. As soon as she took her last breath, I wanted to die too. I have had to live with the fact that I failed her, and I did not do more to save her. By the time I am done telling them my story, I am crying so hard, and I start to hyperventilate. My guilt is real, and my self-hate is real some- days; I can not even look in the mirror. They both jump up and just hold me until I can calm down, and then we all just sit out on the balcony and listen to the ocean. And no-one says a word, me thinking about that day and reliving it again, and Leo and Jake just want to make a plan to help me. They want to save me from myself and my nightmares. Finally, they decided that they're going to shower me and put me to bed, saying that we will discuss the plan tomorrow. I have had enough for one day. And I could not have agreed more; I am totally wiped out. They go to their office while I am going to sleep to make a plan and how they want to proceed with me. Leo and Jake's POV {Jake} I think the way to go is not so much Master/Sub more Daddy Dom because Destiny needs to be entirely built back up.  {Leo} I think; that maybe she will need both. {Jake} I am good with being the Daddy. {Leo} I am good with being Sir. {Jake} Then we have a basic plan we will Dom her in our unique ways. So, we continue to hash out what is to be the game plan, and we know that not only do we still really want Destiny, we are already falling hard for her. Leo and Jake climb into bed with her and hold her, and she did not have any nightmares that whole night.
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