Chapter 17 – Report!

1293 Words

Chapter 17 – Report! Mel 0600 Saturday Morning, October 17th, 2014 I didn’t tell my assistant Holly that I’d be in the office on Saturday. I knew she’d show up at some point during the day just to make sure everything was just so, figuring I’d pop in on Sunday. Holly was a sergeant in her own right and a longtime friend I’d come up through the ranks with. She was the ideal choice to be my right hand when I took over as Sheriff. If I could get in and out before she got here, it would be a coup that I could egg her about for days. I looked at the electronic schedule she kept. Shane Harding, my lead investigator, was due in at 7:00. I left him a message to come up and see me once he got settled then I dived into nearly a weeks’ worth of email. Coming up for air about 6:30, I switched gea

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