Chapter 7: Violent truths

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I was sitting beside Rachel, being mature enough to allow her to cuddle with Mason, although not mature enough to let her forget about me. She had her arm around my shoulders as were all snuggled in her bed watching a movie. Rachel got up halfway through and started getting ready for work. She was a hairdresser and in between work would also visit peoples homes to do their hair. She had a late appointment as it was at eight in the evening, so when she looked at her phone and saw it was seven, she got up from the bed. Mason didn’t look happy. I had noticed lately they didn’t seem quite as close, I had no idea why. I thought at one point maybe it was my fault and I had left them alone for a while, but either Rachel or Mason would end up asking me to join them, and now I was starting to wonder if that was because they didn’t want to be left alone. We all had wolf hearing, so it was difficult to not hear one another at times and so on more than one occasion I had heard them arguing enough to understand that it was work getting in between them and something else. Rachel was a workaholic, she loved her job and she usually worked every weekend too and rarely used any holidays. On top of that, she was visiting peoples homes to do their hair as well, earning money but on her own time, which basically left zero time for her and Mason, and it was starting to make Mason unhappy by the sounds of it. I felt there was something else too, but I didn’t know what. I was really surprised when they became vocal in front of me. “You have to go to someone’s home this late?” Mason asked. Rachel rolled her eyes like she was used to hearing this all the time. “Yes, Mason, I work until six, so I leave the evenings open for people who prefer their hair done in their own home plus I get to keep the money for myself, please don’t start.” She was tying her hair back in the mirror. Mason shook his head and answered, “I’m not starting anything, I just wish you could see it from my point of view, that’s all.” Rachel finally turned to look at him then and snapped, “you were in the forces, deployed a lot, so weren’t you doing the same thing to your girlfriends at the time?” “I didn’t have any girlfriends because I knew I wouldn’t be around enough to be there for them in the way they would need.” Rachel looked like she didn’t believe him, and then a slight look of dawning lit her face before she hid it again. “I guess that explains why you haven’t f****d me yet.” My eyebrows were raised so high, my head swishing back and forth between the two of them in shock at the argument happening before me. “What? What’s that supposed to mean?” Mason snapped. Folding her arms, she got a smug look on her face and replied, “you’re a virgin aren’t you.” She made it sound more like a statement than a question. Mason looked pissed, if he was embarrassed, he was hiding it well. “What the f**k is wrong with being a virgin? I’m not into casual s*x, I’d rather be in a serious relationship.” “What the hell is our relationship then, Mason?” Mason was standing up at this point and answered, “we’ve only been together three months and in that time we’ve only spent a handful of times together because you’re always working.” I don’t know why that made Rachel snap so much, but it did, and she growled, “f**k you!” And grabbing a mug off the bedside stand, threw it as hard as she could at Mason so that it cracked against the side of his head making him bleed. She stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her. I always thought Rachel was a nice person, but I’d literally just witnessed her be domestically violent toward Mason. Mason shook his head in anger and started to pick up the broken bits of ceramic. “Woah, no you don’t, sit down,” I rushed. I jumped off the bed and started picking it up and laid it on the table. Mason frowned at me. “I’m not a child, you don’t need to take care of me.” “I know I don’t, you took that hit like a soldier, champ, but I want to help anyway.” I knew he didn’t want pity, so I used humor instead. He rolled his eyes, but he gave a small smile and let me lead him to the bathroom. I had a weird and dark sense of humour, so, of course, the first thing to leave my mouth was, “so why didn’t you deck her for that.” I was dabbing and cleaning up the gash on the side of his head as I asked. I don’t think he had been expecting such a blunt question, and he burst out laughing. On a more serious note, I asked, “has she done that before?” He tried to make light of the situation and replied, “what? Throw mugs at me?” I didn’t play along this time and gently asked, “is it the first time she’s hurt you?” He broke eye contact at that, surprising the hell out of me, he was a dominant alpha wolf, and they never broke eye contact first. He coughed awkwardly and answered, “uh, no, she’s hit me a few times.” “What!” I almost yelled and slapped his leg. I realized I’d just hit him after asking if he’d been hit, and the look on my face had him laughing a very boyish laugh that I liked a lot. He took a hold of my hand and said, “relax, I know the difference between a playful slap and a not so playful slap.” I had to ask. “What has she done?” He raised an eyebrow and said, “she hasn’t beaten me up.” He tried to make light of it again, but I wasn’t budging, so he carried on, “honestly not much, she’s slapped me around the face, pushed me, and thrown her phone at me making my nose bleed, but that’s the only injury until now.” “Do you hear yourself, Mason. The only injury until now? You need to get away from her, I know damn well you could snap her like a twig, in fact, why haven’t you? I’ve seen enough fighting between male and female wolves to know you guys don’t go easy on us just because we are female.” He chuckled, looking at the floor and replied, “sure when we are practicing, sparring or fighting for a rank in the pack, but that’s done all in good humor. Real life I couldn’t beat on a woman even if she started it, I know my own strength.” “I know what you’re saying but dude, one deck, and she’ll stop, I bet.” He laughed again and I finished cleaning him up. Before I opened the bathroom door, he grabbed my hand and asked, “please keep this to yourself?” I paused for a moment and then nodded but added, “but if she becomes more violent I won’t stay quiet and watch you suffer because you want to be a gentleman. Also if she gets worse, please get away from her, you shouldn’t be together if there’s violence.” “I know, and I will,” he answered and added, “Thank you Hazel.” Mason wanted to watch the rest of the movie, so we headed back into the room, but he grabbed the dvd and took it into his own room. He answered my unasked question. “I don’t want to see or talk to her right now.” Mason hadn’t gotten around to making his room his own yet, so it was still just cream walls and plain white bed covers. His clothes were packed away in drawers, but that was about it. Everyone had their own TV and DVD player provided in their rooms, so we could have some semblance of privacy not that wolves liked to be alone for long. He put the DVD on and climbed into the bed. I joined him and sat beside him until he tugged me into laying against his chest while his arm was wrapped around me. I was still surprised every time a pack mate showed me affection, I don’t know why as they’d been affectionate toward me for as long as I could remember, but it was still strange, these cold hard wolves that showed zero affection to anyone or anything except their own mate if they had one, or children. I rolled my eyes every time I remembered the children or pups as we called them. I was shown affection because everyone saw me as a flipping child. My head was still reeling from what I had witnessed, I couldn’t believe Rachel could be like that. The gash she had given Mason needed stitches, but he hadn’t so much as flinched when she’d launched the mug at him. When the movie ended, I looked up to see Mason was asleep and too tired to move, I decided to just fall asleep in his arms. When I woke up in the morning, it was to Mason waking up as well, rubbing his eyes sleepily before looking down at me, still laying on his chest. It took me a good long ten minutes before I could figure out why he was acting so awkwardly. He slipped away from me and got out of bed and dressed as quickly as possible. He didn’t speak and wouldn’t look at me either until he was fully dressed. It finally dawned on me that we were both grown adults sleeping in a bed together.
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