Better Than Dead

3771 Words
•Juniper• My face kisses the dirt and I immediately splutter blood, tasting the warm metallic on my tongue while coughing and gasping for air. They kick me again and again till I start seeing stars. I’m sure I heard something crack this time. “Filthy runt!” one of my attackers curse, booting me again and I lurch forward clutching my stomach in agony. All because I looked at him the wrong way, though I don’t think there is a right way, he’s hardly the prized pig. Eventually the assault comes to an end and they leave me muddy, battered and bleeding on the cold, frosted ground. A soft drizzle speckles on my skin and I am barely moving, keeping my breaths small to avoid the excruciating expansion of my lungs and chest. Perhaps I should just hold my breath all together and just die here. Everyone would be happy if I did. They’d rejoice in song – ‘The runt is finally rid of,'they’d sing. At least I wouldn’t be around to hear such a s**t tune. “June!” my name is hissed from a nearby tent, “Hurry up now!” My cries and moans are internal as I drag from the ground, muscles tense and seized up from the immense pain I’m in, and still no one gives a damn, why would they, I’m nothing after all. I try fix my clothes that are ripped at this point, though they weren’t perfect before those two tore into me, and I stagger to my feet, retrieving the jug from the mud and making my way over the tent with a slight limp in my step. “Must you always disappoint!” Bethel scolds and snatches the pitcher from my feeble grasp, disappearing into the canvas folds where a diner is being hosted. I release a sigh that turns to smoke in the cold air and immediately flinch from the daggers unfurling within my ribcage, then flinch again when a roar sounds within the tent. “Runt!” my other name rips through the air and freezes my bones before I am harshly pulled inside. Bethel drags me into the large tent and tosses me to the wolves. I stumble before gaining my balance and looking up to see a dozen disdainful eyes fixed on me. This isn’t good, even for my standards. “This pitcher is dirty and half my wine seems to be lost!” the alpha at the head of the table growls at me. I clear my throat to explain but am silenced when Alpha Melvin rises from his seat and proceeds to speak – “Not only that but now you’ve tracked mud and blood into my private quarters – do you not know how long it will take to remove your vile scent!” “My love, relax,” Luna Mae urges but he shoots her a piercing stare and I instantly fear he might strike her down. “Apologizes, Alpha,” I quickly say to regain his attention, “It won’t happen again.” – best they beat on me rather than someone just trying to help.  “Hold your tongue!” gamma Elren says. “Else what?” Dammit, June, you're asking for it! Before I can reclaim my words, the gamma rises, his height appearing enormous before me – compared to him or anyone really, I’m merely a mouse. I’m already wincing under his shadow, knowing full well I’m about to get smacked into the afterlife, but then something worse happens. He moves quickly, hand delving between my thighs and cupping my s*x harshly. The air empties from my lungs and I immediately turn cold and paralyzed. “Huh,” he chuffs, “For a moment there, I thought you had grown some balls.” Silence erupts into laughter, everyone thoroughly amused by the gamma’s joke and clutching their round bellies in hysterics. Ha-ha! Very funny – because I’m not actually a boy even though I somewhat resemble one. It’s not that I despise being a woman or anything, it’s just easier this way – keep your hair short so they can’t grab your pony when you’re running away, and wear shapeless clothes that don’t highlight your curves, or lack of, so they are less inclined to mate with you. It’s a cruel world down here, especially for a woman, and even crueler when you’re the orphan omega without a wolf, living amongst a savage and lowly pack such as this. I despise them all. They’ve treated me like trash since the day my mother was taken by rogues. I’m the slave and scapegoat, to be thrown at the rogues if ever we cross them in our flight for land to settle on – of course I would be, I’m less than human flesh without a wolf. I’ve worked myself up, seething as I watch the gamma shake from laughter, “Bet you’d like that,” I say without thinking – I do that often. The tent falls silent again and everyone’s attention returns to me, including the raised brow of the gamma himself. “What did you say, runt?” I swallow the lump that forms in my throat. So this is how I go then – “Bet you’d like if I had a c**k, we all know you prefer the company of – ” I don’t manage the last two words before gamma Elren’s backhand collides with my cheek and sends me falling back. Shut up, June! It’s too late, the words have been spoken and the cards have been dealt. I’m drawn from the ground by my collar, Elren standing over my body and lifting his fist to strike again. … When I came to, I was back in my hole – my less than acceptable tent with an unintended window ripped into the side. It was the cold draft that woke me from my concussion, a small slant of snow seeping in and soaking my belongings as well as my last set of good clothes. I don’t bother to recover anything – I may have been knocked out but I’m so exhausted, the kind of exhausted you feel even in your soul. I don’t want pity, I’m strong enough to shoulder my own burdens alone. I just want to rest, and perhaps for someone to merely smile at me or even just look at me with something other that disgust or disappointment. “Just a smile would be nice,” I croak, “Don’t think I’ve seen one of those.” In this moment I disgust myself. There’s a sharp tang of blood still sick in my mouth and I smell no better than fresh bear droppings. With that unholy thought in mind, I stretch from the corner and pull myself out of my tent, scrambling out into the bitter sweep of night and stalking over to a trough still full of water. The water is ice cold against my skin as I try smear away the dirt, and now I face a bigger problem. “Looks like we’re freezing tonight.” I breath into the winter chill and shake my head – I converse with myself a lot, “Well, we’re already here,” I say and plunge my whole head into the water, holding there for a while. I finally come up for air and swipe the pools from my face, as well as my thick curls now slicked to my forehead. I’m still shaking or rather shivering dry when I hear a snap in the dark woods, my own head snapping in the direction. My senses are less than poor but I still see them, a pair of golden orbs glaring back at me from within the trees. I instantly start back. The russet wolf emerges, snarling lowly at me and I don’t recognize him at all – a rogue? “You’re not friendly,” I say with a gulp while cautiously stepping back. I’m really alone in this one, the whole pack is sleeping sweetly in their tents, though I’m doubtful they’d lift a finger to help me. The situation grows more dire as a dozen more wolves appear from the thick of darkness – large, angered wolves with raised backs and bearing fangs. They aren’t here for a visit, we must’ve trespassed on their land – it happens often but usually we are just sent away, and I don’t think this time will fair so well. I have it in the back of my mind to take the hit and not warn the others at all, to hell with them, but my plan is swayed when a single wolf charges at me and a hallowing scream rips from my chest. As I sprint away, I pass the tents of my pack that quickly come to life, my fellow wolves alarmed and rushing out in their beast forms to fight back. I don’t make it far, the russet wolf himself pouncing on my dainty body and forcing me to the ground with sharp claws biting into my soft skin. I wail in pain as he clamps down on me and drags me back through brittle leaves. With my free leg I kick frantically at his head, desperately trying to claim freedom but his hold is strong and persistent. From my ground level view I can see my pack taking a loss already – the intruders tearing through my people with ease. These aren’t just any wolves, they are warriors. I fall possum in the wolf’s jaw, hoping that his not being a rogue might win me a slither of mercy – faced with death, I do not wish to die. For the first time in my pathetic life, I do not wish to die. The russet wolf scales up my frozen form and swiftly I am faced with his hollow, golden eyes, his snout a mere centimeter from my face as I try look away. Saliva drips warm onto my cheek and he continues to warn from above me, a vibration of a growl almost a purr in his chest. It’s not a purr though, and this is not a cat – this a full grown beta fully prepared to bite through my neck. He takes a few smells of my skin and I think he senses I’m hardly a threat as he slowly withdraws his muzzle, then casually strides over my body. I see his dark brown underbelly pass over my head before the starlit sky falls fully into my view. I remain this way, as still as possible on the ground and helplessly listening to my pack being torn apart until it is all over. The dust settling and the beta himself howling to the moon in victory. •●• After what feels like a lifetime, the carriage finally comes to a stop and we all shuffle anxiously in the towed-along cage. I’m bound at my hands in silver shackles and a dark hood is over my head. I have no idea where we are, neither do any of us know who our assailants were, only that they crashed down on us in the night and nearly wiped out our entire existence. A few more whimpers come into earshot as we pull into our destination and I can only assume more than just our pack was assaulted in the night. I grow more fearful with each passing second, my heart jumping in my chest as our cage door screeches open. One by one we are torn from the cell. I land on solid ground and get pushed along, stumbling over my own feet with no sight of where I am placing them. A short walk and I am forced down onto my knees, the bag being ripped from head and I blink as a sharp sunrise pulls me from darkness. My hazy eyes clear up, I settle my gaze on the most stunning structure I’ve ever seen, stretched out before me. A large, stone castle of sorts with many towers and bridges, and a grand staircase leading up the front to an enormous set of doors. It’s a town, or a city. Don’t ask me, I’m stupid and know little to none, but it’s amazing, and grand, and all things great. My sightseeing thrills are quickly cut short as I recall the situation I’m in, gaze gliding over rows of guards, clad in brilliant armors of silver and burgundy, lining up and down the great staircase as well as all around us. I look to my left and right. The remainder of my pack kneels beside me in a line, including my live and well alpha, as well as a few unknowns like the one at my side, a girl with black curls and a frightened expression. “Who are you?” I ask in a hushed voice, “Where are we and why are we here?” “Shush!” she hushes and keeps her eyes to the ground. I feel my persistence begin to swell but I’m cut off by the strong stomp of boots passing by. I look up to the beta who nearly claimed my life, only now he is in the form of a man, and rather than a fur coat, he adorns the most regal uniform, badges fixed to this deep, burgundy coat. He’s one of the most handsome men I’ve ever laid eyes on, russet hair and sharp features much alike his wolf’s, even his golden eyes are the same, else I wouldn’t have recognized him. He’s waiting for something, fixing the hems of his clothes while looking to the large doors expectantly and I follow his gaze just as they clang and creak open. The rows of guards snap to attention, banging their staffs down on the steps and straightening up while the doors draw wider. Their Alpha. I gulp. What sort of fearsome creature could command a well-rounded and vast pack such as this? A gasp catches in my throat when my gaze befalls her. I don’t know if I’m stunned that a burly, ten foot monster didn’t appear, or rather taken back by the goddess that emerges from the castle – the monster’s Luna perhaps. I thought the beta was beautiful but seeing her gives the word a new meaning, like I never knew the meaning at all until she came into view. I feel my jaw drop a little as a cool draft fills my mouth and soothes my parched tongue. She’s young, tall and strong, well built but feminine still, and her regal clothes sway and stroke the ground as she walks with a powerful posture and strut, carrying herself with a strange mixture of poise and strength. I’m captivated by her – her piercing, silver eyes that study the frontline, her night-black hair, long and sweeping in the subtle winds, and her honey-touched skin despite her snowy climate. “Look down!” the strange girl beside me hisses through clenched teeth and I hurry to avert my gaze. “Who is she?” I whisper. “Can’t you tell?” she breathes, “She’s Alpha king.” “King?” “Shush.” I heed her warning and dip my head lower despite my curiosity. A king – but she’s a she – I’ve never heard of an Alpha king let alone a female alpha, even less one so young and still spared of grey hair. The majesty of a woman reaches the end of the mountain of stairs and I hear her steps as if they were right under my nose. I watch through my pale lashes as her train of a cape sweeps the lightly snowed ground before me and she closes in on the beta. He reaches for her jewel covered hand and brings it to lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles. “You took long,” she says in a smooth, yet forceful, and almost sultry voice. “Apologies, Alpha, there was much ground to cover.” “I’ve covered those grounds in minutes.” “Ah,” her beta grins mischievously, “I wasn’t aware we were still keeping score – I have another good run in me in if you’d care for a race.” I hear a few gasps escape the kneeling, us foreigners shook by his casual banter to the so called Alpha king. She merely shakes off his grasp and turns to us all, her passing gaze forcing me to look down again. “What is this? What have you brought for me?” she asks and the beta clears his throat. “A few wandering omegas and believe it or not, a gypsy pack that had trespassed our borders.” “Gypsy pack,” she repeats to herself and steps forward to get a closer look. “You would the alpha, I presume?” I side glance to see her slender form hovering over Alpha Melvin just as his eyes trail up from her feet to meet her eyes – even he seems cowardly beneath her. “Alpha Melvin Caldor of Waning Crescent.” “Waning crescent?” she questions, “Never heard of it.” “We are a young pack and without territory to call our own, travelling far from beyond the southern border.” “And you thought you could claim my land?” Alpha Melvin swallows what I imagine to be his crushed pride. I watch as he painfully explains himself to her as if hot coals were being poured down his throat. “No,” he croaks. “We had no knowledge of anyone already living here.” “You had no knowledge of me, of Moongarde?” she asks with subtle surprise. Alpha Melvin can not muster a reply and simply shakes his head, gaze falling back to the ground before being lurched back up by the beta’s blade to his throat. “Your King has addressed you directly and you’d do best to use your words,” the beta says boldly. Melvin grunts and hisses through his teeth. “I have no king, and if I did, it wouldn’t be this woman!” “Alpha, please – “ Luna Mae pleads at his temper only to be roughly knocked to the ground by a harsh thrash of his weight. “Shut it, wom – ” he starts, only to be cut off. A ring rips through the air and on follows silence – the Alpha king slapped Melvin before he could finish his sentence, and he now hunches over in shock with a sweltering red handprint on his face. The marvel of a woman now moves over to Mae and helps her to her feet with gentle care and tenderness. She then reaches for my Luna's shackles and breaks them off – silver chains! “You are plagued no longer, if you wish it to be so,” she says with a gentle stroke to Mae's cheek and it’s visibly obvious our Luna is utterly entranced as she nods her head. “Shall I cut his tongue or remove the whole head?” her beta asks. “Neither – for now, this pack may still need a leader to save from rogues beyond my walls, however fat and ignorant he may be.” A laugh hitches from my lips at her words and I immediately try to retract it as her gaze snaps to me. Oh gods, oh gods. “What is this?” she asks and crosses over to me in three quick strides, her beta hot on her heels. “Ah, I wondered when you’d take notice of this one,” he says with pride. I’m beginning to tremble as her shoes come into my line of vision. I’ve done it this time for sure – if my own pack was bad, what hell could await me amongst these people. “You brought a human into Moongarde!” she scolds and even I can feel her authoritative aura from this uncomfortably close distance. “No – well not quite – at least, I don’t think so,” the beta rambles nervously. “Look at me!” her command sounds from above and I hold my breath before dragging my gaze up to meet hers – it’s even more delving and hollowing when fixed on me, even as a near human I feel almost compelled by her. “Who are you?” “J – June,” I stop and pinch my lips before prying them open again – “Juniper Crane, your high – I mean, Alpha King, your Alpha King!” Her brows pinch together slightly and I’d slap myself if this were any other circumstance, hell, I’m willing to let her slap me like she did Alpha Melvin for how stupid I sound. “A girl?” the beta chuffs and raises his brows, “Thought you’d be curious of this one,” he continues after a small laugh, “She’s an omega of sorts, a poorly treated one by the looks of it, but here’s the thing – I sense no wolf though there’s a trace of something, a witch perhaps.” I begin to frantically shake my head in fear – I am no witch, I’m hardly even enough to claim rights to being a human! The Alpha woman moves quickly around me, stooping to seize my chains and tear them from my body. I’m still kneeling in curdling fear when she appears in front of me again, only this time my hands are free and I clutch my aching wrists to the place where my heart fiercely beats below. She holds out her hand and I stare it, wide eyed and hesitant before reaching out and placing my fingers in her warm palm. She pulls my hand to her face and I stumble up from the harsh yank, fighting my urge to restrain and run as she brings my finger to her pout, pink lips. I’m shaking beneath her, useless and powerless under her demanding height and broad shoulders. She towers a head over me, maybe more as I shrink in her shadow. I can do nothing but watch as she slips my index finger into her mouth and a small gasps escapes me as she bites down, but not enough to draw a scream. On the warmth of her tongue, I feel as she licks and gives a gentle suckle, tasting the blood rushes from the small puncture. I swallow hard from the peculiar sensation that rattles my body. When she’s done, she draws me from her mouth and my finger falls to her parted lips, now tinted red with hints of my blood. Her eyes have glazed over and she seems void of breath. She’s probably realizing I'm an abomination and trying to decided whether to kill me quick or put on a show. Say something, you i***t - or don't - you probably shouldn't say anything. “Straight to this,” I murmur in a small voice and she lifts her eyes to mine, tilting her head as if listening attentively, “Usually they buy me a pint first before attempting to suck my fingers.” What the hell! Can I not control my damn mouth – or even say something remotely intelligent. No one says anything, probably not realizing I tried to make a light joke, or rather finding me offensive. My pained, jester smile fades as she looks to me strangely, my hand still clutched in hers, and all the while I weirdly enough feel calm and very, very warm. Slowly, the corners of her lips tug into the faintest of smiles and my heart pounds brutally in my chest. A smile – for me.
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