Chapter 2

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I simply looked at the man in uniform with a questioning look since I had no idea what he was talking about. But then, he just gave me a blank look so I just went and continued searching for my underwear. Seriously, never have I ever thought that something like this would happen. “Is this the one you are looking for?” I immediately turned and saw him holding my underwear with just the tip of his finger while giving me a grossed out look. Glaring at him, I snatched it away and made him turn his back on me just so I could put it on. After a while, I stood straight before taking a few deep breaths. “Don't arrest me,” I said. He turned on his heels with a raised eyebrow. “Why not?” “Because I did not partake in any of their drug activities. I am completely innocent, trust me.” “Yeah, explain your side at the police station. For now…” He stepped forward and grabbed my hands. Within those few seconds, I saw the name on his uniform—Livinston. Before I could ask anything, I just found my wrists on handcuffs in no time. He made me walk ahead of him for the reason that he would be able to watch me closely and make sure that I won't run away. As if I could do that while wearing these high platforms. “Did I not tell you already? I am innocent. I do not even know the people in that room… well, except for my friend so release me at once!” No matter how I explained myself, the man still refused to free me so I just chose to keep my mouth shut. I… I can deal with this as long as my father does not know what happened. I can… Calypso, we can do it, okay? Entering the car with him as the driver, I just stared at him through the front mirror. Now that I have taken a closer look at him, I found him a bit… familiar. I could not pinpoint where and when I had seen him but those silver eyes were definitely something I could not forget. “Have we met before?” I asked. “No. It's my first time seeing someone who looks for her underwear in public.” I rolled my eyes. “Why? Do you prefer me to be wearing nothing at all? What are you Mr. Livinston? A fuckin’ p*****t?” He did not say anything after that until we reached the police station. The others were already there and Jennie, together with her boyfriend and other friends, were already behind bars. I… I could not look at her because this was something I could not handle myself. Mr. Livinston had me sit across from his desk for an interrogation. Of course, I would not dare tell him my real name because if he comes to know of it, not only will I be in trouble here but I will be in complete doom once my father is informed about this. “Name?” Mr. Livinston asked. “J-Jackie Mendoza,” I replied. He looked at me for a few seconds before a smirk appeared on his lips. H-He actually looked good doing that so I kept my gaze on him. I mean… This could be the last time I'd see him so why not take my time appreciating his good looks? “Calypso Lionheart,” he suddenly blurted out. Of course, my eyes widened because he knew my real name… “23 years old.” And my age… Wait… Wait… Out of panic, I stood from my seat and slammed both of my hands on the table. In no time, I noticed the eyes from the other policemen turning towards me so I could only look down and slowly sat back. “H-How did you know?” I asked, unable to see him in the eyes. “Everyone here knows the daughter of that big-headed mafia lord, Miss Lionheart. We are no ignorant people. Anyway, this is a good start to drag your father–” “No!” I exclaimed and once again caught the attention of others. Not wanting them to look at my face, I used my hair to cover up. “Please… Don't get my father involved… If he comes to know that I escaped from home, then he will be mad so please… Just this once, do me a favor.” Looking back at him in the eyes, I pleaded. “Once you let me go this time, I will pay you back whenever and wherever you want to.” Mr. Livinston gave me a doubtful look so I had no choice but to raise my hand and open my palms. “I swear I won't go back on my words.” However, he shook his head and said, “That is not how things work here, little kid. While we further investigate this matter, you will have to wait behind bars.” I struggled, of course, because it was never in my bucket list or to-do list to ever get imprisoned. I kept begging Mr. Livinston to let me go, but he just won't listen. As he pushed me inside the prison cell, he handed me a thin blanket. “Use it to cover your legs. It's colder here during the night,” he said before locking me up. “If you are so concerned, then just let me go, Mr. Livinston! Livinston, damn it!” And there he went, disappearing from sight and leaving me with Jennie and the others. I… I cannot believe that this was actually happening. If only I did not escape from home, I would not be here, stuck with drunk and drugged people. Jennie approached me with a sympathetic look before giving me a tight hug. “I'm sorry for dragging you into this,” she apologized. She was sincere so I could not bring myself to get mad at her. Leaning my head on her shoulder, I let out a sigh. “It's okay. No one wanted this to happen.” For a whole night, I just stayed in the corner with the thin blanket around me. Jennie slept beside me while waiting for her boyfriend's interrogation to happen. If only I had known that he was selling drugs, then I should have talked to Jennie to break up with him. Then, all of this should have been avoided. I was tired even though I spent most of the time sitting. Even though I wanted to sleep, my body just would not cooperate as if rejecting this very place to sleep in… I mean… It was uncomfortable. The others reeked of alcohol and cigarettes, making it even harder to get any sleep. “Calypso Lionheart.” Glaring at Mr. Livinston since he seemed like he was having fun making a fool out of me, he came walking towards my direction. Since I was sitting on the floor, he knelt on one knee before giving me a serious look. “Get up. It's your turn for interrogation,” he said. Jennie, who just woke up, tightened her hold on my hand as I stood. I gave her a reassuring smile before being let out of prison. Mr. Livinston brought me to the interrogation room, but he was the only one there… Weird. Taking a seat across from him, he brought out a file and even though I only got to see it for a few seconds, I saw that it was somehow a profile of me. I stared at him with a questioning look but he just gave me a small shrug. “You mentioned a while ago about not telling this matter to your father, Miss Calypso.” I nodded. “Then, why don't we have a negotiation?” Raising an eyebrow, I said, “Mr. Livinston, do you want me to bust my own father?” “In exchange for burying the fact that you are involved in drug use, yes.” “I told you already. I am not using drugs. You can even run tests to prove my innocence!” He was about to say something else, however, the door opened and the face of our family lawyer came into sight. I immediately stood and trust me, I had no idea what to do but to just stare at him. I glanced at Mr. Livinston, thinking that he was the one behind it but he looked pissed off as if the lawyer's presence was threatening. “Mr. Livinston,” Darius said, reaching out his hand for a handshake. “I am Darius Schmidt, lawyer of the Lionhearts.” The two of them shook each other’s hands but it was more than clear to me that they were not on good terms. Darius approached me after a while. “Did you answer his questions? If so, what did he ask?” “Not really. And rather than asking questions, he offered a negotiation.” I stole a look from Mr. Livinston and narrowed my sight on him before whispering to Darius. “Is that even legal?” “Did you agree?” Okay, the way he was looking at me was a mixture of panic, anxiousness, and disbelief. What did he think of me? An i***t or something? “Of course not! Just get me out of here and do not let my father find out about this.” “My apologies, Miss Calypso but it is your father who sent me here. Either way, just sit still and I will take care of everything.” After he said those, he and Livinston left me in the interrogation room all by myself. Even though I was surely going to be released tonight, it already feels like it would be safer here rather than go back home. Who knows what father would do to me? Will he ground me for a month? I shook my head. One month won't be enough. What if he will send me away from this city like what usually happens in movies and dramas? I-It would be so much better if I’d only be grounded for a year though. 10 minutes passed and yet Lawyer Darius did not return. I could only pace back and forth in the room while biting on my fingernails. Damn it. Why does this feel like waiting for my death? Another 10 minutes passed and much to my relief, Darius finally appeared. “Miss Calypso, let me take you back to the mansion. It's already midnight so letting go alone would be dangerous.” I nodded before following his lead. On my way out, Mr. Livinston was glaring at Darius before shifting his gaze at me. “You better keep your guard up, little kid,” he said with a smug face. I just crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out right at him. “Yeah, right.” Before I could totally leave, I saw his complete name just on top of his table. “See you around, Nikolai Lionel Livinston,” I added before rushing out of the police station. Nikolai Lionel Livinston, huh. Right. I did hear that name before, I just couldn't remember. Entering the car, I immediately asked Darius about him. “He is the biological son of Leander Williams and Daphne Levius," Darius replied without looking at me. Leander Williams? Like that guy who owns the Echidna Company and co-owner of that ever successful Oceania Hotel? Then that only means that Nikolai was a damn rich heir. But why did he not take business then? Why the hell was he working as a police officer? “But why does he have a different surname?” I asked. I mean he does not even have the surname of his mother. “It's a long story. But, Miss Calypso, don’t you think you should prepare yourself first to face your father rather than talk about that man?” At that moment, we finally reached home and right at the entrance, I could see my father standing there. It sent a shiver down my spine. Damn… I brought this to myself so I guess… I must face the consequences. Getting out of the car, I slowly walked up the stairs and stood right before my father. He never said a word and simply got inside the mansion. I followed his lead with my heart beating faster than a deer running for its life. It was not usually like this… My father would keep on talking, yelling, and screaming how much of a hard-headed daughter I was, however, his silence was the scariest thing… Ever. Reaching the living room, he sat on the single sofa before looking at me with a blank expression. “Sit,” he demanded. Following his command within seconds, I kept my head down, waiting for the verdict of my punishment. “Did I give you permission to leave the house?” I shook my head. “But did you follow what I said?” I shook my head once more. “You know very well that I am doing this for your own sake and yet you still continue to disobey me. Grounding you is not enough already.” He let out a sigh before giving a signal to one of his men. Only then, he handed me a tablet. “Choose any man that you would like to marry. By tomorrow, tell me and I will have everything arranged for your wedding,” father said. Oh, come on! Here we were again with this issue. “Father, you know I do not like any man that you introduce to me. I have been to probably hundreds of blind dates already but none of them is to my liking. Please, not this again–” “Enough with the complaints! Calypso, I have been tolerant of your misbehaviors for far too long. This time, you have to learn your lesson and behave properly as a wife to your future husband. You choose or be kicked out of the mansion. That is your only choice after getting yourself arrested by the police.” I was in utter disbelief as I watched him turn his back on me. Seeing that he did not want to hear what I have to say, it only means that he could no longer be swayed. Clenching my fist, I stood and claimed, “Then, I will get married like what you have always wanted but let me have Mr. Livinston instead.” Father stopped in his tracks and turned towards my direction. “Mr. Livinston?” I nodded. “Yes. Nikolai Lionel Livinston.”
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