12: Raelynn

2087 Words
Chapter twelve: Moving on *** "Can you close the door?" Eddie asked after walking into the apartment. The apartment looked more significant than our house in Mississippi, which amazed me big time. I gasp when I see the ten unfamiliar faces looking at me. I looked at Eddie, laughing at me, and I glared at him. "You said, four guys!" I leaned into his ear to whisper. "Yes, and the rest are our neighbors, who are also our friends in college," Eddie explained. "Don't worry, and some girls spend some of their time here." I nodded. "Okay, introduce me to your friends." "Introduce yourself," Eddie narrowed his eyes at me. "No, they are your friends," I huffed out, hitting his arm. Eddie rolled his eyes. "Guys, meet my little sister, Rae? Oh, did I forget to say little? Because she is my little sister." "Repeat that, and I will punch you," Max hit Eddie's back. "I swear we know!" "Can you blame me? You all throw yourselves at young women!" Eddie claimed. "I never do that, by the way." "Liar!" One of the boys yelled. Eddie threw a glare at the guy before taking my bag and leading me to a room. Their apartment was neat for boys. The walls were painted gray with picture frames on the walls, not to forget that the living room connected with the light brown kitchen. There was a hallway where I guessed was the bedrooms to the left. There were eight doors, and I assumed that two of these doors take to bathrooms. Eddie opened the door, and I was stunned to see how big the room was. How did Eddie afford all of this? Yes, he shared the apartment with four boys, but how could he pay a quarter of the rent? I looked at Eddie. "I'm sharing this room with you?" "No, silly," Eddie shook his head. "This room will be all yours. Excuse the boyish colors, it was supposed to be a room for Max's brother, but he canceled last minute." "Oh," I nodded. "Okay, then." "If you want, we can change the walls, the bedsheets, and everything," Eddie pointed at the walls while looking at me. "No, it's good," I shrugged. "It looks good." "Listen, I will work overtime to provide the best for you, okay?" Eddie hugged me. "So, whatever you need, do not hesitate to ask for it." My eyes widened. "No, I don't need you to do that for me. I will look for a job myself, don't worry." Eddie rolled his eyes once again. "Yeah, as if I'm ever going to stop worrying about my LITTLE sister." I laughed when Eddie shouted the word 'little,' making sure that the boys in the living room heard. * After hours of spending time with the ten crazy boys, I could finally say that I knew them, but I hoped I could remember their names tomorrow. Here's how I memorized who they are. Levi, who had curly brown hair with green eyes, was the man who made anyone smile. He looked like a younger version of Harry Styles, even though he was twenty-four years old. Levi had dimples and red lips. Even though Levi looked young, he was very tall. He was friendly and almost funny if he stopped explaining his confusing jokes. Julian hated the guys for calling him Julie in front of me. What kind of Julian didn't have black hair? Because Julian did. Julian had blue eyes, though. Ian was the hottest one of all, but he was rude. He had golden-brown hair with light blue eyes, and he was tall and fit. Why was Ian harsh? Because he kept glaring at me, even though I never uttered a word until I felt almost comfortable around them. These are the three boys - besides Max - who lived with Eddie. Now I was in my new bed, fearing that the bed might eat me because I'd honestly let it. It was so comfy that I might die in it. * I never thought I'd sleep for ten hours, but I did. I was not shocked that I had a bathroom on my own. I sprinted to the bathroom when I heard the door knocking. I knew it was Eddie, but I didn't want him to laugh at how messy my hair was. I had straight hair; it was brunette and reached my back. I thought of cutting it short since I was starting new at school. That gave me an idea. Since I was attending a new expensive school for rich people, I needed to start fresh. So, with the money I saved, I made dad take me to the mall back in Mississippi, and I brought new clothes. "Rae, breakfast is ready!" * After eating breakfast with five boys, I told Eddie to take me to any mall in California. I forgot everything in California. I was six, after all. I walked alone in the mall because Eddie was busy with college work. Eddie told me that he would pick me up in an hour, and if I weren't ready to go back to the apartment, then he'd stay with me. Before I went to sleep last night, I called my dad to check on them and told them that I had missed them already. I promised them that a day wouldn't pass, and I wouldn't call them. "Did you take the journal with you?" Dad asked on the other side of the phone. "Yes," I mumbled. "I mean, you were the one who hid the journal in my bag." "I know you would leave it in your bedroom, but I am sure that you will need it someday to put all your worries in that journal," he explained. "Yeah," I whispered. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I hit someone by accident. The guy looked at me with a smirk. "Don't worry, princess. My bad." I looked up to meet his dark green eyes. The guy had messy blond hair, and he looked fine. "No, I-I'm sorry," I stuttered, trying to walk past him. "Stop apologizing," the guy chuckled. "I told you it's my bad because yeah, you weren't paying attention, but so did I." I smiled slightly. "Okay." "How old are you?" The guy yelled out, then his eyes widened. "Excuse me, and sometimes I can't control my mouth." I nodded. "Okay." I was awkward. "That's the only word you know? Besides, I'm sorry?" The guy laughed loudly. "Daniel, by the way." He lifted his hand for me to shake it. "Okay." Daniel's eyes widened. "Oh, come on! This is the part where you say your name." Raelynn. Lie to him, so he won't know who you are. This guy sounds creepy. "Lynn," I said. "Lynn," he nodded in amusement. "Beautiful name, but come on! You are beautiful." "Thanks," I blushed. "I have to go." "Where? I mean, if it's your house, I will let you go," Daniel grinned. I stayed quiet, and I walked past him. "Oh, come on!" Daniel groaned. "I am trying to make friends, and I know a guy like me is trying to make friends out of school?! But trust me when I say that I only have one best friend." "No wonder," I rolled my eyes. I tilted my head when I realized that I talked back to him, which showed that I was getting comfortable with him earlier than I thought. "Look, now we're talking," he jumped excitedly. "Let me be your buddy, princess." "Fine," I shrugged. I could use a friend right now in such a strange city. * Daniel turned out to be excellent because he couldn't stop making me laugh with his jokes, and even though he roasted many people, I still thought it was funny. When Daniel asked for my number, I made sure to sprint out of the mall before he could reach me. I knew he hoped to get my phone number, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to him that much. "What made you so happy?" Eddie asked as soon as I climbed into the car. "I made a friend, but I didn't give him my phone number," I frowned. "I was comfortable with him, but I don't know. I was shocked when he asked for it." Eddie smiled at me. "How old is he?" "He is eighteen," I replied. "I didn't tell him my age, though." "You don't know if fate wanted you to meet again. You will," Eddie shuffled my hair before driving to the apartment. * I FaceTimed Gracie and Audrey that night and told them all about the six boys. The five boys I lived with and Daniel. They went insane when they found out that I found a 'friend' in a mall, but went crazier when they found out that I didn't give my number to Daniel. Simply because I didn't want him to know who I was. As long as I was in California, I tried to keep my identity as secret as possible. I was scared of something, but I didn't know what it was. I licked my lips and groaned loudly. "I know! I should've given him my phone number, right?" "Maybe he can be your rebound," Audrey suggested. "After all, you can't heal your heartbreak alone, right? Sure, it takes time, but you can't do it on your own." "I hate to say this, but she's right," Gracie sighed. "Okay, it might not be Daniel, but try to look for a decent guy." "I don't want to," I shook my head. "Theodore proved to me that I can't love someone else." "No, Rae, he didn't prove anything to you," Gracie protested. "You're the one who's putting all this dirt in your head, and we are saying this because we aren't there for you like we are there, but we are in different states, which makes it hard for us to help you heal." "You might need another boy's help with that," Audrey smirked. "I don't," I shook my head. "All I need right is myself to get through the first day of school." "You will," Gracie said. "We all believe in you, Rae." "Thank you," I smiled. "I'm nervous, it's Friday, and I am starting on Monday." "You can do it!" Audrey exclaimed. * Saturday was a typical day in Mississippi, but here in California, it wasn't. The day began with Levi jumping on my bed. "One day left, Rae!" I groaned. "Yes, one day left, so let me sleep peacefully." "It's Saturday. Who sleeps in on Saturday?!" He whined. "Come on, Rae, it's Saturday, and we are going to have fun." * We ended up going to IHOP to have breakfast with the rest of the boys. "Tomorrow is a date, not today." "What date?" Eddie came between Levi and me. "Hey, friends stuff! Back off!" Levi pushed Eddie and held my hand. "Yeah, I am not letting you hold my hand," I smirked as I pulled his hand off me. "My heart," he placed his hand on his heart. * We were done with breakfast, so we made our way to the school to check it out. "I never met someone who was able to get into this school," Levi told me. "You must be so smart, Rae." I smiled shyly. "I'd like to think I am." "I can't believe that my little sister is attending the most expensive school in the USA," Eddie danced. "I can't believe that Rae is your sister," Julian laughed. "Oh my God, it's not possible." Eddie threw a dirty look at Julian before we walked into the giant school. The school was white, and it was massive. It didn't look like a school, but it definitely looked like a mall. I smiled at Eddie, who was watching my face. I was amazed. The school was lovely. Different statues were shown at the entrance and a long hallway leading to a desk. We walked over to the desk where a lady sat. She looked in her forties, and she looked up at us. The lady tilted her head in confusion. "How may I help you?" "My sister got a scholarship to this amazing school, and we came to check it out because Monday is her first day here," Eddie explained. My phone vibrated, and I opened it to see a message. A message from someone I didn't expect to text me. I want you back. ***
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