10: Raelynn

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"Giving you what you want and more—giving you every piece of me. I don't want love I can't afford. I want you to love for free. Can't you see that I'm getting bored? Giving you every piece of me. Piece of me. I'm not afraid anymore. What makes you sure you're all I need? Forget about it. When you walk out the door and leave me torn, you're teaching me to live without it." - bored / Billie Eilish. Chapter ten: set me free. *** I lifted to my tiptoes to kiss Theo's lips. "That's why I wasn't able to talk to you." I explained why I couldn't talk to him these past days. "Listen, my friends are waiting for me," he stroked my cheek. "Talk to me later. Love you." He waved before disappearing into the crowds. I frowned because I was telling him about my parents' constant fighting, and he blew me off for his friends? I bit my lips and made my way to my class. He never listened to me when I was always there for him in the darkest times. It reminded me of a lyric by Maroon 5 when he said, "I was there for you in your darkest times, I was there for you in your darkest nights. I wonder where you were when I was at my worst, down on my knees." I walked to my class alone, and I gave a couple of smiles to those who smiled at me, but I couldn't start a conversation with anyone. I wasn't in the mood. I stopped when I realized that this was the first time I couldn't bring myself to be nice to everyone. I frowned because what Theodore was doing to me was finally affecting me, making sense to me why I should stop this relationship. I made my way to the class and sat next to Gracie. When I looked to the back to ensure that Audrey was sitting in her seat, I couldn't find her anywhere. It broke my heart that my friends were hurting, and I couldn't do much about it. The teacher began to tell us about the lesson we were taking. I was trying my hardest to focus on the class, but I couldn't get my head straight with everything happening. I was frustrated, and I let out a sigh and threw my pencil. The teacher stopped talking and stared at me. Everyone in the class did the same. I looked up at the teacher. "Sorry." "Don't do that ever again," she nodded, giving me my pencil. "Use blue pens, Raelynn." I nodded, and I apologized again. "Sorry, miss." After thirty minutes, the principal's assistant knocked on the door and opened it. "Hello, miss Luca. I am sorry to interrupt, but mister Houston wants to see one of your students." Miss Luca licked her lips, and she nodded. "Sure, who?" "Raelynn," the assistant looked at me. "The principal wants to you." * As I walked to the principal's office, all the thoughts swam in my head. Was he asking me because I didn't smile at students today? Did something happen to my mother? I swallowed a lump and stopped in front of his door. The principal's assistant looked at me and sent me a small smile. "Go in." I nodded, and I thanked her before entering the office, assuring myself that I'd be ready to hear bad news. "Hello, mister Houston, you wanted to see me?" I asked before closing the door. I gasped when I saw my dad sitting on the chair across from the principal. "Did something happen?" "Something great, but not to the girl who lost it," the principal laughed. "Take a seat, Raelynn. So, I called your father because I believe he can be the one to tell you the good news." Dad looked at me with a big smile. "You got it, Rae, you got the scholarship." My heart began to beat fast, and my lips parted. I felt like my heart was going crazy as tears started to roll down my cheeks. The feeling of excitement began to wash away when I remembered my mother. I didn't want to leave her behind. "But what about mom? I don't want to leave her behind," I shook my head. "She already knows," dad shuffled my hair. "She was the one who chose for me to come here because she couldn't stop crying. Oh, happy tears, by the way." "So, what do you say?" The principal asked. "I don't know. If my mom is okay about it, then yes, for sure!" I exclaimed. "What happened to the girl?" Since high school was costly, every school chose one lucky girl to attend the expensive school. "She didn't get too lucky there," the principal replied. "Good for her. She's returning to this school." I wanted to ask if something was wrong with the school, but I closed my mouth and kept it to myself. "Lucky for you, though, you got the scholarship!" Dad stood up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. "I am so proud of you, Rae." "Thanks, dad." * I was feeling mixed emotions. I was happy, excited, and nervous. Yet, I couldn't help but feel sad and scared to tell the girls and Theo. I was walking back to class, but I couldn't stop myself from smiling too much, to the point where my cheeks hurt. I knocked on the door and opened it to find everyone staring at me. "Good news, I hope?" I looked at the teacher and nodded. "Yeah." "I'm happy for you," she smiled at me and pointed at my seat. "Please go back to your seat." I took a seat next to Gracie again, and this time she looked at me with narrowed eyes. "What did the principal tell you?" "Grace, Raelynn will inform you about her journey to the principal's office as soon as you get out of my classroom," miss Luca told Gracie. Grace nodded. "I am sorry, miss. It won't happen again." * Another fifteen minutes passed, the bell rang as the students stormed out of the class. "Okay, now you must tell me because that b-" Miss Luca interrupts Grace. "I am still here, you know?" "Sorry," Gracie took my hand and dragged me away from her class. "It's only the beginning of the semester, but I know that I am failing this class." I laughed. "Now you know not to curse in front of anyone." "Anyway, you went to the principal's office scared, but you came back like a kid in Disney world for the first time," Grace spoke. "What did he tell you?" "It's not going to be easy to tell you, but I want you to be happy for me, and I want you to support me like I always support you," I tried to put it quickly on her, reminding myself that we fought over this topic before which ended up horrible. "I got the scholarship." Grace's lips parted, and her eyes widened. "Oh my God, Rae! I am so happy for you!" I grinned. "You are?" "Of course," she hugged me. "I am so happy for you, even though it's going to suck without you, but I know that you will always be my best friend, no matter the distance." "Thank you," I hugged her back. "I love you." "I love you more," she said. "But you have to talk to Audrey again," I told her as we pulled away from the hug. "You and I know that it's not her fault, and you're punishing her for no reason." "I know," Gracie sighed. "Alright, listen, you head to class, and I will look for Audrey to talk to her." I nodded. "Okay." * I was walking to class when I heard whispers in one of the empty classes I passed. I knew that one of the voices belonged to my best friend, Audrey. So, to make it easier for Grace, I went into the classroom. Only to find Theo with her. I gulped, and I stared at them with a blank expression on my face. None of us uttered anything because it was awkward, and we didn't know what to say. I was surprised that Theo didn't say something because he always had a smart mouth and talked even if the situation was as awkward. When no one spoke, I knew I had to say something to cut the tension. "Grace is looking for you, Audrey," I told her as I looked in her direction. I didn't question why they were together in an empty classroom, and I got out of the school as soon as I could. What hurt me the most was that Audrey didn't follow me to explain why she was in a closed room alone with my boyfriend. I turned my head to look at Theo, who was staring at me. I could see the surprise in his eyes, and I was sure that he could see the hurt in my eyes. * I locked myself in the bedroom, and I started crying because I knew Theo was hiding something from me. I didn't know what to feel. I was happy, but when I saw Theo and Audrey together, I forgot the happiness and sadness replaced it in a heartbeat. I received a message, and it was from Audrey. We were talking. I threw my phone onto my bed, and I rolled my eyes. "Then, why didn't you say something from the beginning?" I didn't believe her. Audrey and Theodore were not friends. Audrey wouldn't hurt me like that. Besides, she had a boyfriend. But why were they in the same room? I didn't see them touch each other or do anything physical. I wiped my tears, grabbed my phone from the bed, and replied to Audrey's message. It's okay. After a long minute, she replied. I heard about your scholarship. Happy for you. I smiled, and we started talking for hours. After a few hours, Theo's name popped up on my screen. I hesitated to answer him at first, but I had to answer him after a few seconds, or he'd blow up on me. "Hello," I responded. "Rae, can you come over to my house?" Theo asked. "Why?" A smile formed on my face. "What do you mean why? I am a boy who has a girlfriend, what do you expect I want from you? Tell me about your day? Just come to my house and please me." * I didn't know why I went to his house. My parents raised me better than this. I let him lead me to his bedroom after having small talks with his family. "I've been waiting for you." He planted a few kisses on my cheeks down to my jawbone. "Theo." "Hmm?" He groans as his lips reach my neck. "I don't like the way you treated me today on the phone," I said, even though my voice was shaking. Theo curses underneath his breath. "What do you want from me, Raelynn? If you're going to keep complaining, then I might as well leave you to be single." It broke me. I spent days waiting for him. "Every time you walked out on me, I stayed," I said. "As if you didn't walk-" I cut him off. "I never did. No matter how many times you treated me bad, I freaking stayed when I should've left instead. I got used to you, I got used to you loving me like this, but is it, love?! You tell me you love me, but actions speak louder than words, Theodore." "What do you want?" Theodore breathed out. "I want to set myself free, and it doesn't matter how many weeks I will spend wishing you were here with me and wishing that I am still with you, I will move on from you because guess what, Theodore?" I snapped. "I'm moving to another state, and you'll never hear from me again." I didn't know where all this courage came from, but I knew I was done with him. When I saw him with Audrey earlier, I knew something moved in me, and the fact that he didn't explain his actions today made me mad. I was shocked when I saw his mom in his doorway, and I realized that she was why he didn't hit me. All thanks to Theo's mother. ***
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